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Beck (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Beck (DayZ)

  1. Beck (DayZ)

    DayZ Stream

  2. Beck (DayZ)

    Origins Team setup

    Should have seen it before the edit ;)
  3. In default DayZ you can not build houses. You can make bases in other mods of the mod.
  4. Looking for more friends on our private hive!
  5. You just showed me that I wouldn't want to team up with you if you think you can judge somebody like that.
  6. Beck (DayZ)

    Need a clan

    Sent you a PM
  7. Server is pretty low population right now. Hop on and experience our private hive for yourself!
  8. Changed to Day/Night cycle for the weekend!
  9. Beck (DayZ)

    Namalsk, can it be edited to 60 players?

    Depends on your server provider. You should discuss it with them. Usually it comes down to how much money you are paying...
  10. Beck (DayZ)

    DayZ: Welcome to Chernarus. An Amateur Story

    Shhhhh! The mods aren't here yet!
  11. Beck (DayZ)

    Searching for a Server

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/64-private-hive-discussion/ Btw Balota Buddies doesn't have 15 people...
  12. Beck (DayZ)

    The New World Order

    Last summer there was a clan called NWO. Pretty popular on DayZ, I was part of it. I don't know where you got this name from but it's already known to some of the DayZ community... It's funny because the website for NWO was nwogaming.com. They no longer exist so I'm glad someone took up the name.
  13. Beck (DayZ)

    Looking for a team

    Check us out man. We are looking for mature members. Hop on our teamspeak sometime becks-privateers.com:9995 Website: http://becks-privateers.com/ Recruitment Thread: http://dayzmod.com/f...-noob-friendly/ Servers: http://dayzmod.com/f...ay-3pon-sideon/
  14. Beck (DayZ)

    Looking for a clan!

    Hop on our teamspeak sometime becks-privateers.com:9995 Website: http://becks-privateers.com/ Recruitment Thread: http://dayzmod.com/f...-noob-friendly/ Servers: http://dayzmod.com/f...ay-3pon-sideon/