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Beck (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Beck (DayZ)

  1. Beck (DayZ)

    It's too late For Dayz.

    Inb4 "Fanboy" insults.
  2. Beck (DayZ)

    Trashpicker and Shoemoney! Feedback on Videos

    I can hear you breathing.
  3. Beck (DayZ)

    The Release Date for Dayz Standalone

    The guys watching the updates on the SA from the steam DayZ beta will prolly flip a shit before it's even public on steam...
  4. No. Battleye doesn't globally ban you for your "bad desync". It bans players who are detected running scripts. You must have had your key stolen, no connection issue would cause you to receive a global ban.
  5. Beck (DayZ)

    Accepted Keys Error

    You need to find a way to launch the game with just DayZ, this is one reason I would suggest switching over to DayZCommander. It is made for just dayz, and you shouldn't get these conflicts.
  6. Beck (DayZ)

    Accepted Keys Error

    Don't use Play With Six... The issue is that you launched the game with CBA (Community based addons) and the server doesn't accept that mod.
  7. Beck (DayZ)

    Got a server need a player base

    Don't we all...
  8. Before you make a video on something like this you should definately look into the topic. It seems like you aren't familiar with many of the settings you're are discussing.
  9. Beck's Privateers ===Anti-Cheats=== Battleye TSW Sporkulus Anti-hax ===Anti-Cheats=== ---Beck's Chernarus 2.2--- * Auto-Refuel* *Remove Parts From Vehicles* *Custom Buildings* (With loot) Barracks and industrial added at NEA, more to come. *New Loading Screen* SERVER SETTINGS: 3 Anti-Cheats (1 payed) As of 3/15/2013: 46 Choppers 253 Vehicles (Includes Choppers) 50% Vehicle respawn chance each night 3rd Person: On Side Chat: On Nameplates: Off Deathmessages: On Chernarus: We have many clans operating on our server. If you are looking for a clan you should join our teamspeak and see which one fits your playstyle/playtime. Active Clans: [bP] Beck's Privateers Recruitment Thread =SP= Server Pirates [C] Crusaders [EV] El Varden Recruitment Thread {NV} Nathan-Viper
  10. I added, debug monitor, and auto-refuel.
  11. I noticed that as well... Thought it was just messed up and he had a CZ.
  12. Inb4 complaints about it being OP.
  13. Go to a crashed heli site, take a picture, then crop out the HUD with paint. (You can hide the crosshairs by dropping your weapon)
  14. Not a global ban, maybe a server ban. That's not how it works.
  15. Reddit is Rockets hometown. The one thing I hate the most about Reddit, was from the dev blog where they had the mods from Reddit testing SA. "So what do you think about the game, how can we improve?" *Crickets*
  16. Beck (DayZ)

    Nerf the zombies a bit?

    I like the mod atm, I hear a TON of bitching about the loot and the zombies... I think it's perfect the way it is. Why don't we just remove the zombies completely if people think they shouldn't be a threat...
  17. Beck (DayZ)

    It happend again?

    That is a server ban. You need to get in contact with the admin of the server.
  18. That means the first thing you would need to do is find a radio. XD
  19. Beck (DayZ)

    where dayz can be played

  20. Where did all the cars go? I guess they just magically blow up on the side of the road in hundreds as soon as a zombie is spotted.
  21. Beck (DayZ)

    Private Hive Topic Mayhem

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/12-troubleshooting/ should be used for support, whether it is private hive, public hive, or client.