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Corvax (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Corvax (DayZ)

  1. Corvax (DayZ)

    Bandit, Camper or Punk Ass Bitch?

    They already get drawn by his gunfire and start hoarding below the stairs if he is doing it to much.. at least now when they can actually hear his gunfire again, unless he is actually smart and uses a silenced weapon, in that case he is a funny dude :) .. I remember when we used to cry for help at the hospital just to test the MP5SD's accuracy xD .. if they come, so be it..
  2. Corvax (DayZ)

    Don't un-nerf the damage changed by Arma II patch

    +1 I agree that the dmg is more fitting now, especially for the 1shot pistols and the Lee Enfield :D .. (even though its been a trusty friend that enfield)
  3. Corvax (DayZ)

    Lee Enfield nerfed?

    It's with the latest Arma 2 patch Makarov: 889 damage, down from 2000 G17, M9, M9 SD, PDW, MP5A5, MP5SD6, Bizon PP-19 SD: 889 damage, down from 1389 Revolver, M1911: 1389 damage, down from 4500 M1014, Remington 870, Double-barreled: slugs do 4500 damage, down from 6722 Lee Enfield: 6722 damage, down from 12500 (audible range 162m, down from 234m) AK-74, AKS-74U, AKS-74 Kobra: 2722 damage, down from 3555
  4. Corvax (DayZ)

    Friendly or bandit? The Wallet.

    bad idea since it would in fact impact everyone even if they try to opt out of this.. since they would be seen as a wierd party that didnt show its colors and if noone didnt spot you it would still change other players behaviour alot making it impact you in the end aswell.. and the servers with nametags are crap anyways :) it becomes even more of a deathmatch when people have nametags = information about range/location without even seeing someone and also knowing their name, since then you cant do anything anonymously. I belive nametags will eventually be removed in the standalone if not earlier, so why even bother making changes to 'em now.
  5. Sounds like you guyz had some action.. me and my crew just encountered a chopper on DE 231 and shot it down xD Mk 48 mod really is a beast, 80 Mk 48 and 10 AS50 anti-vehicle NATO rounds later they crash landed and jumped out just to be bombarded by my 4 frag grenades and more as50 rounds raining in over em :D .. it was so fun, even when the last guy ran and he got shot in the back for not fighting back.. We found out why he was running, did a backpack check.. KA'CHING... L85A2 AWS, so yet another gun for the arsenal :) It was so much fun fighting a chopper.. even though we were only two guyz taking out 6. I felt a little sad for they solo guy that randomly hit the firestation nearby at the exact same moment we took out the chopper.. kinda had to kill him before looting... wrong place, wrong time
  6. for anyone who didnt find it: Helicopter status http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48598-server-side-hotfix-072-helicopter-status-and-server-info/
  7. I dont think the choppers spawned yet, we checked every spawn so far on two servers
  8. We did something simular, have done 3 bus runs picking up survivors just having fun with 'em, for example dropping 10 survivors off in stary for em to fight over weapons xD .. there soon was only a few left. It was like watching battle royale
  9. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! little use for a bus ? .... AAAAHHHHHH!!!! ->>>>>>>>>> Original: Survivor POV: You can always access both bus and car inventory if you go to driver seat first then scroll mouse and go to back seat and press G
  10. Casper was actually 100% right in his earlier post.. the BUSSES do indeed have a seperate vehicle bug that moves em back even when saved and stored for a longer period of time... so every time you see a bus it might have the items from someone elses adventures. So the facts from this would be: Bus is only really save 6 hours at a time and so are your items in it. Thus I would take em out xD and not drive somewhere that I didnt mind running back from again hehe
  11. You have my beens good sir! .. plz send the link to the changelog or bohemian forum post that shows this info. Have had trouble confirming the right numbers, found several versions of this post. I'll even give ya a big gun if ya want one :P or a NVG .. what ever you might desire, if its in stock
  12. I would leave it at 6 hours, every server we tried that had a larger window than that had a couple of "dead" loot hours and zombie wierdness.. plus some extreme desync on vehicles... It is possible to make new camps.. we just made 2x5 tent camps full of our old gear 'cause to many people were stealing our nvg's and we had to hunt em down constantly.. xD . But you have to get a few tents.. then put em down alot of spots you think would be good, then pack em back up again after every spot.. preferably done right before a restart (min. 5 minutes before) less than that will have a chance of not recording it. You then check back after respawn and should have tents working if they came back I.E, is remembered by the hive. Then you should put a few crap items on it and see if it despawns on the next server restart or stays.. REMEMBER to save the tent after putting items on it... and give em 2 mins before you save it. Saving items in tents/vehicles and backpacks is slower than main inventory.. IF you put something in your backpack then you dont wanna relog right after.. never touch your backpack items less than 2-5 minutes before you relog. I always do 5 in case the server might be desyncing at the very moment I log. This has stopped us losing weapons all the time from our backpack :). Hope it helps you get a stabile hope up and running.. cheers (sidenote: its not a good idea to have a big camp near cherno unless you wanna feed the entire server population with nvg's and big guns :D)
  13. This is not a restart problem, its because there are to many tents in the hive database now and only a few of them will actually work with the save function, its in the update list. You should atm "to check a tent" put something worthless on it and check after restart. Secondly, the reason for the mass tents is because it will save some of the attempt where you put one down and then packed it again. As of what my grp and me have "sort of" found out is that the tents that you pack up and then after a reset they appear by themselves without you putting them down, those seem to save items perfectly :)
  14. Corvax (DayZ)

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Q: Rocket, do you plan on removing the option of third person view when you make it over to the standalone game or will there still be servers with prone snipers peaking without showing themselves?
  15. HAHAHAHA you made my forum day :) thx man What a moron, so you dont wanna buy dayz standalone .. BUT, you would buy it, but only if it comes in the box of Arma 3 ? .. a game which you would never play because you think it sucks ?.. I see what you did there, clever clever OP. :D
  16. All the players I play with and for both our big camps and vehicle hiding spots it seems the 4 times a day (6h) restart timer is a very important part of keeping the server stabile both loot wise and for lag not to occur to much.
  17. :P I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!.. We have 2 hidden bicycles now and its the best vehicle in the game. id trade a chopper for one xD.. or any other weapon we have in the camp.. But we are on another server now.. If you havent already you really should try cycling around in a guillie suit finding well geared players, then riding to high ground and ejecting, just to prone without any breathing problems at all and 1 shot snipe em xD.. then quickly ride off if he has friends and if alone, do a fast looting.
  18. yes.. I mainly play with 1 über trusted mate, but i get 6-7 others to join on and off whenever they can.. and a few more semi randoms that know our secondary camp but not the main big loot camp.. where we hide our primary composed of: DMR, AS-50, M107, M4A1 CCO SD, Bison SD, M9 SD, M14, M24, Mk 48 mod, FN Fal, FN FAL AN/PVS-4, M16A4 ACOG, Guillie suits, NVG's, Rangefinders and Coyote packs. But we then move stuff down to our secondary camp for the "okay" trusted players to get. We on average kill 2-5 high loot geared players every day some days alot more, like last night where we did night time play and hit 5 grp's of 2-5 man each xD .. always exciting when you take out a 4 man squad, especially when they have a car and more nvg's for us. It really is so much fun having nvg's all of us.. im working on making a night time video of us going in with guillie suits and axe murdering people xD
  19. Me and my mate or our "2 man wolfpack" xD .. have 5 nvg's. .. we store em on us before we log out every time.. so if you really want one.. I dont mind sharing.
  20. Its not the game that there is something wrong with, it is you my good sir xD ... the game is obviously not for you, you dont get the basic building blocks of this experience.. I'm sorry to say, alot of the things you listed as "I cant stand that" is what makes this game great. Saying that people are dying because they arent worried someone else maybe intent on killing them is just making a point against yourself, because that is the worst thing you can do if you want to survive.. OH La-di-da, ill just go get some surplies.. everyone loves me and wants to be friends, i prolly dont need to look around the corner first, if there is a zombie i can just run and if its a player ill just have yet another fan :) .. *BOOM HEADSHOT* QQ Learn the game or quit it.. either way, piss off the forums with whiny posts
  21. Switch to DK1 instead, same rules but gmt+2 .. quite populated server. At least thats where my grp is dominating the major cities.. might be more fun for us because it eventually becomes night and we have collected 6 nvg's xD..
  22. Corvax (DayZ)

    Bandit Apprentice?

    I sense the trolling is strong in you, young one.. Plz turn out good and help getting that average survival time down to under the bloody 30 min marker again ASAP
  23. Corvax (DayZ)

    Great deathmatch / team deathmatch mod !

    I imagine this game as the experience of going to prison.. the forecast shows a high chance of surprise buttsex but if you rough it out and stay in long enough, while able to suck up the first 10-20 anal excursions in your own backyard, then you have a chance of becoming a member of the hardened grp, OR you can end up being the whiny little sob you are right now :D
  24. @Andrej I think its something that is being looked into how to get working properly
  25. DE 10 is for some reason night and completely dark right now and its desyncing majorly