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Beck (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Beck (DayZ)

  1. Beck (DayZ)

    Profile name help

    What the hell?
  2. Beck (DayZ)

    New intro to my ongoing series, ratings ? :)) [Video]

    Too long.
  3. Beck (DayZ)

    Profile name help

    http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=15340 It doesn't seem possible unless you rename your PC :\ Although, I feel like there is a way you can go into the files to edit it. Maybe someone else has experience with this?
  4. Beck (DayZ)

    PBO Server issue HELP!!!

    The name of your PBO needs to be changed for DayZ.st. Edit: Nevermind, I just looked at your dropbox. Before the .pbo wasn't showing up for me. The name is correct.
  5. Beck (DayZ)

    DAYZ STANDALONE - Doodle Rant

  6. Beck (DayZ)

    Dayz portforwarding

    I drawed you a picture. http://ipaddr.es/what-is-my-private-ip.php Also check this out: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-networking/how-to-open-ports-with-windows-7/235b30b1-9be2-4e55-94fc-201aff8f0809
  7. Beck (DayZ)

    The Friendly Test

    Good video.
  8. Beck (DayZ)

    So I was crab walking...

    He probably thought your were a zombie.
  9. Beck (DayZ)

    Help at specs,

  10. Beck (DayZ)

    Renting a server

    If you go to the "Server General" section of the forums you can find advertisements for different providers, as well as many reviews. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/16-server-general/
  11. Beck (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Holy shit? Post on the mod forums, what a novel idea... Damn, I'm saucy today.
  12. Beck (DayZ)

    I'd like to see trains in DayZ

    I wouldn't.
  13. Beck (DayZ)

    DayZ Low FPS in cities.

    What mod are you running? Some mods can be more demanding than others, but in general your FPS will drop significantly when in a city (because there is more going on).
  14. Beck (DayZ)

    Dayz Origins

    Inb4 Grammar Nazi's.
  15. Beck (DayZ)

    R4ZOR Soda?

    Imagined your profile picture saying this.
  16. Beck (DayZ)

    Can i run DayZ on a Windows 8 PC?

    Windows 2008 server is the best OS.
  17. Beck (DayZ)

    R4ZOR Soda?

    How about some:
  18. Beck (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

  19. Beck (DayZ)

    The Rejected

  20. Beck (DayZ)

    Need Help Modding own server

    Join my teamspeak: becks-privateers.com
  21. You probably don't have DayZ installed, or aren't running it. Could you please elaborate on this "something" error?
  22. Beck (DayZ)

    Your favorite high populated server?

    Personally I like Bob's 2000 vehicles and insta-spawn with AS50, run to cherno, and deathmatch 4 lyfe server.
  23. Beck (DayZ)

    How to increase fps?!

    Where is the "Take Beans" button?