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Beck (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Beck (DayZ)

  1. Beck (DayZ)

    Ever Saw 25+ friendlies in one area? Now you have! :D

    You called us DT? :( We are BP...
  2. Beck (DayZ)

    death by sea

    Sorry if you thought I was trying to be a dick but I genuinely could not understand what you were saying. If you could use google translate that would be great. PS: Also stop using numbers, it looks like a high school girls text message.
  3. Beck (DayZ)

    death by sea

  4. Beck (DayZ)

    Can someone explain..

  5. Beck (DayZ)

    Ever Saw 25+ friendlies in one area? Now you have! :D

    lol... At the end one of my members just started running and it caused a mob mentality. BTW, I was the one who suggested "Train to berenzino". That was a lot of fun. Also: http://www.twitch.tv/tiredtortoise/b/504292583 Skip to 2:30:00
  6. Posts complaining about death due to bugs in an alpha game, then calls out people for making duplicate threads
  7. Beck (DayZ)

    FRANKIEonPCin1080p's latest standalone episode = so much win

    Don't turn this into a "Frankie is a hacker" discussion... The mods will poop on you. (Even though he is)
  8. Beck (DayZ)

    Basic Melee

    You can easily loot an entire city with a trail of 10 zombies on you if you know which buildings will get you cornered.
  9. Beck (DayZ)

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    ... Saying that the people who don't judge an alpha game (that is already very successful) as a failure are stupid...
  10. Beck (DayZ)

    F*8k your car I got a horse outside

    Oh tru
  11. Beck (DayZ)

    Un-poisoning yourself

    Drink a ton of water and make yourself throw up.
  12. Beck (DayZ)

    Another post about weapons and loot.

    Put a bow an arrow in the game (NOT A CROSSBOW PLEASE) and you can make the weapon spawns as rare as you want them. Give me a bow!
  13. Beck (DayZ)

    Never Drop Anything on Stairs

    Yeah, I've lost backpacks and guns, but I learned my lesson after the first few times :) What game are you playing BTW, Quake?
  14. Beck (DayZ)

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    The DayZ forum has gone to shit... Why do people make posts like this? How about the title be "How DayZs loot tables could be improved". Not "This game sucks and it will fail". People are stupid...
  15. Beck's Privateers After the zombies are cleaned up, after the world has been freed of this plague, who will be the ones to govern this planet? We will be the ones to protect the people, but first we must protect them from themselves. The few remaining survivors on Chernarus are barbaric. They fight over military weapons. Weapons we could use to protect the people. A new army of privateers is being sent in to clean up this island and recover what remains of civilization. Will you join us? TS IP: Rules: 1.Do not kill privateers 2. Do not kill anyone on teamspeak 3. No hacking Fill out an application and reply on this forum thread: In Game Name: Position (Sniper, Rifleman, Machine Gunner, Medic): Past experience (Ranges from past clans, time playing DayZ, real life military experience): Microphone (Yes/No): Teamspeak (Yes/No): Link to steam account (Optional): Guid (Optional for when I get XML):
  16. Beck (DayZ)


    Srsly? My character just got deleted. Oh my gosh...
  17. Beck (DayZ)

    DayZ Server Owner looking for Scripter

    If you can't figure out how to add scripts to a server you shouldn't be running a server. http://opendayz.net/
  18. Beck (DayZ)

    Character keeps going prone! please help

    Make a splint out of sticks and rags.
  19. Beck (DayZ)

    Have you/have you not seen a hacker?

    431 Hours logged. No hackers seen. A LOT of combat loggers though (even after the update).
  20. Beck (DayZ)

    Is DayZ quite playable now?

    Totes Playable
  21. Beck (DayZ)

    The current implementation of the logout timer is trollish.

    They would need a penalty for logging out with the old pull the plug or Alt-F4.
  22. Beck (DayZ)

    The current implementation of the logout timer is trollish.

    How the fuck am I supposed to meet up with my team when they are on another server?
  23. Beck (DayZ)

    In-game sound needs to be re-worked

    ^This. I heard they hired a full time sound guy. Bee Tee Dubs ALPHER
  24. Beck (DayZ)

    What will make you play the alpha again?

    The game is perfect right now! Although if they keep adding these kiddie backpacks it will turn into hello kitty island...