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Beck (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Beck (DayZ)

  1. Beck (DayZ)

    The Best Dayz Private Hive Server!

    Thanks for the post trevor!
  2. http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  3. Beck (DayZ)

    Need some help

    He isn't launching the game with the mod enabled...
  4. Beck (DayZ)

    Need a new server like "Gb wireworld"

    Yeah! All you private hives out there need to get anti-hacks so that no one gets accused of hacking! We all know that the hackers can't hack with anti-cheats on our servers! I mean seriously, NONE of these private hives get, or invest any money into anti-cheats! Facts: -Private hives run anti-cheats -Hackers hack on private hives with anti-cheats -Battleye doesn't do its job If a private hive is to protect itself, sometimes the right thing to do is to ban people. I'm not saying they should have banned you, but I'm sure they had reason. If your story is true than I would probably never set foot on that server again, but don't go on the forums and act like there isn't a list of private hives that have anti-cheats enabled... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/64-private-hive-discussion/ Try looking for one that says they run anti-cheats if you really think that is the issue.
  5. Beck (DayZ)

    My Server [Hacker FREE] *New*

    Count down to next hacker joining this server...
  6. Beck (DayZ)

    LF someone to play DayZ with!

    Hop on our TS3 server! becks-privateers.com:9995
  7. Beck (DayZ)

    Fire in the stand alone.

    I would like them to fix the issues with the whole world catching on fire after a heli crashes in cherno...
  8. Beck (DayZ)

    My Epic server with atomatic gun shop!

    If there are no zombies, it is not dayz... Go install wasteland.
  9. Beck (DayZ)

    Haven't Played For Months, On CBL.

  10. Beck (DayZ)

    Great Group to Run With

    Loving these double digits in teamspeak and on our server!
  11. Beck (DayZ)

    New user... how do I invert my 360 controller?

    Lulzsec photo...
  12. Beck (DayZ)

    Banned For No Reason!

  13. Beck (DayZ)

    DayZ and Skype

    Teamspeak makes DayZ fun, Skype makes DayZ lag. http://teamspeak.com/
  14. Decent amount of players on, join us for some DayZ fun!
  15. Beck (DayZ)

    I'm Confused Please Help.

    If you are on a chernarus server, you are on chernarus. If you are on a namalsk server you are on namalsk. If you want to play Namalsk download it through DayZ commander and the find a Namalsk server. http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  16. Beck (DayZ)

    Looking for Clan, North American Pref.

    Hey check out Beck's Privateers, we have a teamspeak and a private hive. Join us anytime, we are always looking for new friends! Here is our recruitment post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/120268-bp-becks-privateers-recruitment-open-mature-noob-friendly/ TS IP: becks-privateers.com:9995 Website: becks-privateers.com
  17. Beck (DayZ)

    Great Group to Run With

    Hey Razor, thanks for the post I really appreciate it! I would be more than happy to sponsor you if you wanted to join BP, you have been a great team mate in game and out of game!
  18. Beck (DayZ)

    Arma III Alpha lite [ GIVE AWAY ]

    Looking for a copy if anyone has it! http://steamcommunity.com/id/lcb19/