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Everything posted by specterm

  1. Actually, were trying to NOT fill our server. I would rather it empty to be honest. However, you are correct good sir. When we first bought our server our numbers would stay up in the 30's, now they rarely ever hit 20. Honestly, Its getting boring. You run for hours trying to find a car.. that is never at the spawn points. Buddy and I drove around the entire map for 3 hours looking at vehicle spawn points we came up completely empty handed. Now granted, we already have 1. offroad truck, 1 bus, 1 hatchback and 1 GAZ. But there should be a ton more to be had if im not mistaken. Waiting 7 days for a crashed helicopter to spawn in just sucks. In the mean time we have managed to barb wire and hedge hog an entire city.. LOL>> BORING!!
  2. If anyone has ever played Arma2 before.. Before hearing about dayz that is. They will realize that Arma2 is one of the most incredible MILITARY SIMULATIONS ever! Every mission I have ever played in arma2 is completely Scripted by incredible minds and Genious! People that spend Selfless, countless hours scripting and testing to make sure everything works. That said, players should know that Arma2 was more than likely not designed for Dayz. I am sure it was a mission that got a ton of support and has basically gone viral. The idea is incredible. The work MUST be appreciated. Honestly. I cant wait to see what the future holds for Dayz. Just remember, without the flexibility of the ARma2 engine. DayZ would not exist.
  3. specterm

    Usefulness vs Pointless

    nice post.
  4. Them bastards!! You should get your own server. Its so much nicer being able to kick people to secure your own shit. LOL
  5. specterm

    Vehicle Saving

    oh yeah.. forgot to mention. There is also a bug. Sometimes when the server restarts vehicles and tents are NOT there at all. They usually come back on the next server restart. So If your 100percent certain the vehicle was there. Then wait for the next server restart.
  6. specterm

    Spawning unconsious

    OK.. this is getting too much. I keep shutting my game down and restarting it to get rid of the damn graphical glitches and Im stuck unconsious for 5minutes. Please drop the disconnect unconsous thingy till its fixed.
  7. specterm

    Vehicle Saving

    This is not true. Some vehicles act different than others. Most CARS and TRUCKS spawn back at the last place they are empty and stopped. Even if they are blown up!
  8. specterm

    Trade Camp

    Sadly.. If I was a bandit I would be waiting right outiside the trade area.Nice try though. Good luck
  9. I have the SVD camo. I will trade it for a game that allows me to disable friendly fire.
  10. specterm

    Golden Revolver

    Clan mates had a shoot out with a guy. The guy died and it turns out he had a golden revolver. We believe its a hacked gun and banned the player from the server. Well, is it hacked? and is Ban justified?
  11. specterm

    Golden Revolver

    Why do people have this missconseption that banning ppl off their servers is such a bad thing? Its not global, they can stil play elsewhere. If someone refuses to communicate via TS, because they can not use a global chat in the game, how they acquired a weapon then I will ban them. If a DayZ representative tells me I can NOT ban a player for having a hacked weapon then this game is not worth playing, let alone renting a server.
  12. specterm

    Golden Revolver

    OK.. so what is the deal here. Server reporting has a stickied thread thats posted here. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22386-admin-abuse-what-you-need-to-know/ It explicitly says this.. So we cant ban a player using a hacked weapon? Id like an official response.
  13. specterm

    Tents - Do's and don'ts?

    why in the world would you save tents after taking things out? When the server restarts you want the things to spawn back in dont you? As far as his friend? CLAIM YOUR TENTS! I know it cant work like that all the time.. But save when you have what you want in your tent. Use the 2 step save process I mentioned earlier. Then DONT SAVE when you take things out. its so simple.
  14. specterm

    Tents - Do's and don'ts?

    Tents are easy... Dont be confused its pretty simple. When you save stuff in a tent all it does is remember the items that are in it the next time the server restarts. So for instance. You put in 30 SD mags. The next time the server restarts it will have 30 SD mags in it. NOW.. If someone should find your tent and they take out 30 SD mags, then when the server restarts it will have 30 SD mags in it.. HOWEVER! If someone should find your tent and they take out the 30 SD mags and then proceed to save that tent.. Your SD mags wil be gone forever. SO!! If you stumble accross and enemy tent and you chose to do harm. Remove stuff from the tent till its empty. Even if you have to leave stuff on the ground. Then save it when its empty. And likewise if you want to be a good person. Take stuff from the tent and then just leave it alone. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now Saving tents on the other hand. It seems to be tricky. Sticking a tent in a tree or very close to a rock seems to have adverse effects when putting items in and saving. sometimes items in the tent save and sometimes they dont. I find there is a technique that I use that has been flawless everytime. First. Add items to the tent. Second. Wait 30seconds to a minute. Third. Save tent again. Fourth. Wait 30 seconds to a minute before you change the stuff in the tent. I believe there is a lag when the tent is saved. So you could save the tent. Take your stuff out, then the save command actually goes through. Take your time saving your tents. Take your time placing the tents. Be happy!
  15. specterm

    US 392 kicking

    Stop crying and go find another server to play on... And read the DayZ stickies in the server reporting section... This one in particular... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22386-admin-abuse-what-you-need-to-know/
  16. specterm

    M4A1 HWS M203?

    Not true. We found one at a crash site.
  17. specterm

    Locking the server for 5 minutes after restart allowed?

    HFB does not give us the ability to lock our servers.. My guess Is NO. However, I heard we are allowed to lock for maintenance.
  18. Tonight we were waiting at our chopper. I had flown it for an hour earlier tonight. flawlessly. I took off, landed and navigated around the map for an hour with absolutely ZERO issues. Well, tonight. I got with my teamates and got in the chopper. as we were taking off he was laying roughly 20 ft away from the chopper and started to unload on us with a m249. As Soon as he started to shoot my controls went all wonky. and the chopper did a complete forward roll till I smashed into the lighthouse. I had ZERO control of it. I call hacks! I ban and kick the ONLY 2 players in the server that could have done this. then! to top it off! He keeps joining the server even after I banned and kicked him. The third time he went to spawn in a clan mate got a lock on him and told me to not kick him so he could kill him. THE GUY DIDNT EVEN FIRE HIS GUN. and killed my team mates. It continues! the guy gets in again and script kills another clanmate! Is this game really that insecure!
  19. specterm

    Cheaters on our server

    So any idea how long it will take for the chopper to spawn back and where will I find it?
  20. specterm

    Cheaters on our server

    Server is shut down. He is script killing my friends. This is NOT admin abuse. I have played arma2 for a long time. What I experienced with the chopper was unreal and the fact that he is able to re-join and script kill my clannies is bull.
  21. specterm


    1. Vehicles are so random. its rediculous. this I have learned so far about vehicles. a. If by chance you find one in the DayZ announced locations.. http://dayzdb.com/map More than likely it will be very rare and need to be repaired. Were talking a 10 percent chance it might actually still be there. b. When vehicles are driven by someone the position is saved on the server the second someone exits the vehicle. - This means, you could find vehicles stored in garages, dense forest areas, around lakes or any other hidden location. c. If you have the unfortunate event of having a vehilce explode when your driving it and you are able to get out alive. Wait at that same location for a server restart. - You could stumble across a vehicle someone abandoned due to it exploding and them not knowing the previous, so look in the inner cities around road trash and such that might blow up a car. d. If the server should shut down when you are driving it.. IT SUCKS MOST> When you spawn back in you will need to retrace your steps and run back to hopefully where you got in the vehicle. NOTE: VEHICLE SAVING - In my experiences vehicle saving is ONLY to save the contents of whats inside. Dont make the mistake of finding a vehicle taking out the crap inside and saving it thinking its now yours in that same spot. Becuase you just deleted your ability to get the weapons that were saved in the vehicle back..... think about it. ;) 2. NO you can not take a vehicle to another server. they are server sided ONLY. Good luck.. and have fun.
  22. specterm

    Worst graphical glitches I've ever seen.

    yeah, happening to me too.. thanks for posting this vid. I found once that changing my HD Quality from Normal to High got rid of it completely. Then I got to the airport, it came back and I was not able to get rid of it at all.
  23. I'm the server owner and we have the Ural, a Hatchback, 2 bikes and 1 motorbike. In an effort to try to find more vehicles a group of 5 of us just spent 4.5 hours on foot running through all the vehicle spawn points located on the http://dayzdb.com/map We were not able to hit all of the vehicle spawns obviously, but we did hit about 10 of them. We came up with ZERO vehicles. Cmon... this is rediculous. This is not new. This is an every day occurance. I am 90percent confident that some of the vehicles may be bugged, spawned outside of the map, or forgotten in the lost wilderness somewhere. I heard stories of server companies re-setting the vehicle spawns. But our company said they can not do that. What can I do?
  24. specterm

    Creating or looking a group.

    United Gaming Federation is recruiting also http://UGF-Clan.NET
  25. We took a while to update to the new beta 95208. The server was running fine. we updated to the patch and immediately we are having some HUGE desyncing issues. We have restarted the server several times and it did not help. Issues are as follows. Seeing people running where they say they are not. then seeing that same person running in place and finally teleporting into a vehicle they un-successfully tried to join 30 seconds ago. Is this a server issue or a patch issue? I put a ticket in.