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Everything posted by LumberBack

  1. LumberBack

    Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

    I adapt to how a game is supossed to be played... but thx for your opinion...
  2. LumberBack

    Incentive for not being a bandit?

    clear to say that if you kill more then one survior a day, then you are either bad at the game, or a bandit...
  3. broke my legs for the first time in a very long time today... then again i was overhauld by zombies when looting a chopper site... i find that it only happens when you stand up, if you crouch or crawl you will be fine...
  4. LumberBack

    Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

    yeah because now is not the time to mold the game...? do you really think things are going to change when the product is finnished?
  5. LumberBack

    Make it harder, less loot

    im up for that, i found a chopper site today which had 1 m14, 1 m249 and 2 fal riffles... :o
  6. LumberBack

    Incentive for not being a bandit?

    yes they dont care, is what it all comes down to... but what about the people that do care about the whole survival experience, what about them...
  7. LumberBack

    Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

    Actually what i mean, is people that play fps deathmatch shooters 100% of their time... Do you think they are going to switch their gamestyle...?
  8. LumberBack

    Guns? Why need guns?

    i use melee weapons 99% of the time, so im up for it...
  9. LumberBack

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    when i say slow, in reality i mean as fast as what players can run now... at the moment zombies run twice as fast and then do their stop and move dance when they catch up...
  10. To be fair, you do see the zombies before they see you... just dont run right into them...
  11. LumberBack

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    yup, hords of harder to kill and slower zombies gets my vote. played on SE3 today which was stresstesting the patch, it had over 1500+ zombies, didnt feel any slowdowns what so ever.
  12. LumberBack

    Incentive for not being a bandit?

    I like it, like they are going crazy and need their medication...
  13. LumberBack

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    I hear you man, but too bad that you are sinking to their level instead...
  14. LumberBack

    Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

    yup, sadly the crazy hype that this mod has gotten, has brought in the worst type of gamers...
  15. zombies are a lot more aware of their surroundings, as it should be... now if they didnt run like olympic sprinters, it wouldnt be so bad... lol Still need to play some more before I make up my mind if I like it or not... Have to add, that ive been playing the patch, so it might be different...
  16. LumberBack

    What do you think about non-hive servers?

    would be awesome, a new adventure everytime you connect.
  17. LumberBack

    Incentive for not being a bandit?

    yeah they toke this out...
  18. LumberBack

    Incentive for not being a bandit?

    No, this was directed to the first reply in this thread... I made a thread about a bandit fix, and then a dev starts to talk about stats too, its too funny, specially when this dev is now spawnkilling people in electro...
  19. I dont know why you bring up the gear all the time, all that is needed for these guys to start doing what they are doing 24/7 is picking up an axe...
  20. LumberBack

    Going far up north, whats the point?

    you wont get shot at as often...
  21. LumberBack

    Incentive for not being a bandit?

    dont you just love it, when you actually play the game and realise that everybody you run into will shoot at you, then someone in a forum brings up some stats and says it aint so...
  22. wouldnt you think a dev of the game, would atleast try to play the game differently? specially when he say "to me" that this isnt just about dethmatch...
  23. it doesnt matter if they got gear or not, if they can kill someone they will, even if the other person has any gear or not... just listen to these two, its all about who shall we kill now etc...
  24. LumberBack

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    the title is funny, because it was mostly the snipers using the thermal scope to see where new spawned players pop up...