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Everything posted by wolfstriked

  1. But why more range finders?They don't fit the theme and they make sniping too easy so I see no reason to even keep them.And I posted before and I'll post again...there should be a weapon skill that goes up as you get kills.I mean I read that a rifle is rated say at 2MOA but most people will hit at 4 to 7MOA.So whats wrong with inducing some inaccuracy to Dayz that you can level up and get better MOA over time?? Could be quite a few skills that could be leveled over time like a survival skill that after a certain time you then get granted the white blurs on edges of screen.Its like being in the woods for so long you learn to notice movement in the edges of your view better.Another one would be swimming speed and could come into effect of their are some maps with large rivers etc.And of course stamina could get skilled if ever added.Sorry went off topic.
  2. wolfstriked

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    Wait a sec...sometimes I wonder if zombies do ruin this game.I mean its like the mind says we must survive against the infected but the game is all player vs player.Makes me wonder if this survival aspect placed into a world like the road would be better for immersion.Think of a different story. After the nuclear war the world is no longer a sunny place but now is forever clouded over by the dust cloud covering the upper atmosphere.Canned food is so scarce that your daily goal is to constantly move from town to town in depressing and desperate race against time.And if your extremely lucky to see an animal its like god has come back to save you.Radiation looms everywhere with certain areas so high you need a suit just to enter.You now spend alot of your time searching for ways to counter this deadly part of a post apocalyptic world.To make matters worse,while hunting animals can sustain you if your persistent enough,people have resorted to cannibalism as an easy way out.Not only that but every person that they kill increases their chances of survival as the smaller and smaller population gets the better off the living become....survival of the fittest. :rolleyes:
  3. wolfstriked

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

  4. I am having a hard time finding people to PVP with and getting bored with the running from town to the next far away town.I think PVP maps could add fun into Dayz but they must have a reason other than to PVP.I propose to leave Chenarus as the main map and make smaller maps anyone can just spawn into for fast PVP that is dangerous while at same time necessary.The reason why they would be necessary is that they would contain items that are in abundance while being more rare in Chenarus. First,I think more realistic items would enhance the Dayz world better than the car parts,scrap metal etc we have now.I think spawned broken cars should have more things that need replacing like carburetors,radiators,radiator hoses,steering pump,battery,battery cables,windshield, etc.Then have a map that is loaded with abandoned cars,planes and helis that is small and you can spawn in to scavenge for parts you need.A perfect map that is just right size and look is the "Proving Grounds" that comes with the PMC DLC.This is an easy map to add that Dayz team could tweak to add in a function where you walk up to vehicle and a looting icon pops up and when you press gear it shows what the vehicle has that is still in good condition. Example video for this map.Even better is to go try it yourself and check out some of the abandoned junk yards. Another idea could be a small map,the size as in above video,which is just a city map and the only place you can go to get highly valued medical supplies(make them more rare in the hospitals of the Chenarus map). Small maps will allow for more taller buildings and still keep a nicer FPS. Another idea is a larger military base.
  5. wolfstriked

    Why the Hero skin is useless

    Make hero skin achieved by being killer of murderers?Someone mentioned a medic skin and that could be from blood transfusions and bandaging.
  6. wolfstriked

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Will the Dayz gamescon presentation be on Arma3 engine?
  7. wolfstriked


    Rocket needs to give us an option to set em ablaze and hence destroying all that lays within.Kinda like a way to give back what tents take away from us.
  8. wolfstriked


  9. And being a bandit hunter nets you no humanity?
  10. wolfstriked

    Remove starter backpack?

    Change it to a 4 slot school backpack as starter.
  11. I posted about removing canned foods and soda while making hunting and water sources the only way to survive.Its how I play with water and rabbits being all I consume.When I see cows in fields surrounded by starving zeds its easy to see that that would never happen.Rabbits though can easily get away as they are fast and escape easily.Its hard to play like this and makes the game feel like its all survival since you get only one steak per rabbit.I find myself running around with less than 5K usually and am constantly searching for any signs of game....rabbit droppings being my trail and the delicious meat of the rabbit my prize.I get close to death at times but a rabbit appears right when I am about to drop.Was thinking that maybe a boar could be a great find for me and allow me 3 steaks to eat for 2400 blood but I do not save them so its one time eating feast.
  12. wolfstriked

    Regular Arma II: Operation Arrowhead ?

    i POSTED this same issue awhile back and the post disappeared.Was gonna repost but seen this thankfully....hate getting yelled at for not searching :) It started with the patch that made it so you can't run SP when Dayz is enabled.The thing is I try to disable Dayz and when it restarts its still enabled. So how do we disable DAYZ mod so we can play other mods or even normal OA??
  13. wolfstriked

    Needed "Scare Factor"

    Maybe we go away from infected and go back to undead.Think of the fast running zeds we have now but that take headshots to kill and they become a bit more terrifying.It will have people fear them again and revert back to the feeling one had when you first spawned on the beach.
  14. wolfstriked

    We want a Bandit Bandana instead of towel

    Rudson pic of an eye patch gives me idea.To just put a patch on a person to signal bandit is not as crazy as the turbin head but if you get a good view of the persons face you can see what they really are.Kinda like reading a person face in real life.
  15. wolfstriked

    Removing "Bandit/Murder"

    Just explain to us why you need to NOT KNOW how a person is in regards to being a murderer or not.Are you guys posting all this stuff angry because there is no more killing of people you run into and just stare at you for that one second?Now I turn a corner and if I see that turbin the lead goes a flying.If I do not see it and I get shot then hey thats life.....meaning its still there but now if your a griefer you will get KOS.
  16. wolfstriked

    Feeding and weapon cleaning

    I think to flesh out the real world feel there should be more items to spawn.Things like oil so you can oil your weapon and other stuff.Maybe pipe cleaners to clean them?
  17. wolfstriked

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    I think.....you need to kill bandits and lots of them.If you then do murder a person who is not yet a bandit you will still have so much humanity points that you will stay a hero.If your a bandit then just murder other bandits to raise you back to the good side.I think people that murder a hero should get twice the punishment so that they get double the negative humanity points and maybe another negative thrown into the mix.
  18. wolfstriked

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    Dayz=Chenarus where we run around with British and American weapons and drink American soda and eat American canned foods and now run around with Taliban head wraps.I know its alpha but they need to start giving the Dayz world a background that is believable.Quick google search of Russian terrorist gives http://english.people.com.cn/90002/91786/6238452.html
  19. There are so many people that post detailed reasons as to why DAyz should be Russian weapon dominated.If this weapon makes it in but those posts are ignored I will be surprised....
  20. wolfstriked

    Yet another topic about guns balance.

    For me the AK family should be same damage wise as the M16.I searched many forums in past and most posters agreed that 5.45 is equal to 5.56.For game play reasons I would make them equal also as many people like AK's and many like M16 family.
  21. wolfstriked

    Bandit skin is awesome

    Loving the bandit skin as I joined when they first removed them so its a nice change for me.Was just at Electro and in a building fighting it out with a bandit(laughed hard when I saw the huge "shoot me" scarf on his head) and a survivor.I was shooting at the bandit with the survivor taking shots at me LOL.Then I meet the survivor on the top floor and I turn my weapon to show I am friendly and BAM wiped off the Dayz world.I love it as now I see bad people and I can shoot at them and yes there will be the occasional bandit in the making but its better than me seeing two players and not firing at any of them. Anyone think that bandit and hero is kinda not fitting for Dayz.I was thinking murderer and Vigilante fit better.;)
  22. I think its a sound change as there is a sound file in the download but no mention of any sound changes.
  23. wolfstriked

    DayZ standalone military overtone?

    Dayz is gear leveling game and so you need top end gear to make this happen.Need to be incentive to keep looking and even killing other players for better gear.Just stay away from NWAF and other military drop zones and you'll be fine.
  24. I doubt BI implemented head explosions but since this is a zombie game it just fits..... Amazing sound
  25. wolfstriked

    Add HDR Low or Very Low

    There is a mod that lowers HDR even lower than you can in options.It removes the way the game brightens when you look at ground and gets dark when you look up to sky. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6130 Just add to dayz and the game would look worlds better.