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About vitdom

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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  1. vitdom

    Stable Update 1.24

    Thank you for this nice update and the Server browser filter for 1st and 3rd person servers! By the way, how come there is a browser filter for Empty servers in the Launcher but not in-game? Is there open-source code for the Launcher that we can look at? Also, there is no information in the DayZ in 2024 Roadmap in regards to how often updates will be released this year, only that:
  2. vitdom

    Stable Update 1.22

    ⚓ T157689 Can't alternate between magazines by reloading with 'R' (1.11) (bistudio.com) ⚓ T135981 Right click to scope occasionally fires weapon (bistudio.com) ⚓ T148699 (exp.) Raised gun in hands started shooting by itself after I joined the server (bistudio.com) ⚓ T146400 Gun fires when raised to hip with RMB (bistudio.com)
  3. vitdom

    Stable Update 1.21

    Thank you for your response. The issue about kicking players with more than 300 ms in ping is inconsistent with the new Disconnection Warning information feature. As per the screenshot below, in-game information explains you can not exceed 10 000 ms of latency or you will be disconnected, marked in purple. I find it odd that if you would respond less than half a second late you will also get kicked. Why the 10 extra seconds for players who never respond? Shouldn't the reverse be more fitting of a good network connectivity policy? I.e. allow players a maximum 10 seconds to respond and kick those that never respond within 300 ms. At the very least allow 10 seconds of high ping without kicking players? ⏳
  4. vitdom

    Stable Update 1.21

    TL DR network issues that I didn't experience in the past after a long absence from DayZ I just noticed yesterday that the DayZ Launcher does not respect the Steam Download Restriction Setting "Allow downloads during gameplay". I re-installed DayZ after a long absence and it immediately started downloading tens of extra gigabytes of mods on my limited data-plan, even though I had made sure Steam would block any Downloads once I had actually launched DayZ. In the background, almost my entire data-plan was exhausted on Workshop downloads. Or maybe this is a problem with Steam itself? Could you guys at Bohemia Interactive take this up with them because in the past I have had very little success in reaching out to Valve Software. Also this happened on an official DayZ server: After about an hour of playing, I was kicked because my ping briefly spiked above 300 ms. Please do not kick players AFTER they have already joined just because their connection quality briefly suffers from issues. Everybody does not have access to circuit switched or lightning-fast fibreoptical packet-switching connections. I am 100 % wireless and have been since 2014. I could play DayZ perfectly fine without kicks up until this year. Normally my ping is 55 ms (latency of 28 ms) with a jitter of 6 ms. Also after I was kicked and trying to rejoin, I was kicked again because I apparently was already playing in the server. With this post I'd just like to discuss my renewed experience of DayZ but I will also report an issue on the feedback tracker if it continues.
  5. vitdom

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    This sounds related to another audio issue https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159143
  6. vitdom

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    I keep hearing some kind of new distant Artillery noises at random in this new update. I hope they do mean something, otherwise it's just really irritating and scary especially for those who couldn't figure out what it was, like me. Are we going to get struck by Artillery Strikes now???
  7. What is DayZDiag.exe for? Some kind of performance profiling or debug? Is there documentation available?
  8. vitdom

    Stable Update 1.12

    Is there any reference documentation about the new kick error codes? What do they mean?
  9. I have no idea about duping but it could easily be fixed by giving each item an Unique ID. Then on server restarts clean up duplicate IDs when players join the game. BattlEye is directly responsible for preventing hackers though, and the DayZ developers say they aren't involved anymore.
  10. "You can only gain extra "rewards" from fishing when fishing in calm waters" What rewards??? Thank you for making the zombies tougher! I dislike the nerfing of zombie-screams though.
  11. You get loot from zombies too. Here is the issue report for excessive damage to tools: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T154571
  12. Does it work if you try and sharpen the long stick with e.g. a knife first?
  13. This is a good update, however I always seem to starve now as when the temperature drops, you burn more energy. The energy drain is constantly massive. When the energy indicator turns yellow there's only 5 - 10 minutes before you start losing health. Once you start losing health you're dead in like 15 minutes. Personally I'm having issues finding food in 20 minutes... This duration should be increased to at least 30 minutes under the worst conditions.
  14. vitdom

    DayZ in 2020

    Can we expect a new DayZ update (or at least Experimental testing) before May? It's been over 2 months since the 1.07 update now...