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Beck (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Beck (DayZ)

  1. Wow! 16 players, a lot of people must want to kill me!
  3. This one time at bandit camp...
  4. The server is hosted in Dallas
  5. Looking for some new players!
  6. Beck (DayZ)

    Better DayZ Harlem Shake (Not a stupid hack)

    Looks like it. Personally I like the part where the guy walks behind the bus and then I think he is the one who ends up crashing the heli.
  7. Beck (DayZ)

    Awesome private hive, needs players

    Good point, I'm not one to lie so here's the truth. I have been telling several of the players on my server to go post on the forums. I just noticed they posted this, Wheatley and Star just created the accounts. If you would like to meet these members hop on my teamspeak. Satan has been playing with us for awhile and I sent him a message after he posted on the forums looking for a group. If you need any further explanation I'd be happy to answer any questions you have. TS IP: becks-privateers.com:9995 PS: If you would have taken time to look at the player list on the server you would have seen wheatley and Star playing.
  8. Just respawned ALL dead vehicles.