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Everything posted by wolfstriked

  1. wolfstriked

    Can you shoot through building windows?

    This is something I was gonna post but forgot.Please devs make windows that disappear when shot.Looks way better when they just disappear compared to how the hospital windows look and even worse is the barracks windows that you can never tell if they are broken but instead look all brown.IMO all windows should disappear if shot at.Check out "Proving Grounds map supermarket to see what I mean.
  2. For me its the less weapons everywhere the better.I agree that finding the weapons in more realistic locations is warranted also but still just feel that finding any weapon should be a great feeling.This wanting or needing things is what survival is all about and we need weapons so it shouldn't be easy to find them.1/2 hour for a pistol is ok by me but you need to get inland and really move from town to town searching like crazy. SlightlyMad,from what I read there will be a couple of new types of melee weapons. NoCheats,there is something great about finding weapons in varying conditions BUT does that mean that weapons will be everywhere as they are now.I just do not wanna see Dayz turn into Borderlands. ;) Publik,some great suggestions there.I like that US weapons are Heli crash only.More Soviet weapons the better IMO even though I love the M4A3 CCO.Your fuel ideas are also great and this is something that would add to SA IMO.More vehicles with the needing part being fuel makes sense to me.Also,I am a realism buff and can tell you that I would love to see stamina added in(no fainting but rather walking when exhausted)with a slower run speed to more simulate jogging.I think that Dayz should be a gear as level game but that vehicles should be on the top of that list.Right now I never bother with them since I can run like a Kenyan and the thought of needing a vehicle never crosses my mind.But if it was a pain in the ass to get anywhere in Chenarus while on foot I think this would force players to need vehicles more.Again I feel realism will bring out more immersion from forcing the players to need more items.Cokes and Pepsi's could give slight stamina boost but you still wanna find a vehicle.Bikes should be everywhere with cars and motor bikes made more common.Fix the speed of the varying vehicles in Arma2 firstly though.Hitting 100 is ridiculous on a bike.I think 20mph max on roads and 10 mph on dirt is good with X2 those speeds if on decline.Slow down that dam tractor LOL its like a race car and should be dead slow. Edit<<<<forgot to add that I really feel that vehicles should disappear from server when you leave.This is because I hate losing a vehicle I work hard toget up and running becuase I leave it unattended on a map.Doesn't make sense that you would not be there to protect it and if cars were to become very important then players would rage quit.
  3. wolfstriked

    Add Weapons

    Just try the KSVK and you will wonder what the devs were thinking by adding in the AS50.Sweet ass weapon that looks nice in first person,no zeroing of scope and sounds amazing when fired.
  4. Oh man I hope Rocket doesn't just add in a stethoscope to diagnose with.Reminds me of the morphine to counter a broken leg idea.That said I wonder how we will diagnose since many of the said diseases are similar.Differences being in stool color,jaundice,varying urine colors,red marks on body etc.Will we be looking at our poo after we defecate to diagnose?
  5. wolfstriked

    More focus on Zed's

    The first time I was chased up a ladder by infected I thought it was amazing.No you should not be able to just climb a lader to get away as thats silly.
  6. Sumrak,the developer of Namalsk,has listened to many people ask for this same thing.I think he will lower the ambiance sounds in next patch due out this week.
  7. wolfstriked

    Suggestions for Authenticity to DayZ

    Because its funny?
  8. theres bean banditos in thos woods on yonder
  9. wolfstriked

    DayZ standalone should not be TOO cheap

    Two poo piles for you!!!
  10. wolfstriked

    Ears Drop on PK

    Dude did you have to get all sicko like that?No one is talking about dressing in bodyparts here. :huh:
  11. wolfstriked

    Please don't implement passing stool

    At first it will be as you say but do not worry as people will get bored of shitting on all the various objects thruout the Dayz world and move on.....just look at how we humans have adjusted to farting and moved on :rolleyes:
  12. wolfstriked

    Once you get the standalone

    ^^ Great minds think alike;)
  13. wolfstriked

    Cannabis, Cannibalism and Carnage

    LOL,yep that video got me all worked up also.The suspense scene was brilliant!
  14. wolfstriked

    Once you get the standalone

    Try out the new pooping mechanism,try my hardest to catch diarrhea and top it off with some sort of homoerotic cannibalistic act.
  15. wolfstriked

    how did dayz or arma2 get Russian

    Complicated answer,in Soviet Russia things are different comrade.
  16. wolfstriked

    Cannabis, Cannibalism and Carnage

    Funny stuff and really shows how games have changed lately.No longer are there just the same old genre games and those risky cross genre hybrids.We now have new genres being created and Dayz was just the beginning.
  17. wolfstriked

    Ears Drop on PK

    ^^^ now that would be crazy!!
  18. wolfstriked

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    OMG I have to chime in here.Why are people seeming to be protecting this obvious flaw in Arma2's lighting engine.There is a fix out there for it but this issue has become like a twilight episode where to some people its reality and to others its bat shit crazy.There is no way that its realistic that I have to stare at ground for a few seconds for the screen to brighten at noon.I recall last night walking down this road at dusk and thinking it was time to find a new server and yet when I turned around it was suddenly bright daylight.I checked my watch and it was 1pm.Which reality was correct I wondered.... The answer is out there and if you seek you shall find.... Nah screw that...the A2 engined is flawed and I posted on this in past but nothing.Its been posted about on A2 forums also.Check this video that I posted awhile back where people were telling me it looks realistic!! Are these people covering up something? The music playing just adds to the Arma2 lore. :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGRFYzQW8gU The truth is out there....... Here is the fix as I wanna stop this insanity.DAMMMMMMM now I cant find the fix sorry.And I think this was the post that I had posted the fix to also.What the heck is going on here. :rolleyes: The mod maker said it was an easy fix by just adjusting a few values.Ok after a 1/2 hour I found it again.Whats crazy is if this posts disappears also........ >:( http://www.armaholic...age.php?id=6130 This is how it could look like if above fix is implemented.
  19. wolfstriked

    Ears Drop on PK

    Why ears though?If I was a crazy person I would fill up tents with survivor heads!!!!@
  20. wolfstriked

    ... worried about standalone :(

    Yes you are very correct in that diseases and weapon degradation will be annoying to the player.But you have to remember though that DayZ took a chance by adding in having to eat and drink and to stay warm and not one person has complained yet about these features....that most gaming developers considered "merely an annoyance" ;) .For me the more annoyances that are added in the better since you will be constantly having to accomplish stuff to stay alive and not have time to sit back and wonder "now what".The best times in Dayz are when you need things as we all know. Also,weapon degradation from what I gather is just misfires.An annoyance that can be fixed with some cleaning and maintenance.And all these annoyances and needed items may force alot of the good players we have now to actually start resorting to bad deeds to survive. :murder: Will you stay a good player???
  21. wolfstriked

    Weapon damage, do you like it?

    Right now its 14 shots from a silenced weapon. :( When I found a Bison once I got all excited and then found an infected that took 3 hits to its brain to go down.Dunno if that was a fluke though as I recall any head shot is instant death.
  22. wolfstriked

    Weapon damage, do you like it?

    it was a quick thought and I have no idea what the actual stats are to each weapon and they very well could be identical.This has happened before where people on forums claim this and that weapon is better but when you look at the game stats they are identical so its all in the heads of the players.That said....... :D Just playing around with the M4A3 in editor and it seems very accurate.I can sit across the airfield and hit lampposts where all I have to do is judge a little for drop and then each hit is spot on.The M16 has very little drop compared to the M4A3 and I can hit the same spots without having to adjust for drop.So yeah I stick with my tweak/idea and of course bring up the M16 recoil to moderate to compensate.Probably just me but I wanna feel slightly more differences in weapons to give the game a bit more character.Maybe even adding in some more dispersion to shortened variants to add in this feel.Its funny that because in real life the weapon usually out shoots the shooter. What I mean is that you or me or any non-sharpshooter would not be able to see differences when firing M16/M4 past 300 meters.But again to give the weapons in game feel......... :rolleyes:
  23. wolfstriked

    Wiping all tents/players/vehicles.

    I say get rid of tents when you die.I posted in another thread about survival length giving points to spend if you die.This way you can survive and just spawn with the gear of your choice or die quickly and start with noob gear.This puts emphasis back on surviving and removes the easy re-gear at tents that many here will fight for till the day they leave Dayz.
  24. wolfstriked

    Wall Street says invest heavily in L85!

    Should of changed it to the L85 with Susat but oh well. :rolleyes:
  25. wolfstriked

    Weapon damage, do you like it?

    Just remembered something about when I modded my own Stalker game yrs back and that is that I made the pistols pretty deadly.I figured that while yes they should take more bullets to down a person they are still deadly weapons and they should be feared.To counter though I gave them very little armor penetration so they were useless against the advanced NPC's (bodyshots)in Stalker but up against bandits(survivors) and the like they were and should be deadly. ;) To add to this argument I think we forget something about pistols that I never see brought up and that is that they are extremely inaccurate.Extremely inaccurate and so there use is up close and personal means they have a huge negative towards them but pistols in real life will kill you from one shot to the belly in certain circumstances.And lets not forget that pistol ammo is not tapered like assault rifles but instead has large cross diameter compared to assault rifle ammo. They suck unless very close folks...we gotta remember that. ;) I say make pistols actual weapons again and put even the lowly Makarov at 2500 damage.5 body shots to a full health player seems reasonable to kill and removes the arcade like feel that Dayz has towards many of its weapons.Silenced at 2000damage so 6 shots and the larger pistols at 4000damage so 3 shots. Remember folks its a game and while I love realism I think we forget a chest shot from even a .22 is deadly.So I say we add and remove to balance the weapons to add variety and reasons to choose one over another. Put shortened assault rifles at slightly less damage but lower their recoil to give reasons to choose them.Right now the M16a2 has low/moderate recoil while the M4A1 has moderate recoil.Should be M4A1...less accurate/less recoil/less damage and raise the M16A2 to moderate recoil. M4A1 CCO SD is another with low/moderate recoil and same damage as all assault rifles.This low noise weapon should have low recoil and lowered damage. M4A3 should be low recoil/slightly less damage CQB weapons=bad at distance but up close in CQB and you can lay down plenty of lead on target. So many things can be changed to really add fun with authenticity to Dayz when it comes to weapons. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: