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About CaptHazzard

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    US 1472(v1.7.2.4/Beta 95417) [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-6] - hosted by DayZmod

  1. CaptHazzard

    Looking for :

    You are more than welcomed on my server DayZ - US 405 (v1.7.2.6/Beta 96895) [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-6] - hosted by DayZmod/CaptHazzard. However it does not meet all of what you said you wanted, and no I will not change it for you (unless you want to cover my hosting fees), Good luck!
  2. Yes, I am going to follow the rules as set down by the developer team. I also may have made my job easier. It is all explained in my MOTD: motd[] = { "Hosted by DefconServers.com", "Ping higher than 200 will be kicked.", "Any issues email capthazzard@*****************.com", "Please email, with proof, reports of hackers and post in dayzmod.com forums", "Until further notice server restarts will only happen at most 2 times a day, do not email requesting server restarts.", "Server may be shut down at any time for maintenance", "Do not request changes to the way the server is configured.", "I will follow the rules set forth by the mod developers team. Don't like them petition to have them changed.", };
  3. Basically yes, but it depends on what the Dev team would accept as proof, and when the proof must be given (i.e. right away or after an appeal is filed). If I as a server admin sees someone spawn in items is my first hand knowledge enough, or do I need to record it? I would have no problem providing a copy of the log if I am banning because of something I found in the logs. While we are somewhat on it, to help reduce some of the work the Dev team would have to put into ban appeals why not make a committee of server admins, players, and 1 or 2 members of the Dev team to handle ban appeals. This would allow a portion of the whole community to police itself. You have my beans sir.
  4. I am a new server admin, who almost did not become an admin because of the rules set in place by Rocket. I decided that I would and try my best to follow the rules with hopes they would change. I can even agree with most of the rules. I understand that the mod is in alpha and we as the community, in a sick and perverted way, need the hackers if we want a truly playable and enjoyable game once it goes to beta and full release. However the one rule that really bothers me is not being able to ban suspected hackers from the server that I have paid for to provide Rocket's testing. I understand that there are admins out there that would use the ability to ban people for their own gain, and in those cases those admins/servers should be removed from the game. What percentage of the server admins would abuse something like this? My guess that at first maybe 10-15% but once the initial group are blacklisted I would say maybe 2-5% out of 1000+ servers. In response to this, if the admin sees the person spawn something in, even an item that is in the mod but not already in the person's inventory (ie they spawn a weapons crate in) that should be all that is needed 1st hand knowledge. If a server admin is looking through the server logs and sees something tied to one player then that should be enough. What most server admins have been asking for is the ability to ban someone from 1 server without having to provide video evidence to be able to ban a person. Will people get unfairly banned? Yes, but from 1 server. Do they have other servers to go to and play? Yes several others. Can a player who has been banned appeal the ban yes. Given that the current process in place is not able to stop even the basic hacks server admins should have a little more control over the servers they are paying for. Some of the responses that I have seen from the Dev team is making me rethink if I want to keep my server up or not. If there is a valid reason to not allow server admins the ability to be able to ban a person from the server they are paying for and making available for free, other than a small portion of the admins will abuse it, please inform us.