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Everything posted by Xelpherpolis

  1. Only real issue I am having with the latest patch is my server with Vilayer is crashing every hour when I reach over 15+ players.
  2. Xelpherpolis

    Server reset character

    If a server has issues connecting to the hive, you can risk getting wiped, since the server will create a new character for you, if it suddenly gains connection to the hive again while you are in game on that server with a new spawned char, it will send the SAVE command, and your data will be overwritten.
  3. Yeah, they need to do something about it.
  4. Xelpherpolis

    Thinking about renting a ViLayer server, any thoughts?

    Vilayer seems to be pretty good, could try them I guess.
  5. Xelpherpolis

    Thinking about renting a ViLayer server, any thoughts?

    There is way more than multiplay as a official host. A manager of multiplay sending false information is not wise.
  6. Xelpherpolis

    I'm back! Did you miss me?/New Engine news!

    You do know the new engine will be the same engine it uses now just updated/added to. They will just rename it, not totally start over from scratch on a brand new engine.
  7. Great website! Love the design.
  8. Xelpherpolis

    No DayZServer.exe in game files

    Then it will eventually fail and die.
  9. Xelpherpolis

    No DayZServer.exe in game files

    That is why I have stayed with 0.28 and used the latest version of the addon files. I run a fully working 0.28 Private Hive with the latest 0.31 data. I have no idea why they removed a fully working function, the more I look at it, it seems to be more they want it like BF3/BF4 where you pay out the ass for selected "trusted hosts" I currently run 12 server instances for DayZ Standalone on one of my rackmount dell poweredge systems, with no lag, I will not pay 70+ a month when you can actually rent a full dedicated box for much cheaper.
  10. Xelpherpolis

    Press Vest ONLY for Streamers and Youtubers

    Steamers are no better than anyone else, exclusive stuff for streamers is a stupid idea, I stream and I do NOT want any kind of special treatment.
  11. Xelpherpolis

    Fall Damage

    Fallen down like 20 cm and broke my legs before, or had the character constantly make a pained noise.
  12. Xelpherpolis

    Admin Only Servers?

    They would most likely want to keep the person paying the 60.00+ a month than have them black listed, especially since the user could easily force a reverse charge for such a "de whitelist" feature.
  13. Xelpherpolis

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    I think you need to be banned for such a terrible response that made no sense. +1
  14. Xelpherpolis

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Stop crying like bitches, just move to a new server, it really does not hurt you to move if you do not agree with how the admin runs there server, INFACT why don't you crybabies pay a monthly cost of 60.00+ for a server yourself, and be that heavenly admin that you so demand? I bet over 250k you will bitch after a few days because you have 0 rights to something you pay more to than some utility bills.
  15. Xelpherpolis

    "Friendly Servers"

    Sadly friendly servers can not really enforce that rule while they are on the "Public Hive" as you will get jealous kiddies who dont even have money to rent a server, reporting your server and most likely getting it black listed from the main hive. Just wait for some "friendly" private hive servers. My sig shows mine.
  16. Xelpherpolis

    How do I create my own server?

    Hopefully because the public hive is just killing the game already with the COD Kiddies/Server Hopping/Kicking Server Gearing.
  17. Xelpherpolis

    How do I create my own server?

    I am not sure when that will be, I currently have a working server but the version is a little outdated.
  18. Xelpherpolis

    Bad Admin -please remove him from Serverlist

    Please follow the correct report guide, bitching like this will get you nowhere.
  19. Xelpherpolis

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    I would but honestly it was just a project to test if it can be done. I wont be using it personally myself unless I had permission to do so, when the game is in alpha we don't need people flaking off from the actual developers at this point. But to test the game I do not believe in paying a bloated (offical) hoster in there prices, and this is why I am doing this. Because it can be done, and much better than these terrible company's that really are just stealing cash for something that's not that server intensive. And sadly at this time, the only way to do that is if you make your own hive since its on a whitelist basis for these (big money hogging providers)
  20. Xelpherpolis

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    Finally made a mysql/json hive server for DayZ SA myself, saves and everything. Might use it in the future, to create a RP/DayZ server.
  21. Xelpherpolis

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    Its why DayZ SA is already hacker filled like DayZ Mod. Hell the hackers have more rights than the server admins, pathetic.
  22. Xelpherpolis

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Exactly , I think that person got the wrong idea. There is currently NO Private Server / Private Hive support, only the DayZ Mod version supports such things. Yes currently making a server private, even though you pay 60.00 70.00 a month (for a server you cannot even kick people from and have 0 access to a server you dammn well pay a lot for), your server would stay hosted sure, but you are at risk of having the server blacklisted from accessing the DayZHiveServlet HTTPS page. "DBLoadHost host: https://dz.bistudio.com:8443/DayZServlet/." The ServLet on that HTTPS tunnel is a SQL Redirect, most likely to multiple databases on the same or different MYSQL hosts. If you can make your own, bam, private hives are a go.
  23. Xelpherpolis

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Indeed, thats why Private hives are wonderful, it stops butthurt people thinking you are going to "gear up" and then move to a public hive, having control of your own hive like DayZ Mod is the way to go, and that character is saved ONLY to that private servers SQL Database (Thats what the hive is, just a MYSQL database) I will not host a server for DAYZ until I can do that, I am not getting ripped off by Vilayer etc when I can host perfectly on my own physical dedicated blade servers. These "public hive" bound servers are a joke, paying 60.00+ a month for something you dont control or cannot password is outrageous.
  24. Xelpherpolis

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Such rules would annoy admins even more, paying enough at around 60.00 a month for a server you cant control. Adding even more rules to start spying on the admins who pay to run these servers would ultimately kill DayZ as nobody would be willing to host any servers.
  25. Xelpherpolis

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Exactly that's why, private hives need to be here sooner than later, they cant take there farmed loot up onto public hive servers that way.