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Everything posted by specterm

  1. specterm

    Was he a hacker?

    were you shooting in first person or third?
  2. I gotta be honest. Falujah is probably the least exciting thing to happen to Dayz. Maybe I'm just a hater, but Takistan is pretty bad. The desert environment is not fun. Way to easy to snipe, the maps are too big and it takes too long to get anywhere, just to get shot. UTES was fun. I think someone should make dayz on zargabad.
  3. specterm

    Teleport/God Mode hackers on US 3061

    Welcome to Dayz.
  4. My friend and I were playing in our server US 415 There were only a few un-friendlies in our rented server. 2 clan SDT players were dying down at the shore and 1 player named John. We had driven through most towns and had not seen any stirred by zombies. As we approached Stary Sobor we decided to get out of our vehicle roughly 800 meters out and go in on foot. As we approached the infamous tent area we started to hear stanag shots being fired. We both were in ghillies and were crouched slowly. We both had AS50's and were over watching the tents. The player that we came upon was going in and out of the tents and we could tell by his movements he had NO idea we were there. We just sat and waited. It was night. The zombies were all around us and were not agro'd at all. All we were doing is waiting for a clean shot. The last tent he went in he was in there for like 60seconds. Never came out to the best of our knowledge. The next minute My friend gets unloaded on by a guy that was shooting a sounded like mk48. He died right away. I was not sure of his position and started to back out. After waiting a few and over looking the hill i got back in position overlooking the tents. I hear absolutely NOTHING. Then the guy started unloading into me too! Not sure what it was, but he missed. Luckily I was prone and he must have been shooting over my head. I was wounded and bleeding so I started to unload into him at point blank with the as50. I looked over to the death message to see if he died and he stopped firing. The funny thing is he disappeared too. Alt+f4? I checked and everyone was still in the server. I needed to bandage and fast so I ran all the way up to the top of the hill, I was being chased by a zombie so i switched to my secondary, shot the zombie and bandaged. My blood was very low, But I wasnt going to stick around to eat my way back to health. I ran the 800 meters back to the car we were driving. I ate all the steaks I had and removed 2 jerry cans from the car and put them in. As soon as i jumped in the car I noticed a guy laying down by the rear of the car. Seeing that I immediately jumped out and the car blew up! The guy was NO where to be seen and also did not die from the explosion. The fact that neither one of us could hear this guy when we were being super quiet. The fact that this guy could move position so quickly and easily without being detected. I cant believe anything other than this guy being a hacker. Is there anyone that can help me read these logs. a Player named John can NOT be found.
  5. specterm

    this is really pissing me off

    Welcome to DayZ!
  6. In the last version of DayZ I would note that the helicopter would respawn back on the island (No matter what the previous condition). If it was blown up, we could restart the server it would be back on the island. if it was stolen, we could restart the server it would be back on the island. So how does it behave now? Previous versions would require 7 days for the chopper to respawn if it was destroyed. Does this still hold true? Thanks for any insight
  7. specterm Helicopter spawn behavior

    so I was thinking I could be clever and lower the server version to beta 96061. The old version spawned the helicopter back at the island on every server restart. Was thinking if I did this then I could switch back to the current. A nice way to get the heli back the easy way!! Guess what... didnt work.
  8. specterm Helicopter spawn behavior

    Just spent 2days looking for the chopper. Was able to recover 4 vehicles and have driven the entire border looking for the chopper. Checked all the towns and the island. Was really hoping I would keep the server going. but I guess im done with this.
  9. specterm Helicopter spawn behavior

    thanks for the info... damn.. really wish we could find ours.
  10. specterm

    Where are the 1200000 players?

    Just tried UTES tonight. Now thats the way DayZ was ment to be played.!! whoorah
  11. specterm

    Where are the 1200000 players?

    I started playing lingor. Having a NON dayz Hive gives server owners the ability to have more vehicles. Lock the server and lower the player counts. I went back to cherno yesterday and ran for roughly 4hours just to find out that our helicopter was gone and I will be damned if i will run for another 4+ hours to find a vehicle. So then i decided to server jump to try to find a helicopter on another server. I Found that most servers have been abandoned. Heck they dont even restart them! they are so laggy!! Im done with official dayz. we have a milion tents in our server that the Dayz people said they will not give us the ability to delete. Yet they are full of hacked weapons and you cant get rid of them. I have contacted the server company to cancel the server. and honestly.. If this is what is planned for the dayz stand alone.. I want nothing to do with it.
  12. specterm

    Utes map

    How do you get the dayz utes map?
  13. specterm

    Saving vehicles and tents.

    basically, its screwed up. this is why I havnt played dayz in a long while.
  14. specterm

    KILL ME!

    Otto? Do I know you from somewhere? are you friends with Jadecougar?
  15. specterm

    Saving vehicles and tents.

    Think your wrong sharp. vehicles are not saving new items at all. tents will only save new items in a virgin tent if you will. pitch a tent and it will save the items you put into it. Try to add things after a server restart and nothing new you add will save. Honestly, this is why I am taking a break from Dayz
  16. specterm

    [VIDEO] Don't Shoot Me I'm New Part 2

    Trust no one.
  17. specterm

    Saving fixed yet?

    Just wondering if anything has been fixed yet. Been away for the week. Last I knew You couldnt save tents, only newly placed ones. and cars were broke now too. Anything fixed yet?
  18. specterm

    Saving fixed yet?

    Why would they allow updates on the six launcher when .5 is broken so badly. are we sure the tents and vehicles not saving the way we remember was not intended by the devs? or... are they no longer supporting dayzmod on arma2 because they are going full boar into the standalone version?
  19. message gone... spawned back where I was.. phew!!
  20. BattlEye is banning all users from DayZ that have ever been in possession of a hacked weapon or item. No matter how they acquired it. this sucks...
  21. Nope.. my server and my 3 clients in it that got the message are not using the most recent beta
  22. specterm

    "Kicked from game" Battle Eye restriction 98

    Yeah. Im trying to join our private server. 3 of us.. getting kicked from game [battlEye restriction #90] We can still join our public one though. Wonder whats going on.