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Posts posted by specterm

  1. So I have to ask.... You have this small fleet of vehicles.... But you ran around the map looking for more vehicles?

    So what, you needed more vehicles to not use?

    Again.. Its more to learn the system more than anything. When do vehicles spawn back to their original spawns? Whats the point of having the map that indicates vehicle spawns when they never spawn there?

    Think about it. Lets say when the hive is reset or the server is brand new the vehicle spawns at one of the designated areas. When do they spawn back?

    1. We know that when a player dies that saved the vehicle last it has NO effect on the vehicle.

    2. We know when the vehicle blows up it has NO effect on the vehicle spawn, as it will spawn right back in the same spot when the server restarts.

    3. We know that the vehilce position will save in the last place the vehicle is stopped.

    4.... So when does the vehicle make it back to the original spawn?

    Wait a day or 2 for them to spawn. Just because you put a server up doesn't mean EVERY vehicle spawn will have a vehicle there. You may have to wait longer. Some players will server hop vehice spawn locations to get one. That could've happened too. Other than wait, there is nothing you can do but get lucky.

    we didnt update our server for 48hours thinking that would effect vehicle spawns too, because no one would be using them for 2 days.But that had no effect either so whats the deal?

  2. I think its more to learn the system than anything. Vehicles explode and when the server restarts they appear exactly where they blew up. Not to mention if your driving a vehicle and the server starts randomly the vehicle will respawn where it was last stopped.

    And people can criticize vehicle hoarding all you want. But the lack of vehicles is why they get hoarded. If there was some sort of transportation around every corner they wouldnt get hoarded.

    But then the devs would have to fix how easy it is to duplicate weapons on vehicle resave.

  3. I'm the server owner and we have the Ural, a Hatchback, 2 bikes and 1 motorbike.

    In an effort to try to find more vehicles a group of 5 of us just spent 4.5 hours on foot running through all the vehicle spawn points located on the http://dayzdb.com/map

    We were not able to hit all of the vehicle spawns obviously, but we did hit about 10 of them. We came up with ZERO vehicles.

    Cmon... this is rediculous. This is not new. This is an every day occurance.

    I am 90percent confident that some of the vehicles may be bugged, spawned outside of the map, or forgotten in the lost wilderness somewhere.

    I heard stories of server companies re-setting the vehicle spawns. But our company said they can not do that.

    What can I do?

  4. Ok, you want tanks in game. How about attack choppers, fighters, ground attack planes and a couple of warships. I mean theres a decent size military airfield so there must be military aircraft, and theres a sea/ocean so ships would be fine as well.

    Would instantly ruin the game imo.

    So.. Zombies cant drive the cars, but they can walk away from helicopter crash sites? meaning they can fly helicopters? And yet the zombies are the only ones that can actually find the damn choppers cause other wise they just dont exist.

    UMMMM>>> this game is getting dumber and dumber.

  5. Id like to know why tanks dont exist?

    You know the movie "I am legend"

    The guy pretty much has his pick of whatever vehicle he wants to drive. Hes like the last living guy and everyone else is just zombies.

    Isnt that the same thing DayZ is trying to get accross? Surely there has got to be some car dealerships that have some vehicles in stock.

    And Tanks! Cmon. Its gotta be pretty tough for a zombie to destroy a tank. Why in DayZ would there be none left?

  6. Why is it so fricking hard to get a gun on this game. Today I just got done picking up a gun for once I was excited to go "try to hunt" since I finally had the tools for it. Only to get killed with in 2 seconds of picking it up. Finally find another gun, bandaging my self real quick so I can pick it up. Finish poof gone! WTF is wrong with this game and entire city of buildings and there's only like 3 fucking things you can pick up? Really out did it on this game... That's for sure.

    I feel your pain! I pretty much have every gun known in the game saved up in my Ural. I was up in white mountain I think it is.. there is a very tall radio tower. I started to climb the ladder got half way up and a zombie was climbing down. He beat me a couple times and wounded me so I started to bleed. I thought my best chance would be to climb back down and shoot him. On my way down I fell un-consous and the zombie killed me. Thats after 8 days surviving and close to 700Zombie kills.

    I ran back to base and re-suplied with the necessities so within 20 minutes I was up and running again. Decided to make a run for the north east where a buddy passed over a guillie suit and a M4A1 Halo SD. Stuck it in a tent and saved it. Logged off and today I spawned in. Got the gun and ran for 2 minutes in the middle of the woods and got shot dead.

    Man I have never played a stupider game in my life. Yes it has exciting moments, but they are far and in between. This game is nothing more than a time consuming WASTE.

  7. Ryahn, I just want to thank you for your professionalism and patience when dealing with all this. I realize your new to the HFB crew and I hope that you guys get a break soon and figure out what the issue is as I'm sure that

    it will fix many of these problems in one click of a button.

    Our server restarted along with all the other 400+ servers that cycled through restarts and roughly a half hour after the restart we joined and sadly are still experiencing desync issues. I know you guys are doing your best.

    Thanks for the attention to server "US 415" ;)

  8. Guys, I'm posting here because I'm sitting around aimlessly hoping my HFB server gets fixed tonight and I just got word that the issues may not get worked out till Tuesday. The server is Unplayable at this point so I'm looking for something to kill the time.

    Before DayZ I was playing a game called "All Points Bulletin: Reloaded"

    This game is Amazing! and Most importantly its FREE!!

    If your interested in finding something to kill some time download APB .

    If you chose enforcer playing Joker(EAST) add me to your friends list. My character name is TiffanyAmber

  9. I will probably have to pull the files off my server, as I dont see to be having any problems with my dedicated server. Thanks for pointing it out.

    Ryahn. Thank you for speaking with us on the issues we are having. I just jumped into your server and loaded incredibly fast. Please adjust "US 415" to match what your server is running.

    We also need help.

    Thank you

  10. k. first.. own arma2 combined operations and make sure you start each one at least once to allow registry info to enter.

    then download the six updater.

    update it.. then launch your six launcher find a compatible server and join it! easy peazy
