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Everything posted by wolfstriked

  1. wolfstriked

    A hunt gone bad

    Again I LOL'ed.Love DayZ forum with ita people and all.
  2. Bandits will start leaving turds in "tactical" places to grief us even more.Top of ladders,staircases and most likely littered all over open fields so when your crawling to avoid being seen you will have to zig zag?
  3. wolfstriked

    Clear proof of wall hacks.

    This mod makes me crack up a few times per day.This is one of them....PROOF of it!!
  4. If defecating is finally put in game then we will have even more weapons for griefers to use.You do know that griefers will defecate in every loot pile they come across right??There are bad people in this world who live their lives in DayZ by killing just to kill and now they can shit on every loot spawn,dead body,zombie etc.Do you really want to be in the barns and zooming to see what is across the barn only to see turds everywhere??Think about that before you post these crazy ideas....
  5. wolfstriked

    Pass out needs to go

    Man I am the most unlucky player then.Thats how I die every time.Just now I got some good gear and was in that zone of immersion when a lone zombie charged at me and one hit dropped me.Never got back up even with 9K blood.
  6. wolfstriked

    Unlock new skins by staying alive longer

    ^^ thing is when you die your squad just holds your suit.Make it so its tied to one life and you get more attached to it and cry sweet delicious tears to feed Rocket and his crew.:P
  7. wolfstriked

    add vss to the game

    ^^perfect argument.Its got its good and bad points.
  8. wolfstriked

    Can anyone actually play at night?

    I'll repost it...for gameplay reason they should make it so night has fog and looks like it does in this forums background pic light level wise.Would make playing at night actually a good thing.Artificially put full moon every night.
  9. wolfstriked

    Make the Game Harder

    LOL my post has nothing to do with run and gun.I want more weapon sway at start means I want COD?Just a touch more weapon sway that gets removed to where it is now if you survive for a good while.....to signal learning to shoot actually maikes the game harder in a few ways.
  10. wolfstriked

    Unlock new skins by staying alive longer

    I love the idea of time lasted determines skin.Camo at 3 days and ghilie suit at a week.:( Imagine the nerd rage after losing your character.:D
  11. wolfstriked

    Character death should carry more weight

    Make perk where you manage to stay alive for a good amount of time will decrease the weapon sway to what we have now.This way when you start your just a survivor and not a trained military person and as time goes on you suddenly can fire a weapon much better.
  12. wolfstriked

    Idea for wounds and damage taken.

    I posted this many times.Just change broken bones to a wound needing stitches,ala a bad bite.Have medkits and bandages and you know the rest.
  13. wolfstriked

    Make the Game Harder

    The thing is its a game and I wanna shoot things and not just crawl everywhere.That said its easy to do this by making sniper/assault rifle ammo very rare and spawn alot of crossbow bolts,enfield,shotgun,pistol ammo etc. I was also thinking that there should be a difficulty or two with one being a slightly harsher weapon sway.This will make it so that after a set amount of time you get a perk that makes sway what it is now to signal you have gotten better at firing.This will help out against being sniped and very important will make losing a character hurt even more if its a long lived one.
  14. wolfstriked

    Can anyone actually play at night?

    fOR GAMEPLAY REASONS I think rocket should strive for the darkness level and fog/mist level that you see in the forum background pic.Thats dark enough,scary and moody as all hell and very playable.That will make everyone wanna play at night.Then make the day/night cycle only be 4 hours and your set. ;)
  15. wolfstriked

    Annoying thigns.

  16. wolfstriked

    When will the new update come?

    Rocket needs more tears to work his magic.Needs more noobz to cry out their pains online.Every 3 sec's a newb is mauled or PK'ed so soon.....
  17. realtime 24 hour Day/night cycle in DayZ is realistic but does this add anything?Would a more gamey effect work better.Rocket speaks of subtle layers adding to the overall effect and I think that a 24 hour cycle done in 4 hours in game would add this. My reason has to do with scale and endurance.Say it takes you one hour to get to NWAF leaving the coast at 12 noon you arrive at 1pm.But do you really think you could make that trek in one hour with the mountains,obstacles etc?No it will instead be an all day affair.Change to 4 hours and suddenly your arriving at NWAF at 8pm.Stalker game had a default 2.5 hour day/night cycle that was modded to 4 hours and many said it felt perfect.Also,this will give you spookiness that dusk dawn brings by allowing 2 hours of the 4 hours in low light conditions. Plus I posted in another thread that maybe that when a new life is started you have to live that life out in that specific server to stop the server hopping.With 1 hour of night time I am pretty sure many people will play thru it. :)
  18. wolfstriked

    Make 24 hours happen faster in game.

    ^^ LMAO,i know the feeling.5am here also.
  19. wolfstriked

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    yES IT JUST HAS SOEMTHING THATS HARD TO DESCRIBE BUT SO EASY TO feel.I purchased A2 and played for a week.OA was another week.Project reality was bad ass but to be honest I hate the military mindset and had players yelling at me over voice chat to do this and that.DayZ is something else though.hard to descibe but easy to feel. ;)
  20. wolfstriked

    Make 24 hours happen faster in game.

    NOPE.....lol dam most of my suggestions get these simple answers. Rocket can change the spawn rate to work with different day/night cycle...not complicated IMO. Acucrack,it can also add imersion.When ever I play its always a certain light level out since I live for average of 3 hours.But when I find a server that is at say 8pm and its getting dark but still very playable I feel so immersed into the world.Plus it makes you feel like u have actually hiked all day long to get to your destination. What do you guys think about locking in a life to one server.This would force people to play out the hour of darkness and just adds that subtlety while not forcing player to sit thru 8 real times hours of which most people just leave.It could even be tried with 8 hour day/night cycle to give 2 hours each midday/dawn/dusk/night. Heck,this game looks best at dusk/dawn since it hides some of the ugliness that older games have.Maybe best is to leave servers stuck at 8pm. ;) LOL
  21. wolfstriked

    An attempted experiment...

    Forums and Youtube change the game for the worse.People get bombarded with every post saying I KOS due to everyone else doing same.Players lose the morality of it and get gamey since "everyone else says they will do it" or at least majority.
  22. wolfstriked

    Will server swapping be removed?

    THis has to have been suggested already but I will post it out of stupidity.What about making it so that your characters life is lived out in one server only.You cannot jump to another server unless you wanna respawn.
  23. wolfstriked

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Please fix the broken leg syndrome next patch.Remove it till you find a good workaround PLZZZ. Lost so many characters to this while running away up hills and slowing down/speeding up etc.