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Everything posted by wolfstriked

  1. wolfstriked

    Add civilian skins (female characters)

    LOL who would make that video
  2. wolfstriked

    We don't need patches, Rocket.

    I think Rocket is overloaded with stuff at this point.Seems he is putting alot of effort in to making the zed experience work better.Just give him time and it will come.
  3. This game wants to be a loot game as we are all agreeing right?? Its a game where you try to find better loot,even killing other players to get it.People are starting to realize this and coming on to the forums and making post after post about what to do once fully geared(should be one post stickied). Now if this is "end game" stuff,then why is the game so easy to allow this.I think focus was lost by Rocket somewhere.So what is the cure?Well think about human nature.We want what we cant have...plain and simple.We get things and a little while later we are bored.How many here have gotten that hot chick with the ass that wont quit and a yr later we are looking at other females.Its human nature and since this game is striving to elicit human feelings then why does it remove the main driving force of us humans.Just think,if you have a player suddenly spring onto the forums saying he found a sniper rifle and other people were like"wow you lucky bastard".Just that thought is drive to humans and that is where I think the game needs to go.Make the game really hard to where it takes days to just find a good rifle. ;( Remove the NWAF as the main military drops site and make heli drops rarer and the only way to get any kind of military drop.Maybe keep NWAF as ammo only drops so that if you do have a rifle you will find ammo there and a good amount.Actually thats not good either.If you find an M16 then it spawns with 6 clips.Once you use up all the mags then find another weapon. :) Keep most players running around with enfields and makarovs with little ammo for them,struggling to stay alive and with the drive of maybe finding a better weapon. Its depressing to see "I found today posts" that show people getting an arsenal in one day.
  4. wolfstriked

    Scarier Zombies/Other Mods

    Maybe Rocket should tone down the zeds skin so that they do not look like rotting corpses.
  5. wolfstriked

    Physics that make sense!

    Change broken leg to a sprain where you can walk but not run and voila.Now morphine makes sense.Also add in where its possible to get an injured arm instead of leg and so you can only fire pistols then.
  6. wolfstriked

    Alternative Creepy Music for DayZ

    Awesome to hear this music when at loading screen and instead of the tank there should be a kool DayZ pic.
  7. wolfstriked

    A realistic way to balance PvP

    mAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE to survive.make it so that when you see other players you will subconsciously be drawn to them.;) Make it so that grouping is the way to survive.
  8. wolfstriked

    RP servers?

    Once the game is released most likely there will be a ton of servers with their own mod/rules.
  9. wolfstriked

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    I'll post again my idea that just gets overlooked without a comment.Why not make/force the game so that nighttime is only as dark as the forums background pic looks.give NVG advantage but also give players a spooky place to play and fight back if needed.
  10. Once again crazy weird posts get so many replies......whats up?
  11. Come on Roboserg.................................
  12. wolfstriked

    Shit/Piss System

    If this is to be implemented then it has to be done right.No having to shit and being able to hold it when there are enemies around.If your meter is at 10 then you drop your pants wherever you are.I like the idea that the zeds can then smell you out as that is realistic while at same time being authentic. Think about the possibilities.Crawling with 1000 blood left,hunger icon's been blinking for hours and your colon is full to the brim.Decide now...do I risk leaving this area and dying to starvation....do I risk attempting to grab that can of beans or do I risk shitting myself so that I can keep crawling but w/chance to attract zeds thru aroma.
  13. wolfstriked

    Offline mode?

    How is that fun?I spent 3 hours trying to survive and died to zeds the other night and was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAy better than death by sniper bullet.Come on mam think?!! ;)
  14. wolfstriked

    I'm going CRAZY! (Mental illness)

    and again i post....get rid of loot game and make it hard to survive.If players are having a hard time just to survive and running around with 5 bullets for their enfield then camping for hours with a sniper is nonexistent.
  15. wolfstriked

    Is PvP an American thing?

    In Soviet Russia Bandits complain about Survivors.;)
  16. wolfstriked

    make hunting for food a challange

    What about making rabbits the main food source while out in the woods and make it so they constantly move.They are a little harder to shoot since they run around and being smaller make for a bit more difficulty.Boars can also be deep in the woods but spawn way less than now.
  17. If you make it so that many players are carrying around Enfields/crossbows due to ammo scarcity then the bandits do not have a HUGE advantage and so let them try to kill you.;)
  18. wolfstriked

    New Gameplay Concepts

    ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE HEAT STROKE OPTION!Finding berry bushes spread around for a very small health boost??
  19. wolfstriked

    So about zombies breaking your bones...

    Broken legs from falling or bear traps only.Severe bites as a chance by zombie requiring antibiotics,morphine and a medkit.:)Makes getting bit a pain in the ass trip to a hospital if you dont have the supplies BUT at least you can make the trip.Broken legs from falling or bear traps...well if you fall for a trap u deserve it.
  20. Are they doing silent updates on us??I swear that all of a sudden I can't run far without panting like crazy and slowing down alot compared to how I remember it.I like it this way.....if its even different than that way than I just like it.;)
  21. wolfstriked

    What to do at end-game?

    Oyyyyyyy......such a nice calm zombie apocalypse your experiencing.Why did Rocket make this "endgame" state so easy?Unlimited matches,too many loot spawns and the endgame players are wondering what to do when they should be struggling to stay alive. Your last match was just used,your water canteen is dry,your M4 COC SD is out of ammo let alone even standard non SD ammo.....what will you do now?
  22. wolfstriked

    No loot??

    Its an apocalypse and so all the stuff has been looted already.Head north.
  23. But endgame stuff is bad for DayZ.What will Rocket add in....custom cars or fortresses?When I see threads about traders and such I think to myself that that is not what I would do in an apocalypse.Will I think "I think what this area needs is for me to setup a market so people can trade" or will I think "I need to head inland and fast as I do not think I will survive to morning". Sadly,what will happen is that the mod will be released and then a mod will be made that makes the game based on pure survival and that will be where everyone flocks. ;)
  24. wolfstriked

    The Double Tap

    Less ammo spawning means that you will come to love being able to one shot a zed with a revolver/enfield etc.