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Everything posted by matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

  1. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Tried that. "The Game is currently unavailable" when I do it with the original ArmA. Runs a set up then nothing happens when I try to do it with OA :/
  2. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Trying to get a screenshot but I can't :/
  3. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    I've asked for help with it a few times, basically the issue is that whatever I do - I get kicked with the message "BattlEye stopped responding." I've tried everything, started a few threads and looked up a few - bit I've gotten nowhere :/ Last step of progress I made was doing the manual update, then in game getting all the correct BattlEye messages, but still being kicked for it not responding - so basically I think the problem lies with BattlEye crashing, or something stopping it working correctly - but I can't think what. The only idea I have left to try, is to completely reinstall ArmA and DayZ and start from scratch, although I can't see this making a difference. Cheers
  4. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    BattlEye Failed to Update (Again): Kicked from Game.

    This might sound stupid. But I tried everything else and got nothing. First of all, there is a thread here somewhere, called "BattlEye Fix Steam" or something, which will tell you to put the latest version of BattlEye into three different directories, that gave me a few promising results, so maybe try that. Then - turn off windows Firewall. I got a new message before getting stuck at the Green Loading Screen - "BattlEye updating", it did, it initialized, and I wasn't kicked while waiting in the lobby or anything! So looking good!
  5. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    BattlEye not responding fix (steam users)

    Urgh, no joy for myself. Back to the drawing board, thanks.
  6. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    BattlEye not responding fix (steam users)

    I also don't get it, so we check Launch with Steam, then uncheck it when we join a server?
  7. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Another BattlEye thread..

    I constantly get "You have been kicked (BattlEye client not responding). I've tried all the fixes for it, and it's been this way for ages, took 3 or 4 weeks off away from it, waiting for a update or something, came back, yes, all my files are updated and all in tune. But still, this message keeps coming up and I can't get into the game :/ Even tried connecting to servers that don't require BattlEye, no joy. Really run out of ideas. I haven't tried messing with my router settings, but I really fail to see how my router can possibly be to blame with this. Is there ANY news on a fix from someone official?
  8. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    BattlEye not responding fix (steam users)

    My server .dll is 156k? :/
  9. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Another BattlEye thread..

  10. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Another BattlEye thread..

    Back again, anyone? Still haven't fixed this problem.
  11. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Another BattlEye thread..

  12. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Another BattlEye thread..

    DownStream Connection Speed 11513 kbps UpStream Connection Speed 902 kbps Dunno if this is the right thing.
  13. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Another BattlEye thread..

    What do I do after this? I haven't checked yet, as I forgot the damn login details and my Mum uses her card to pay. So I need to get her card to retrieve my login details..
  14. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Another BattlEye thread..

    Firmware Version 6.14.1a4N_UNI Just checked, seems I have the latest firmware, or more recent to that of your link, but thankyou anyway. I will give disabling any wireless access a go when my Mum is off her freaking laptop for five seconds.
  15. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Another BattlEye thread..

    Ah thanks! Well, without doing this, I have actually managed to get past the BattlEye error. Currently, I copy and paste the .dll files over, and replace. Then I connect to a server, either using DayZ Commander or SixLauncher - I attempt to connect to the selected server, will then fail and be booted as normal, returning to the menu screen of Operation Arrowhead - then I go back into the server browser, connect to a server of my choosing, and it's then fine - however I am now stuck on the seconding loading screen (The one with a green bar and writing). Not sure if updating my firmware will now help me?
  16. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Stuck on last loading screen

    Same problem. Finally fixed my BattlEye issue to now get this one! YEY. BUMP BUMP.
  17. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Another BattlEye thread..

    Okay, now I am getting a "Not whitelisted" message, not sure if thats progress or not..
  18. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Another BattlEye thread..

    Tried waiting, I was kicked off while I waited for the other battleye messages to appear. Well, I'm with Sky, it's a wireless router, but I use the plug adapters with ethernet cables to connect on my desktop. The router is a "Sagecom" I believe. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://helpforum.sky.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/165i7B74444CD3DF87EC/image-size/original%3Fv%3Dmpbl-1%26px%3D-1&imgrefurl=http://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Sky-Broadband-Setup-Cabling/Sagemcom-F-ST2304-Router-Issues/td-p/76041&h=1075&w=1912&sz=174&tbnid=1pPZRBCm5rP4wM:&tbnh=102&tbnw=182&zoom=1&usg=__prEz8ylDv7gQX01UpTNyPLuS4Oo=&docid=25_EgiuJaRlcjM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=O-pVUKXLLuSp0QXnnIHgBw&sqi=2&ved=0CFUQ9QEwBQ&dur=693
  19. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Another BattlEye thread..

    Cheers for the replies, sorry I've been busy with work, so haven't had much time to check back. I will try waiting longer, go and make a coffee and have a smoke or something. Would it bve possible to grabv a guide to how to bypass the router/firewall settings?
  20. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Another BattlEye thread..

    Happens on all servers, I copy and paste the .dll that has been claimed to work, the BattleClient.dll (100Kb in size, I believe 1.66) into the appropriate directorys. I connect, and I see BattlEye initiated pop up in the bottom left, nothing else. I do not get kicked until I join the game. However, doing this last night got me about 40 seconds of gameplay before I got kicked! As for ArmA2 etc, all patched correctly.
  21. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Another BattlEye thread..

    Sorry it's taken so long to reply. No it hasn't always been this way, I can't remember when it started, but I'm sure it just started after a DayZ hotfix. If there is a guide to opening ports for it, I'd be happy - as I am a total nab with routers really.
  22. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Error Fixes

    Anyone any closer to fixing Kicked off, BattlEye stopped responding or whatever? I've tried everything.
  23. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Noob having trouble with updating!

    Yo guys, So it appears since I last played there has been an update, I downloaded what I thought were the updated files etc, but it's still saying "BAd Version". How exactly do you update it? Couldn't see a guide thread. Also, I tried Six Launcher, but it more confused me than anything - so I used that custom made shortcut that was on the forums somewhere.
  24. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Noob having trouble with updating!

    Well, stopped the bad version error. TO get stuck on the waiting for host screen. Guess it's a step closer to playing
  25. matthew.hayes.somerville@gmail.com

    Noob having trouble with updating!

    Well, I've updated Six Launcer and SixUpdater whatever. And that didn't work. Trying to get hold of the latest Beta patch, last one said, "Your version (1.61 (or something)) is more recent" When I try to use your link, it asks for a username and password?