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Posts posted by specterm

  1. I figured out why the player count is dropping. PRIVATE SERVERS!!

    It was so much fun working with my clan mates last night to acquire the helicopter and establish a camp with vehicles. Its even nicer to know that when we get back everything will still be there.

    Log back into our server that is connected to the hive this morning and my ATV is stolen and my tent is dumped.

    FK the hive.

  2. So your complaining about hacks, yet, your using a hacked weapon. LOL

    YUP. Why is there something wrong with that? I have been told many times that this is not a bannable offence. Its not like im the one hacking them.

    Im not complaining about about duping meat. Nor am I complaining about duping tents, or duping weapons, or server restarting to get vehicles back..

    Im complaining about logging into a server and dying. Day 8. 30 so hours of game play.. and a bug makes you die. Or a hack. Who knows. Thats my beef!

  3. Unfortunately I feel the same way as the OP. the game is great on paper, but with this engine and the way it is being exploited left and right...I don't care what your argument is for it being an Alpha...it can't be fixed in its current engine...ever. I really love the game, but it is getting boring doing the same thing over and over, only to be hacked or glitched or killed by a server hopper or what have you. I have enjoyed my legit deaths as I could say, "well done, you got me, fair and square" (which far outweigh the hacked ones...including a few thunderdome hacks/server nukes). But those unfair deaths have left a mark in my mind, what could I have done if I hadn't died and wasted hours upon hours getting geared up and teamed up with clan-mates only to die again?

    I'm not saying I'm leaving, but man, we as gamers need more to do in this game then just run for hours, encounter someone and die.

    Well said patterson. I guess the better way to say what I want is.... Im done beta testing for dayZ.. Let me know when the real thing comes out thats not on arma2 engine.

  4. Can I have your loot ?

    Dude!! I have got some loot for you.

    I have a M4 Halo CCO SD with 3 SD mags. I have a Thermal sniper.. Not even sure of the name of it, Ssomething or another. And you can have them mags. I find this crap off of ppl I kill isnt it cool? I got NV . goggles. Coyotee pack, gilly, whatever dude just take it.

  5. I know its in alpha and I hope that my feedback helps the devs.

    I have been incredibly addicted to this game and I dont know why.

    1. I run for hours, drive for hours. Still have no idea what Im looking for. Having stuff and killing zombies is overshadowed by bandits that use cheats to get whatever they want, whenever they want and kill you. The bugs in this game give any player that learns them a HUGE advantage over beginners and yet the devs consistently make it more difficult for newer players. what is the point in searching for food and drink when you know the infinite food bug. Not to mention if your health goes down you can eat just 1 piece of meat over and over again till your health is back up.

    2. The introduction of the helicopter was huge and got me excited to play DayZ again, but once the hackers blew up the chopper after roughly 5 hours of use It sucked all life out of me. 7 Days to get it back? ugh.

    3. For 7 days I contributed to base building. vehicle hording. in a locked down town that was so bugged out with barbed wire glitches it basically made the game unplayable. We were able to hold off several invasions of our town, but the second the team got their buddies together they just all piled up in one server at the same spot. joined ours and wiped us out. Where is the fun in that? When player server jump to catch you by surprise and spawn rape you.

    4. Our helicopter was supposed to spawn in last night. I was in the server for 5 hours just watching the spawn point with night vision goggles. I sat and watched while at least 4 server jumpers spawned in, ran past the chopper site and exited the server. Had I gotten in a shoot out with them, more than likely they would have alt + f4'd and If I died I didnt want to miss the opportunity to get the chopper back in case it spawned so i sat silent. waiting. Nothing! This morning I woke up and logged in. Guess what! I died upon spawning into the map. I respawned in a bug zone. I aborted and came back in cherno with all my gear and weapons still in tact. Serisously? WTF? Should I assume the people that were in the sever were cheaters? or is it a game bug?

    5. Ran up to one of my known vehicle locations and drove up to solnichney. repaired the truck, filled up the jerry cans. saved it. a guy joined the server. Figured I would look for the UAZ up at black lake, which I had basically done everyday for the past 7 days and never found it. My game shut down on me. This game has NEVER just shut down with an error message. So I log back into game.. Guess what? Dead again. spawning back at cherno with all my gear.. WTF?

    -this game has consumed up so much of my time with little to NO reward. fight outs are confusing. player movements are clunky. The game is just bad. Great concept. I cant wait to see it on an engine that actually works. I hope that in the future the cheating situation is resolved. It has really done it for me.

    thanks for the games.

    Good Luck with DayZ

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  6. If anyone can answer this, I would love to know..

    Our clan vehicle hords.

    at one time we have had.

    1 bus

    1 ural

    1 GAZ

    1 Hatchback

    2 bycicles

    1 offroad truck

    1 4 wheeler

    It is my guess that there are only 10 vehicles per map because we have searched damn hard and can never find all the ones listed.
