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Corvax (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Corvax (DayZ)

  1. I love how you under 10 minutes revealed that you in fact have no life, live with your parents, are dumb and a virgin, without us doing any work what so ever :D Good day sir!
  2. Corvax (DayZ)

    Anyone wanna trade AS50 and M24?

    Good luck with that xD ... low populated server = no friends sneaking in the bushes .. I lol'd oh and what is even the point of posting this crap here ? your looking for standard gear and not willing to post "only" more than half the weapons in the game :P
  3. Try this http://www.reddit.co...w_fps_try_this/
  4. Vehicles are a fucking pain to maintain, hide and then you have to hope they dont warp back, wipe its inventory or is just missing for a single restart. So you havent been missing out on much.. We are so indifferent when we find a car now that we often just put it out in the open for someone to find or if we have time we use it as bait.. :) Save yourself the heart ache untill you have a 2-4 man grp at least or untill the game comes out with either a stabile vehicle build or its standalone game
  5. Yes that is correct.. if I remember correctly there should be 2 busses on each server but at least 5 spawning places where it can randomly spawn. only thing you really can do is to be on around server restart, search around the less frequently visited cities or be lucky and spot a vehicle that you actually have the chance of sniping its wheels out.
  6. the problem about what you are hoping for is that the "spawn" markers on the maps online show all the possible spots that a single or a multi vehicle can spawn.. so there are for example two busses.. but more than two spawn sites.. so when someone happens to have an "accident" in their lovely V3S or UAZ and it gets destroyed .. it will soonish spawn in one of its allocated spawn sites for someone else to find, but that then requires you to be at one out of several spots at the exact time a vehicle spawns and most likely soon after a server restart because if you are not, someone else will get it first
  7. true dat :) saved alot of atv's
  8. It certanly is possible to keep a good vehicle stash for long.. we had 6(2xATV, 1x military truck, 1xbus, 1x motorcycle, 1x tractor) saved for 3 weeks but that was on another server aswell, we are currently holding up on another server instead of de10 and our vehicles are staying there just fine. Hoping to go back on DE10 soon when its fixed
  9. you WILL lose your truck :), we just blew up the big blue military truck with 4 guyz in it
  10. HAHAHA we have been running around with 4 nvg's aswell xD, I would suggest you just drop the camo suit.. it will prolly be a while before they are fixed and there is also a chance that the "fix" will make em dissapear as has happened to other items being "fixed" in previous versions. We lost alot of stuff we put into our secondary camp that we have on dk1 while de 10 still has tent issues, so it seems there are alot of new bugs
  11. Tents are definately gone on DE 10, we have checked our 3 camps, in three differenct consecutive restarts and none of em comes back
  12. they are tweaking zombies and they actually did make em broken in on purpose, so I see it as a side effect of that. We've been having the same problems but you really shouldnt get hit by zombies :P seeing that you can easily avoid them or lose em.
  13. +1 on this :) .. Glad to hear that
  14. Corvax (DayZ)

    Day Z is insulting to vegans (and animals)

  15. Corvax (DayZ)

    Day Z is insulting to vegans (and animals)

    HMMMM.. I see what you did thur, nice copy pasting OP ... I lolled at your transgender post aswell You are funny but not enough to post the same thing twice in such a short period :), give it up dude.
  16. Corvax (DayZ)

    Ability to scar/mark other players

    who wouldnt just press respawn xD.. as if anyone wants to go around following some russian speaking twats without any say or ability to act in any way what so ever
  17. it is because alot of server hosts are morons xD and they update the server name but not the server version correctly, so its still running 1.7.5 and that ofc confuses you when you are running the newest version
  18. Corvax (DayZ)

    So most of our loot is gone.

    Dont get attached to any gear.. if you cant handle losing your camp stuff to players or more likely bugs then stop that playstyle and go kill people in cherno.. nobody said "YOU MUST STOCKPILE WEAPONS" or you will lose the game. Plz piss off the forums if you complain about 2 tents xD .. lose your first 10+ vehicles and 50 full tents and then I might commend your post with a "oh that sucks"
  19. Hold W down, press shift+tab, opens steam overlay, press shift+tab again to close it and it thinks W is being pressed down. You can do anything you want after that as long, as you are not pressing W then it wont stop moving forward, even pressing S will just make you stand still. SIMPLE :D Guide to making steamoverlay work with beta -> http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_install_DayZ#Make_a_shortcut_to_launch_ARMA2_Beta_with_Steam_Overlay_.28Optional.29
  20. Hey Casper, it seems like the server needs another restart.. it has the common "waiting for character to create" that sometimes happens after a restart.. Edit: nvm :D, it just took 5+ mins to load like the olden days
  21. +1 Yes thats what the "broken cleanup step" means :) ..
  22. 1. This has been updated -> Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06] Vehicles that remain unused for a short period of time (<=24h) outside map boundary now respawns inside map boundary at their original chance based spawn points. the entire thread is here = http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=29123 2. And also this with destroyed vehicles = - Destroyed vehicles respawned using the simple method (will appear on next server restart). More advanced method will be used later (dynamic locations, inventory, vehicle types etc). the entire thread is here = http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=26982 These two threads are definately worth keeping an eye on