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Beck (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Beck (DayZ)

  1. You shouldn't have to do anything, it should all be done for you. Email support, they should be able to help. http://dayz.st/contact
  2. Beck (DayZ)

    DayZ Game Theme for Google Chrome

    I use this one: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dayz-theme/ghjlgemheiifgmffahbkacgajijlimcc?hl=en
  3. Beck (DayZ)

    Where to ask permission to alter dayz files?

    Check this out: https://support.dayzmod.com/submitticket.php Community Management - Matters relating to fan generated or managed material (i.e. Community Management matters) should be directed here
  4. Beck (DayZ)

    Hear the flies, body is missing. (V1.7.2.4)

    TL;DR If you log off as soon as you die (almost instantly) you will automatically hide your body.
  5. Beck (DayZ)

    Squadplay compilation

    Awesome video, what mod are you playing? Must not be Vanilla.
  6. Beck (DayZ)

    How am i meant to play?

    DayZ LARP
  7. Beck (DayZ)

    Limit the fuel!

    Loot tables should be controlled on a global scale throughout the game and the games hive, as well as server resets, would make it easier for them to control the flow of loot.
  8. Beck (DayZ)

    How am i meant to play?

    You need to update your beta. You can do this by updating your "Arma 2" in DayZ commander. Check out this picture: Isn't that devil think cool? I found it on google :D
  9. Beck (DayZ)

    Pistol damage is STILL broken

    I think 100% headshot is the only way a zombie apocalypse game should be. I think it would be nice to see a game where zombies lose limbs, or become injured to a point, but don't die unless hit in the head. Edit to the title of your topic: "Pistol damage is still broken" AND ALWAYS WILL BE.
  10. Beck (DayZ)

    DayZ Website idea

    lol, it's not the same without it built into a chat box on the main page. We should definately make it more public somehow. All the time I've been on the forums I haven't even heard of an IRC.
  11. Beck (DayZ)

    a epic server

    Nice to see a constructive response.
  12. Beck (DayZ)

    DayZ Website idea

    Check this out. We need this on the DayZ website! http://robertsspaceindustries.com/star-citizen-live-chat/
  13. Beck (DayZ)

    Quick question about tents...

    If you are on a server with you are good to go with tents as long as your scroll and save tent while looking at it when you're done.
  14. Beck (DayZ)

    My Dayz won't load properly, help!

    ^Fraggle knows what's up. It is an issue with your dayz_code.pbo inyour @DayZ/Addons directory.
  15. Beck (DayZ)

    My Dayz won't load properly, help!

    This is currently an issue with the steam version of the dayz mod. I would suggest getting DayZ commander and using that instead. http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  16. Beck (DayZ)

    Public Hive Character Reset

    You joined a private hive server. Try and find one with @hive in the addons.
  17. TL;DR Skipped to puppies.
  18. Hey guys, the past few days my teamspeak has been randomly disconnecting players for about half a second every 30 minutes or so. I'm looking for some troubleshooting techniques. My TS3 server is currently connected to a database I recently reinstalled strawberry perl (don't know if this matters) It has very few people active. If you need anymore information that could help you leave me a reply and I will add it.
  19. Beck (DayZ)

    Teamspeak Server Disconnecting

    Issue seemed to have resolved itself.
  20. Beck (DayZ)

    Can't play game anymore after update

    This is an issue with the servers BE script restrictions. Give them time and they will clean them up. For now you should just go down the list and find a server that doesn't kick you.
  21. Beck (DayZ)

    The battle for skalka

    The people on side chat can't spell... No beans for talking shit on side chat.
  22. Beck (DayZ)

    No info under "news" tab on front page

    Brb, posting a news thread.