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Everything posted by wolfstriked

  1. wolfstriked

    Weapon Attachments spawn in loot piles

    Borrowed??Just move it over to A3 when it releases.
  2. wolfstriked

    Servers with Sniper Rifles Removed

    Freaky great idea and this would work rather well.Take away the rifles that blow people up and just have sniper rifles that need skill by a head shot or player lives is great for gameplay.Who cares about the ant-materiel attacks on vehicles.Put in a few spawns of rocket launchers with very low ammo to keep it sane.
  3. wolfstriked

    Weapon nerf needs to be removed

    Seems the Arma2 devs are confident with the changes they made.Here is a post from a moderator of the Arma2 forums.Just posting this so people can see what the thinking behind the changes are.I kinda agree that people can take multiple hits before going down witnessed from watching many videos online where people were shot and did not even know it.The problem arises from the fact that Arma2 doesnt model critical areas well like the heart but instead its a head/body model only. ########################################################################################################################## ""For the record: Rifles are rifles and pistols are pistols. One is not the other and neither can replace the other. Saying goes: the pistol is for fighting to your rifle. A pistol is the weapon you can carry with you to more places and more situations than a rifle can go. That doesn't make it the ultimate power in the universe; that makes it convenient. Pistols are notoriously weak 'stoppers' and it takes a lot of practice and training to use a pistol effectively. Anything less than a head shot or a solid hit on the central nervous system depends heavily on the target's state of mind upon being hit. Some subjects will keel over from a hit with a .22LR, others can take 10x .45ACP and still keep going. Note that LATER they may die from secondary causes such as blood loss, but an immediate stop requires a solid hit to a critical system. Most pistol rounds - even when shot from rifle platforms - can't even touch rifles in terms of velocity and energy. This is an inherent limitation of short straight walled cases used by most pistols and even necked cartridges can only squeeze out so much more (see 7.62x25mm). The key advantage a sub-gun or carbine firing a pistol cartridge gives is increased accuracy and slightly improved velocity. Rifle rounds are a different ball game altogether, offering much greater energy, power, and accuracy against pistol rounds. Even then, they must follow the rules of physics the same as anything else. 5.45x39 and 7.62x39 for example are not poor cartridges, but optimized for engagement distances within 300m. The 5.45x39 round is known to be a poorer performer compared to the 7.62x39 round; both rounds fall out in terms of performance against the 5.56x45 round. Out of a typical carbine, all three rounds have poor performance out beyond 300m. This gets worse as the barrel gets shorter, with both 5.56 and 5.45 suffering beyond 100m with barrels shorter than 10". Unfortunately the game does not reflect the velocity difference that occurs with different barrel lengths. So what's changed? From my observations, beyond the typical range of 300m the 7.62x39 and 5.45x39 weapons are no longer laser rifles unaffected by atmospheric conditions and fluid drag. The AKM especially feels more like the two examples I own in terms of accuracy and handling from various distances in addition to the overall power. Pistols do not feel as though they've changed much except that they are no longer one shot kill weapons from all hits and now require proper aiming to score a critical hit. And for you nay sayers, YES I know the effects of various rifle rounds and pistol rounds on living things. No, I will not elaborate on that. ETA: Check the difference between an open tip and a hollow point bullet. They are not the same.""
  4. wolfstriked

    Making forests scary at night.

    The Dayz team have a brilliant idea of a world where you have to eat and drink and survive while fighting with other players to stay alive,but they fail as a game developer of anything scary.Dayz fails in scariness due to one major thing and that is predictability.What is scary is the unknown as most movies try to hide the terror from the players as long s they can which builds the fear even more.Same thing in games with some that were truly scary that players all over the world were jumping out of their seats.The original Resident Evil was one of them as was Stalker. So what I am thinking here is that the infected should actually be rare....spawn around the players instead of towns...and be super hard to kill.Think of constantly listening for that sound of an infected being near everywhere you go.Will there be one in the forest or in the towns etc.With them much more rare but very hard to kill and powerful you will come to once again fear them as they should be feared.
  5. IMO to simulate being hurt in Dayz,they could add in the massive weapon sway when your blood goes below a certain level.That is some annoying shit right there so I do not know if people would be happy with that.LOL
  6. Its very hard to do damage for weapons as they do different things once they reach their target dependent on alot of factors.From modding in past I think you just have to generalize them.IMO the Enfield is good where it is now.Its an older weapon and even though its bullet is similar in size to the 7.62x51 it doesn't build the same pressure as a more modern rifle would.If you look at muzzle velocity then you see the difference with comparable bullet size. FN FAL=840m/s LEE =740m/s And it relates to damage in game pretty well. FN FAL=8000 LEE =6722...close to 7K This is how I look at it and so I agree with it.But the AK family is off as it should be equal to the AR family.And if you go by the muzzle velocity thing to govern power then why are the shorter barrel weapons firing with same damage potential as their longer counterparts?And same with the AR family with its shorter variants matching the longer one in damage.And finally,who was the genius to put an AK74 equal to a silenced M4a1 in damage. :rolleyes: AK74 =900m/s AKS74u=730m/s and the M16 =948m/s M4A1=848m/s Put AK74 equal to the M16 in damage potential while putting the M4A1 and the AKS74u at slightly lower damage potential.Then put the recoil slightly higher for the longer barrel cuzins and voila....they already have a longer effective range so that is good.
  7. wolfstriked

    Weapon Damage Re-upped

    You make no sense at all.If they nerf weapons to make the game easier how is it that you come here and say the above statement?Your weird and the people that are arguing with you just overlooked that fact.All your doing is confusing the hell out of people and eventually they will succumb and just move on.
  8. Nevermind BIS,whats crazy is that there have been numerous threads on this and not one post from the Dayz group.Just a little peep in saying"we know about the weapons nerf and will fix it" or "we know about the weapon nerf and we are happy where weapons are now in terms of damage and upgrade".
  9. ^^^AKM is only 4.5K damage compared to almost 7K for the enfield.
  10. ^^^ seems it was made for Dayz as weapons that you find early on suck and force you to travel north for better weapons,even if its unrealistic.;)
  11. wolfstriked

    Would this work for DayZ?

    Its a quick install of the extra faces by the Dayz team.Then we can just go in game and choose what we like.
  12. They are tweaking A2's weapons after how many yrs?Wait till the A2 milsim fans find out about this......it will bring alot of hate to Dayz.
  13. wolfstriked

    Should armed vehicles be added to Dayz?

    Yes for Dayz but not overboard.Think more like post apocalyptic type. Not this But this BUT I DO GOTTA ADMIT THIS WOULD BE BADASS
  14. AK nerf aside the only thing I can see being better here is that you need to headshot more.Kinda like that.;)
  15. wolfstriked

    Lee enfield damage reduction????

    YEs the AK's got the bad end of this deal.The weapons that untrained men use to fight against the worlds best trained armies and do rather well and its nerfed. :( And then the shortened versions like the AKS-74u and the M4A1 have same damage as their longer barreled versions is bad also.WTF BIS? AK's doing same damage as silenced M4's.:(
  16. ^^ LOL not Rocket but more the Arma2 devs.
  17. Doesn't anyone care that they nerfed the AK74 family?This is the Russians main weapon not to mention a huge portion of the world.I researched it alot yrs back and from what I could gather many people feel they are very similar weapons damage dealing wise to the m16/M4 family.And when you shorten a barrel the weapon will deal less damage but A2 tweaks to their weapons seemed to overlook this very important aspect?
  18. wolfstriked

    Lee enfield damage reduction????

    I can kinda understand the reduction of the Enfield to slightly below the 7.62 rounds......but the AK74 is equal to the M16 and the aksu is equal to an M4 and so on.Seems like this is the balancing that they said would not happen.But this is gamey and makes for the easier to find weapons to be less powerful etc....where does it end? LOL posted by Coolbreaker at DayzDB ""i think only the Enfield is qualified to nerf. Don't understand why M1911 shouldn't do one-shot-kills to Zombies .. and even all the other pistols did so less damage, now its more effective to throw empty tins :/ !! -maybe dayz-developers would react with setting zombies blood level down ?""
  19. wolfstriked

    Lee enfield damage reduction????

    LOL,its funny that I posted what you just said about two hours ago.Yes it is from BIS and not Rocket and I am sorry for jumping the gun there.That is weird how a high realism sim is now tweaking damages as if they had it wrong before. Just checked the "new" stats and it shows the Ak's as weaker than the M4's and the M4's the same damage output as an M16.Whats going on with this?I modded my Stalker game yrs back and after extensive searching I found that the 5.45x39 weapons are on par with the 5.56x45 weapons.And when you reduced a weapons barrel length you reduce the force it leaves the end with.Some weird tweaks there.
  20. wolfstriked

    Lee enfield damage reduction????

    WTF is going on??Did not Rocket state that this mod will not do anything to balance the game?Yet the first signs of balancing are nerfs.
  21. ^^ :rolleyes: here are some beans baby :beans: With the logging that will take place,Rocket could then start giving warnings and then bans for players who kill their own teammates.You wanna be banned?? :P You better be careful where your bullets go when your shooting at the enemy standing right next to your friend.
  22. And that was my response to the OP.See people will want to make squads in future dayz that will fight for underground territory.If Rocket gets his way then people will be fighting underground but no one will know who is the enemy.Some people ask for arm bands to distinguish who is on your side but this is so one sided.....it just allows this one squad to play open target on survivors.I am a survivor type player but love to PVP.If Dayz gives us skins to differentiate good from bad then many players can now fight back.If not then dayz will either force deathmatch mentality on survivors or they will leave.
  23. wolfstriked

    Adding Types of Scopes for Snipers?

    This type of functionality is not in A2 but will be in A3.
  24. Maybe get rid of all walker and keep the hoppers and crawlers,then make them hard to kill as if they were already dead.
  25. wolfstriked

    Harsher Death?

    4 Hour Hive ban upon death.....oh the tears that will flow from the addicted.Sweet delicious tears as Rocket calls them.