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Beck (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Beck (DayZ)

  1. Because sometimes people want to play on particular servers.
  2. Beck (DayZ)

    Arma 3 like grouping system

    I would think seeing the color of someones shirt would be easier then picking out facial features... I don't think character customization will make any sort of difference in the heat of battle.
  3. Beck (DayZ)

    Arma 3 like grouping system

    I have never seen two people wearing the exact same clothing.
  4. Beck (DayZ)

    Arma 3 like grouping system

    This will never be implemented. Why don't you just learn what your friends are wearing and then you don't need ridiculous floating name tags or notifiers. If you can't keep track of what you and other people are wearing in a firefight then you will have "blue on blue", and that's exactly how it should be.
  5. Beck (DayZ)

    Ok... So your friendly... BOOM!

    What the fuck did I just read?
  6. Beck (DayZ)

    The CZ 550

    I'm pretty sure the Mosin replaced the CZ.
  7. Beck (DayZ)

    Combine Chernarus & Utes

    They said they would do it, they even had pictures at some point...
  8. Beck (DayZ)

    Gear up, then suicide - the cycle of Day z

    It should be red. But I think that the OP does have points that should be up for discussion (Even though most these things have been discussed a million times on here).
  9. Beck (DayZ)

    Banned/Falseley banned

    Free posts?
  10. Beck (DayZ)

    Specific Castle Loot

    I would have stolen that shit long before a zombie apocalypse.
  11. Beck (DayZ)

    the bleeding systems to simple

    Bullet wounds should be way different as well.
  12. Rocket said he wouldn't be added scripted events like dead survivor bodies with zombie around them (helicopter crashes). He wants the game to be fully player scripted events. Zombies are infected people, not undead, so finding a zombie crawling on the floor would be very rare because it would have had to have been a person who couldn't walk before getting infected.
  13. Beck (DayZ)

    Come get some! Kill on Sight expected and encouraged!

    How is this server different from the rest? (Btw, free bump)
  14. Beck (DayZ)

    Devblog 24 th Feb 2014

    Inb4 graveyard.
  15. I've seen 6. 475 hours. One day...
  16. Beck (DayZ)

    help me in doubt !

    Your character isn't getting deleted he's getting killed because a duplicate is left after you disconnect.
  17. Beck (DayZ)


    His avatar describes him completely. Troll
  18. Beck (DayZ)

    Impossible to be "Friendly" in this game. Resorted to Banditry.

    It would be impossible to count the amount of times I have been screwed over by people in this game. It's almost as difficult as trying to figure out how many hours I've played this game and the mod. But it would also be impossible to count how many people I successfully helped without them screwing me over, without them killing me on sight, I stuck with the "hard mode"in this game which no doubt is the play style that puts you at risk the most but also shows that you have valuable morals and care about other people playing the game enough not to ruin what they worked for.
  19. Beck (DayZ)

    Impossible to be "Friendly" in this game. Resorted to Banditry.

    You aren't trying hard enough. Also gave you considered not getting your self into situations that will get you killed? Like killing people on sight for instance or "trying to be friendly". How about instead of killing someone and screwing them over you just avoid them. by the way, if you are playing friendly and haven't joined up with a group yet then that is your own fault.
  20. Beck (DayZ)


    "Practically Special Forces" http://becks-privateers.com/
  21. Beck (DayZ)


    It was a play on this video by PC gamer.
  22. Beck (DayZ)

    Visual Ideas

    You should not be able to naturally heal a broken leg in this game because in reality if you broke your leg in a zombie apocalypse you would starve or get eaten by zombies before your injuries had a chance to heal.