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Everything posted by wolfstriked

  1. CrY,just let it go and be grateful we are getting an update as it seemed the mod was dead and all forces were put into the standalone only.
  2. I think that just the fact that a body disappears from the game world is terrible enough.This was a huge negative against Dayz and now its fixed.We want to be able to loot a bandits body that we spot and kill and so this is huge for Dayz.
  3. wolfstriked

    DayZ: Namalsk

    yes its great!! The server I was on was just looted bare and just made the game so much better.New server I am on now and I have 6 sodas,an M4A1cco,2 cans food and it removes that feeling of survival.All in all this is a huge step in right direction and wanna thank Sumrak for the work he has done.I have not stopped all day.... :D Something I wonder after playing some more is that cold should also cause blood loss.Maybe a good way is to have all 3(hunger/thirst/temp) cause a very very slow blood loss and then drop food and drink spawns even more.
  4. WTF why are you psoting this!! It breaks the game if we can make spawns speed up.:(
  5. wolfstriked

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Maybe keep bloodloss but stop at 6K blood like what happens when your sick. Really loving this map and the sick ass lack of anything.Just now after 2 hours of playing I got down to red in blood from thirst mainly.I am ready to die and I pray that the infected walking in front of me has a canteen and whack him with my axe and voila.That was the luckiest thing though as then my hunger started blinking and right when I am about to die I find an M104 w/flashlight. :( I am now running everywhere with a train of infected and just can't find food.Its so bad that people are begging for food in sidechat and trading for morphine. :)
  6. And I just did it again!! I climbed that huge ass tower and when I got to the top a weird icon popped up.Apparently its a let go of the ladder your climbing and I clicked it and fell straight down.WTF is that even there for......darwin button to kill off all the idiots!! ARGGGHHH
  7. wolfstriked

    Make bandit and survivor skin last longer

    I think your humanity should carryover with each spawn.Make players who have killed hundreds of other players have a hell of a time getting back to normal survivor skin,let alone hero skin.Make them bad bad peeps spawn with nothing and a headwrap.:)
  8. wolfstriked

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Mainly that it allows players to live in a world with very little food.Also its unrealistic and feels it when your bleeding out from not eating an in an hours time and you still have thirst as the constant life threatening item in game.Thirst is great though since you can find water sources and work with them but lack of food on a server that has been heavily looted means you have players die from not eating for a short while. A constant health generation when food icon is not blinking would keep the players eating.Maybe 4 hours to full health when full?
  9. wolfstriked

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Sumrak,the lack of food is brilliant and drives a constant move mentality not geared towards getting geared but freaking surviving.And I love the many weapons laying around as the area seems very militarist(?) to me and by making food so scarce we still have to hustle about.But this could be improved upon by tweaking hunger and bloodloss/gains.First remove blood loss from hunger and then add in blood gain at a certain percentage only when your food icon is not blinking.This way you can keep the needed "lack of food" idea and not kill off many players from servers that get looted too fast. TD;LR remove the bloodloss from hunger
  10. wolfstriked

    3D Scopes

    I agree awesomely chilling reload animations are needed.This is done so well in some games that I have actually felt as if I was firing a real weapon at times.Here is a video of a super sweet animation for Stalker done by Gosuke.
  11. I do the dumbest shit once I am geared up.My latest idiot of the year move was going prone on a rooftop after spotting another survivor,crawling over to the edge and then pressing Q to lean/look over the edge.
  12. wolfstriked


    24 hours is plenty....one week is sadistic dude...wtf is wrong with you?
  13. wolfstriked

    3D Scopes

    This would scream polished game.Its something that many games have yet Arma2 lacks.
  14. This has been on me mind for awhile.I love machine guns and heavy machine guns.I play in the editor and love to use them above assault rifles and my least favorite weapon THE sniper.So then I play Dayz and I have yet to find or even see an M240 which is my favorite weapon.I once killed a guy running into a hospital just for his SAW as it was the first one I ever seen.I was in heaven and felt complete in the Dayz world.So I ask Rocket or rather beg Rocket to make all the good weapons spawn equally on the downed helis.All heavy machine guns are considered very rare and this sucks for us "machine gunners". Hopefully Dayz will have the weight system coming to A3 included.Make them drain your stamina like crazy take up a huge chunk of the weight allowance to force machine gunners to travel with less load to compensate.ETC ETC This would make me and all the machine gunners happy. :)
  15. wolfstriked

    Are you a heavy machine gunner and want one??

    Always been a person that lives life on the edge and yet Dayz humbles me. :D
  16. wolfstriked

    Are you a heavy machine gunner and want one??

    Love this idea.If the game ever becomes very team orientated then this is a must.
  17. wolfstriked

    Are you a heavy machine gunner and want one??

    Thanks for the heads up.I have only found around 4 heli crashes so far and its always an FNFAL and DMR.Sometimes I wonder if this game would be excellent with a choice of weapon to spawn with.......don't kill me for thinking about this. B)
  18. wolfstriked

    Are you a heavy machine gunner and want one??

    I love the MK48 from testing in the armory.If I had one I would probably not log on ever or only on very low population servers.Sad fact of the super rare weapons feel. :rolleyes:
  19. wolfstriked

    Are you a heavy machine gunner and want one??

    My point seems to be lost in here and its most likely my fault.Yes its great that weapons will be more scarce but then that only compounds my problem in that now the machine guns went from very rare to impossible to find.I guess I should reword it better so here goes attempt 2..... Please make the M249 spawn at same rate(rare)as the DMR,M14,M2 to allow more people access to them. And please for the love of these weapons add in the RPK and PKM.
  20. wolfstriked

    Are you a heavy machine gunner and want one??

    Real simple then............PLEASE MAKE MACHINE GUNS MORE COMMON Title of thread should read the same.It just dawned on me that I have never seen one post about the lack of machine guns so I am probably the 1%.
  21. wolfstriked

    Are you a heavy machine gunner and want one??

    I guess your right about this.Thanks for the suggestion.
  22. wolfstriked

    Are you a heavy machine gunner and want one??

    nah just add in the weight system of A3 which then has a bar that fills up which indicates how light or heavy you are gonna be....meaning how fast you will tire out.Sniper like the AS50 should also get this negative thrown in.Would make taking lighter weapons a real boost as you can then carry much more supplies without getting winded.
  23. wolfstriked

    Are you a heavy machine gunner and want one??

    Thats the thing though....you love snipers and I never take them and would rather find a machine gun.
  24. wolfstriked

    Are you a heavy machine gunner and want one??

    That was the fastest response I have ever seen LOL.I have no idea what to type in search though for this particular suggestion.Could you guide me here please?
  25. Something that bothers me to no end is the speed you run in Dayz with rifle equipped.I go back to Arma 2 and love the speeds you move when running and when crouched.The sprinting is also faster than the run speed in arma2 while in Dayz though you run and sprint at same speed.And the speed you move when crouched seems too fast.I take it that Rocket made this to remove the issues of huge distances players have to travel but it just bothers me.And lets not forget that crouched running/running and sprinting all have different sound and visual meter settings within Dayz.Just feel its better to have players choosing stuff like....crouch running is slower but I make less noise and am less visual to running or sprinting etc. Maybe a poll could be setup to ask the players if they would want the speeds back to Arma2 default for a bit more realism?