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Alpha Tango

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About Alpha Tango

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  1. Alpha Tango

    New rig abilities?

    My gpu is just fine as is.
  2. Alpha Tango

    New rig abilities?

    Ok thanks for the answer, and i also had one more question. So lately I've been playing single player with no lag at all. But when i get online it's almost unplayable with all the lag. My ping varies from 90 to 200 ping. Is there a way to fix my ping to a lower number or something? thanks!
  3. Alpha Tango

    New rig abilities?

    Hey evetyone i was wondering if i could run everything in arma on ultra high? My current specs: CPU: AMD PHENOM 2 GPU: gtx 460 RAM: 2 GIGS DDR2 OS: WINDOWS 7 64 BIT MOTHERBOARD: ASUS M4A7 --------------------------------------- With my current specs I haven't been able to really enjoy the game. So I'm upgrading to this CPU: AMD FX 6 CORE RAM: 8 GIGS --------------------------- With the upgraded cpu and ram will it run arma 2 and an enjoyable rate where it wont lag so much?
  4. Alpha Tango

    Bandit masks?

    Thank you for telling you, You my good sir have my beans.
  5. Alpha Tango

    Bandit masks?

    So you're saying the added back "a type" of bandit clothing?
  6. Alpha Tango

    Bandit masks?

    Hey everyone, I havent been able to get on for awhile now because of school. I got my desktop upgraded again where i can actually run it on high enjoyably. Anyway back on topic i was watching a youtube video on DayZ and all the players were wearing head scarfs like the old bandits had. I was wondering how they got them and if you can get them now? the upload was less then a month ago. The last time I played was back in the middle of July. All comments are appreciated, Thanks again!
  7. Alpha Tango

    Well, this has escalated quickly!

    how did you get that mask. When i played it was for bandits only then they got rit of bandits so no more cool masks. How do you get them now? Thanks!
  8. Alpha Tango

    One of the Best DayZ Kills of all Time!

    how did you guys get those masks. When i played it was for bandits only then they got rit of bandits so no more cool masks. How do you get them now? Thanks!
  9. Alpha Tango

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    where do i find it in steam?
  10. Alpha Tango


    if they're going to add it back to the game you think they would by now. why wait so long?
  11. Alpha Tango


    WTF? they fixed the dysinc with the cars but not the helis? im new to this game and i keep finding helicopter parts.... PEOPLE if you're not going to have helicopters in the game dont have parts for them!!!
  12. Alpha Tango

    I'm not a bandit, I just love the hunt.

    You, My good sir have my beans... :)
  13. What would be your Kick-A$$ song when you die killing zombies? What would be your "going out" "Last Stand" Song? Enjoy!
  14. Alpha Tango

    Running the game

    i'll try that next time i get on thanks!!!