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Everything posted by LumberBack

  1. most "pvping" these days is just griefing, i mean what other reason is there for killing someone that is unarmed, and has a empty backpack... people get off on shooting someone that cant shoot back?
  2. i did this all the time, marking everything i see for others to loot, now i could care less, as they would shoot me dead as soon as they would get me in their view...
  3. LumberBack

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    http://thewarz.com/ who has signed up?
  4. LumberBack

    Why use tents?

    you use tents so you can have all your stuff back when dieing... which is against the whole point of the game... tents should vanish as soon as your character dies...
  5. people dont use the ingame maps anyhow, if they do its just for waypoints...
  6. LumberBack

    Feeling A little Awful.

    more likely he stops playing the game or start using hacks...
  7. I blame bandits and other lowlife griefers... hell im not even sad about the hackers...
  8. LumberBack

    Dayz Current State is Game Over

    they guy is right though, nobody fears death... And yes i know its a video game...
  9. LumberBack

    Zombies? What zombies? This is pure PvP.

    Not really, there are a shitload of players that all they want to do is shoot some zombies...
  10. LumberBack

    Zombies? What zombies? This is pure PvP.

    the impact the zombies have, is that i dont shoot them at all, as that will get me killed by some sniper hiding in the woods...
  11. so what you are saying, is that you shot first...
  12. just observe the guy, then leave... better off playing alone anyways, wont agro zombies that way...
  13. LumberBack


    talking about missing something... when watching people stream dayz, they have a clicking sound when selecting stuff in their gear... I always wondered why i dont have that feature, i have the steam version...
  14. what i find funny/sad is that the "griefers/trolls/bandits" dont realise that its thanks to them that there are so many hackers... stats dont tell anything... ofcourse there are going to be more survivors listed, as bandits die a hell of a lot more(becasue they play deathmatch 24/7)...
  15. LumberBack

    Helicopters removed?

    yup im pretty sure they toke them out because once you have one, you can basiclly find all other vehicles in less then an hour...
  16. LumberBack

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    hell im game, nobody uses snipers on zombies anyhow...
  17. LumberBack

    Did I do the right thing?

    bleeding stops by itslef...
  18. let me make it more clearly for you... if the game is just another generic shooter with added wonky zombies then no... I got a lot of shit for saying bf3 was a complete failure when it was in alpha stage, and yeah, who plays that game today...
  19. LumberBack

    This is how you deal with Bandit Snipers.

    man that was some bad sniping... the ones that shoot me usally do it right to my head... anyways, was that a thermal on a as550, are they even in the game....
  20. if the game is as it is now, then no...
  21. snipers, mostly with 50 cal...
  22. thx for the info... no point in going to villages/towns anymore then...
  23. LumberBack

    The one thing i hate about Dayz

    why the hurry to nw airfield?
  24. LumberBack


    great, then everyone knows what is wrong with the game, awesome!
  25. funny how people blame a forum for their shitty ways... i cant stand the whole, its just a game, its just the internet, its just your mom... type of views on life... its just sanbox, so i can be a big douch... guess that is what happens when kids are aloud out of their homes...