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Everything posted by wolfstriked

  1. wolfstriked

    Couple of suggestions to make it less of a deathamtch

    It gets to the point where zeds are just an annoyance as OP pointed out but I feel that the tweaks they made in last patch are excellent in their aggro ability.So what could be done next is the question.IMO a better thing to try would be to up there damage a great deal.Right now you aggro and then run around smiling and laughing because if they do get a hit on you its just a small amount of damage and maybe bleeding.The broken legs we had before were making people petrified of being near zombies but the end result was too harsh and so it was fixed.If instead each hit and bite caused 1000 damage then you would feel every hit.Maybe they could try this and see what happens??
  2. wolfstriked

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Try updating everything in Dayzcommander.Then try running it thru Six Launcher and see if that works.Then try running thru the multiplayer inside of the A2 game itself.Its finicky and sometimes I have to use a different approach when I get the waiting for host error.
  3. Big Ups for this included into dayz!!
  4. wolfstriked

    You Assholes

    try to play nice people.Makes for a better game if a player helps you out and you do not then shoot them in the face.;)
  5. wolfstriked

    Cannibalism, Drug addiction, and BBQing

    Man you people with these weird suggestion posts.So what you want is to eventually have lady boy cannibals running around jerking off in office spaces and having gay sex in the woods.Whats next I ask??
  6. wolfstriked

    Season's (Winter fall summer etc)

    With the upcoming Czech DLC it seems that Chenarus is getting a summer foliage look.Do not know if its another...u need the DLC to see the summer foilage thing.
  7. Maybe a way to keep Rockets sanity intact is to make it server choice as to how harsh one wants the world to be.lets face it,one players fun is another players boredom.So for the people that want the harsher world they can spawn into servers that have half of the loot presently presented.Once you chose high difficulty you are stuck to high difficulty servers and vice versa.
  8. wolfstriked

    Alternative Creepy Music for DayZ

    WOW really love them.If you can make like 4 different songs in each phase(travelling/dangerous areas)it would just take it over the top.
  9. wolfstriked


    LOl with your avatar pic this post just rules!!
  10. Its an experiment for now.;)
  11. wolfstriked

    Zombies ain't doing shit + no loot

    My oh my.Please do not start spouting this shit on the forums.You guys are a bunch of retards here.When you purchased OA you knew full well that its a mod that was just started to be worked on a few months back.Please do not discourage the maker of the mod PLZZZZ.As Rocket pointed out in another thread,the increase in players is astounding and is blowing records set by similar games like Minecraft.There is a bunch of things that need balancing,a bunch of security issues,a bunch of perfromance issues and what not etc etc.Just try to encourgae and not gang up on the mistakes...PLZZZ
  12. wolfstriked

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    HEY rOCKET JUST WANNA SAY THANKS.I can say I get in super easy now but still have weird oddities.Like seeing a full loot spot and when I loot the one next to it and then go to loot that spot it disappears.My FPS is super stable at 30 fps and for that I am grateful.
  13. wolfstriked

    3D Perspective

    I'll post again so you see it.When prone just point your weapon up in the air.Your whole body rises allowing you to see a little better over the grass. ;)
  14. wolfstriked

    I suggest closed testing

    Just give a warning that if you want stability play 1.X.X and if you want to help out then play the testing versions.Make it very clear which are testing and which are perfectly stable.
  15. wolfstriked

    3D Perspective

    Its an old issue that is easily remedied by looking straight up...try it.
  16. wolfstriked

    Headshot damage value?

    Thats what I do not like about A2.Supposed high realism but you can't one shot kill a person with a pistol if you hit them in the head.Same with leg shots being the same damage as torso shots.
  17. Deleted and addd into a thread with same idea.
  18. wolfstriked

    Gunshot noise

    I heard that silencers lower volume somewhat but the big advantage is that you can't hear where the shot is coming from.
  19. Quite a few times yesterday I would get all geared up and then next log in I was at the coast.And one time I get to hospital and load up on 4 morphines,4 painkillers and 4 blood bags.The painkillers disappeared completely and I lost 2 morphine and 2 blood bags oddly.
  20. wolfstriked

    Neutral and Agressive stances

    LOL no PVP inside of a faction.Don't you wanna run to another survivr you see and trade for stuff you can't find??But yeah military dudes get all the heavy crazy top gear we have now while survivors get enfields and the like.But you take down a military squad by grouping together and now you earned your gear....no server hopping bull#$%@.
  21. wolfstriked

    Neutral and Agressive stances

    Military can be the players that love to kill other players.If your a "survivor type" and get asked to play military just say no.Guys who choose military will not choose to be nice because all survivors will KOS.Afterall your job becomes killing zeds and survivors if you choose to go military.And the arma world is full of players that love the military feel of A2.Now they can get all suited up with best gear and ACRE and go to town. As for balance,that would need work. ;)
  22. wolfstriked

    Neutral and Agressive stances

    Would it be better to just have a small military force(1 to 5 ratio) trying to kill everyone.These military are actual players so your getting your PVP and at same time removing this"trying to be nice and getting killed for it" feeling in dayz.My mind screams not realistic when I got shot in the face with my weapon pointed at floor.Now if I was up in the mountains and see a heavily armed military squad driving slowly up the road with intent of killing all infected and any survivors they come across,I would be in heaven.Forget the NWAF,you want military vehicles and weapons then you attack the military players. Could be that you need to be an elite player where you survive for set amount of time,killed certain amount of zeds and then get asked if you would like to play as military.Military always spawn where ever the actual squad is in that server as playes get killed off.
  23. wolfstriked

    Fix Leg Breakage in Water

    Would love to see broken bones made to sprains instead.Less jokes about calcium leached brittle osteoporosis tender bones.Two sprain depending on severity of hit where one forces you to walk and the other forces you to crawl.Painkillers and morphine respectively.
  24. wolfstriked

    Spawning with a map?

    I am now constantly tabbing out to view online maps.The reason is that I suck if I play the game realistically but do well when I use online maps.I have done circle after circle,ending up back at coast after an hour due to there being no realism when navigating in game.Some player posted yesterday that they navigate with the clouds.Come on now,someone explain how thats possible?The reason why you can't navigate properly is that the draw distance is set very low.So many times I see moutains in the distance and think I am headed the right way only to be back on coast 5 minutes later.So please at least give us a map to start with.Its still a task to open up a map and try to navigate without a compass.
  25. wolfstriked

    Spawning with a map?

    What if you can't find Cherno.I have backtracked so many times I thought I was losing my mind.WTF is that the same dam cabin again!!! I am now using online maps as everyone else does but that sucks.Just feel that since most will resort to this that its just better to put the map in.