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Haplo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Haplo (DayZ)

  1. There are heaps of shipping containers in Chernarus, zombies even spawn inside them. Being able to use them as bases would be cool in a number of ways. This adds more teamwork in getting a truck/crane to move the container. Locks could be added to the loot pile, which can be used to secure the container. The keys log off with your character, but locks can be bypassed with a toolkit. I know Rocket wants to implement base building, though it became too messy above ground, but, there are a limited number of these containers in Chernarus and I certainly don't think it would break the game.
  2. Haplo (DayZ)

    Shipping containers as bases.

    Wow I hadn't considered this.. Diving is in the ArmA3 engine, you may be on to something grand here!!
  3. Haplo (DayZ)

    Shipping containers as bases.

    As I stated in my first post Bobcomss, there are already a limited number of shipping containers in Chernarus, it would not end up like that
  4. Haplo (DayZ)

    Shipping containers as bases.

    You would need some gap filler or something first Twix but I love the idea..
  5. Haplo (DayZ)

    Blood Bag (Type O+)

    I don't think the spawn chances should be completely realistic. I would just like to see this implemented for authenticity's sake
  6. Haplo (DayZ)

    Blood Bag (Type O+)

    Harley, I don't know how you play, but you're avatar says "See a new player, shoot him for a single box of painkillers". Do you not do the same with tools? Getting high tier gear and all the tools is easy if you have at least a pistol and a little patience/skill.. Gapi, it is not hard to find someone to help you do a blood transfusion. Just jump on Teamspeak. Also, I concur with James when he said, James I also think you should be able to do transfusions yourself. Perhaps you have to be next to a tree to hang the blood as a drip, and it is less effective too.. I like the idea of having it take longer.
  7. Haplo (DayZ)

    Shipping containers as bases.

    Yeah good point. That should come with the cost of noise though, toolkits would be quieter.
  8. I was going to give you beans irzero but I remembered you said "using 50 cal on humans is also stupid" heheh, sorry.. I don't know what else I'd use it for. Perhaps some leisurely target practice.. :P
  9. I jest, shooting while sprinting cannot be done in ArmA
  10. Haplo (DayZ)

    Humanity is broken

    I think it would be really sweet, if they are going to implement a skin change, do it well!! It would actually seem a more subtle indication (a lot of the skins are quite similar) after we get over the initial shock of all these different characters.. It would improve the game a lot I think..
  11. Are you serious bro? You pulled off a 700 metre headshot while you were sprinting!? I will always support any suggestion that simulates reality. To that extent, I'd love to see weapon maintenance become a crucial aspect of DayZ. It could use the same animation as setting up a fence I guess, but when right clicking the gun, there are two options; clean & deep clean. Obviously, deep clean should take longer. Lubricants would be be added to the loot too, but would have limited uses. This again, would affect how well snipers can place their shots, but perhaps specialized ammo & lubricants could also be added to the loot table, providing a realistic (but very slight) buff to snipers. Edit: I'd love to see poorly maintained guns jam up :P
  12. Haplo (DayZ)

    Some ideas i have for reducing Camping bandits

    Crows lurk around death, not death dealers. Perhaps to that extent, if Elektro was full of crows, you would know there was a currently a hot spot, but there should be no helping hand in definitively locating other players. I am, however, all for having concussive weaponry in DayZ. Melee and ranged!
  13. Haplo (DayZ)

    Humanity is broken

    As I stated, I am aware humanity carries over after death. I doesn't bother me that I'm stuck with it, I'm not changing my play style. I don't really understand this, are you saying it is better that I spawn as a survivor? I have been "ganked" on spawn less than 3 or 4 times in the 3 months I've been playing. I would much rather spawn as a bandit than have the switch back to bandit from survivor destroy my backpack's contents. My humanity will probably be in the 7 figure negatives soon, so there is no reason I should be spawning as a survivor at all. What do you think of the second part of my suggestion, with multiple skins? Would love some feedback on that..
  14. Haplo (DayZ)

    Bounty hunters

    I will only say this as many more times as necessary: BEANS USED AS BOUNTY CURRENCY
  15. Haplo (DayZ)

    Bounty hunters

    I think this needs tweaking but I love the core idea. In real life, descriptions of serial killers would be passed via word of mouth quite quickly, so something along these lines could work well and add authenticity, though I think rewards should have a cap such as 1 tool, or 1 gun + ammo, or a few medical supplies etc. But then players donate beans, so the more notorious the bandit, the bigger the reward in beans. Otherwise it will sort of get a bit ridiculous, and can be exploited and the like
  16. i like this idea.. i hate that even in the biggest cities, zombies don't pose a threat. cities like cherno/elektro should be a certain deathtrap for anyone without silenced/melee weapons, and even then it shouldn't be easy..
  17. +1, i'm all for improvised stuff like this, and suppressors are actually pretty easy to make in real life would have to be super rare.. not all guns would take the attachment of course
  18. Haplo (DayZ)

    Should the Mod be abandoned

    i'm quite happy with the current playability of DayZ. i think rocket is using the mod now to gauge public oppinion, and develop the mod based on feedback. i do think it would be great to see the team focus on the standalone game, but the mod still has it's uses
  19. Haplo (DayZ)

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    want: M4A1 HWS M203 +M203 flares/nades (would prefer M16A2 M203) will trade: L85A2 AWS +STANAG mags
  20. can't believe this thread isn't more popular. it should be done!
  21. Haplo (DayZ)

    Please remove "L85A2 AWS"

    an opponent with an L85 is probably the easiest to kill other than unarmed or perhaps pistol toting opponents. it shoots like shit; it has no iron sights and only has an effective range of 300 metres with massive sway on the bullets. yes it makes it easier to see people, but only if they are looking directly at you already. it has benefits for a group, but they aren't outweighed by the impracticality and clunkiness of the gun. i personally locate players with more ease at night just using NVGs/scopes, day is just as easy.. i think the L85 is shit, but i want it to stay. obviously duping is a problem, but it's irrelevant here i feel..
  22. Haplo (DayZ)

    Two things that MUST change!

    dear forum, i am sorry for bumping this thread so much. sincerely, haplo
  23. Haplo (DayZ)

    Two things that MUST change!

    how do you not understand? these are problems with will be fixed, but spamming threads like this to "raise awareness" or whatever you're trying to do won't speed up the process, and is ultimately detrimental to the forum. perhaps you should follow your own advice: "If you don't have anything to add, don't post it. please"
  24. Haplo (DayZ)

    Two things that MUST change!

    they do disappear fast. into the large variety of other spammed threads which are reposted every day. i generally don't have a hostile attitude. though i try and maintain my composure on the internet, sometimes i can't hold back any longer. you just pulled the short straw, and i'm sorry i offended you. if you think this post disappears quickly, when the subject has been beaten to death already. how many good original ideas are lost, which would make nice additions to the game or change something for the better. this has been said, many, many times, which is not going to change the priorities in the direction of this mod. you couldn't even find a thread like this which already exists and add your opinions to that, creating perhaps a constructive discussion. but that would still add to the forementioned problem (and doesn't help, WE ALREADY KNOW ABOUT THIS)
  25. Haplo (DayZ)

    Two things that MUST change!

    you seriously bumping this thread? obviously this is a problem, but i'm sure Rocket's thinking; "nah, let's just let those things slide" have you not heard DayZ is being released as an official standalone game? these will be fixed but DayZ cant do it yet because of the restrictions it faces as a mod. why would problems like this be fixed now when they can be fixed with more ease later. the game is being built dude, not polished. read before you talk or you're just the village idiot