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Everything posted by scaramoosh

  1. scaramoosh

    I miss the Cherno Bell.

    It just added so much atmosphere to the place, please bring it back!
  2. scaramoosh

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Is loot respawning in this game yet? Been waiting ages for it, cannot believe it is taking so long, without loot the game is unplayable, especially since every spawn you get seems to be Zino. Hate those big apartment blocks too, massive buildings and yet fuck all in there... I haven't played for months, my friends stopped playing in December and have no interest in coming back. The major thing was the lack of loot.
  3. scaramoosh

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Loads of stuff that is being added was already in the mod...
  4. There is a reason why I always go into third person, the fact that going through buildings and near any object is just painful in first. It is like animation takes over function and I think I've run through a door and I try to turn and suddenly I'm still on the same side of the door and walking in the room I just tried to get out of. This is the worst game ever! I do no have any of these problems in the Mod... again, how did you spend a year and a half making the mod worse? It isn't even getting any better either and Dean Hall has already announced he is bailing at the end of the year.............. cash grab or what.
  5. scaramoosh

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    melee weapons aren't working, not had a chance to test guns yet tho
  6. It just isn't fun, I don't care what the "hardcore" crowd says about it, I just don't find it realistic at all. For some reason now everything is pure black on the ground, even if the sky still has light in it... like where is the light source from the sky? Where are the stars? The Moon? For most of the month there is some sort of light from the moon and if not then the stars, it isn't common to have no light what so ever. Especially how you've made it function in an effort to stop gamma exploiters.. The solution is simple, just make night time more stylized like what H1Z1 has done or add the moon in for a light source to make it playable. The fact is most people hate how night functions, that is why day time only servers became popular, as soon as night comes, the server dies if players have another option. It is made worse by the fact that Torches in this game suck, they just don't function like real life, they remind me of how they used to work in games where they just lit up textures HL style.
  7. scaramoosh

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    What is up with everything being black at low light? At a time when there should be some light, the sky is still bright and yet everything is black. Just isn't fun to play through night time, especially since the torch in this game sucks. turn the moon on ffs.
  8. scaramoosh

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    That is another one that does my head in.
  9. scaramoosh

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    When is that fucking zombie audio glitch going to be fixed? I mean any bug that should have been fixed straight away, it is that one.
  10. scaramoosh

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    The new night is shit, just makes it even less fun to play now and looks so unrealistic. They need to give moon lighting and make it brighter, there is a reason people wanted to always turn up gamma, because it isn't fucking fun playing when it is pitch black, especially when the graphics are so borked, it doesn't even look how night does. I've been in places where there is very little light pollution and the stars are enough to brighten everything up to a point you can see.
  11. No one cares any more, when I look at all my friends in real life and on Steam, none of them are playing Dayz. They did once care about the mod, but lots of them (including myself) just waited it out for the SA and then just felt burnt by how you ended up spending a year making a game that is worse than what we had. There is stuff like Epoch in the mod, which is far better than what Dayz SA will be in a year and in a years time whatever mod Dayz Mod has, that'll be far better than what the SA is. I just think in a year, no one will give a shit, no one gives a shit now.... Far too little has come too late and tbh why spend so much time on the network? No one cares, the mod works just fine, we had white listed servers which fixed the problem of hackers, but personally I only ever come across one hacker in my whole time playing the mod. Fucking disappointing, everything that we wanted from the SA, just wasn't delivered, instead you done a load of shit no one cares about. In so many ways it is worse, the zombies are worse, even though they were meant to be the main fix, the loot just isn't there, there is no mod support which means no one can make it better, you lot seem so incompetent which means the modder loss is even worse............... seriously, how do modders do your job, but 100 times better? There are no vehicles, no weapons.. FUCK ALL! Dayz SA would be the biggest disappointment of the year if it wasn't for Titanfall being complete garbage.. that game feels like an extra mode added onto COD like the zombie shit they've done. I'm done with Dayz and the funny thing is all the hype has gone on to H1Z1 and given SOEs poor track record, that'll be another zombie flop. Maybe I'm just old but haven't people learnt from EQ and SWG? Also the failure that was the original PS and then EQ2... but then PS2 as well was a massive failure.... why are people exited for H1Z1 again?
  12. scaramoosh

    Are there vehicles yet?

    The game so badly needed vehicles when I last played, just wondering if they're in yet? Thanx.
  13. The biggest bore factor of this game is spawning on the coast constantly and having no loot to find. Why can't we just have more spawn locations around the map and why can't loot be more plentiful? With the added bonus of there being no vehicles, travel is so boring that I just cannot ever be bothered to play the SA. Been ages since the SA came out, I would have thought these things would be fixed by now.
  14. scaramoosh

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    He wont be getting a penny from me, released Dayz in such a shit boring state, wont even see it to the end.... just feel ripped off, a bit like ARMA 3. He just wanted to milk us all tbh, funny how SA failed so badly and now we're all back playing the mod or Rust or whatever else cause SA is so crap.
  15. The developers always claim it wont impact the PC version....... it ALWAYS DOES! It'll be far worse with Dayz and how small the development team is, they'll have a load of resources going over to the console version, then progress on the PC version will be slower than it already is. Then you start seeing things dumbed down for the PC version so they can speed up development by keeping things the same on each platform. Standalone is shit enough as it is, I cannot see it rivalling the Mod in the next year, progress has been so slow, the modders of the mod are storming ahead and SA is void of any content. The focus needs to be on the PC version, getting it to run smoothly, not having FPS drop to 20 in cities, fixing zombies and loot, putting in vehicles... I mean why aren't vehicles in? It's so unplayable without them, either give me an auto run or vehicles sometime soon. I don't know any one who plays SA any more, all have quit and just play the mod from time to time, Console version is a no go tbh, it would be so disappointing to see this game getting ported to them. Is there any need to these days? The PC has like 80 million on Steam and whoever else, including potential users. These new consoles are already under powered, struggling to do 1080p and are largely pointless. This is the first time ever, where consoles have launched so far behind PC hardware, usually they're on par, but not this time. It's only going to get worse with new APIs like Mantle, which show a 60% increase over DX in BF4 and new hardware that gets released every year. Skip the consoles, focus on the PC.
  16. With the mod it was how ARMA 2 wasn't designed for what Dayz was trying to do, apparently Zombies were a major cause of poor performance. However the SA has apparently been redone, a lot of it from the ground up, the zombies aren't even there, there is barely any loot around and the player count is tiny compared to a lot of custom servers for the mod. Yet for some reason the performance is worse than the mod, this is something that has been reflected by my mates too, now I dunno if modders are just doing a better job with custom maps or whatever, but performance on Chernarus + at least is terrible. AO is a major source of a performance drop, so I naturally have this off, but still as soon as I got to one of the major towns, my FPS drops to 20. It has nothing to do with my GPU either because my friend who has a 560 gets better performance than my 670 and my friend who has a 780ti gets worse performance as well. I'm so sick of people blaming other peoples hardware, when it is clearly not the case... What is causing the problem? It is obvious that there is more on screen at once, but GTA V runs the online on consoles that are like 8 years old at this point and they perform better and lets be honest, GTA V even looks a lot better than ARMA 2 does as well. So I have a hard time believing it is down to it being more packed with buildings, there is never anything going on, it cannot be all the loot, it cannot be zombies... clearly. Has any one working on the game actually looked to see if something is glitched and using up way more resources than it should be? Like a wall with several layers of textures that has been copied and pasted a lot or something? I just don't get how performance was one of the key issues, there was a year to work on it, stuff got reworked from the ground up and yet there were no gains. Time to mod someone else's engine guys?
  17. I'm sick of "it's Alpha"......... It is the ARMA 2 engine, the game has had a year for work to try and sort these problems out and they haven't. It is just another excuse for the poor performance... is ARMA still in alpha? Is ARMA 2 still in alpha? What about ARMA 3? They all suffer from poor performance. I hate the excuse of AAA developer vs a small team... If you cannot make an engine, buy one, they can be modded for your needs, just look at the original COD team, they're still dragging a glorified Quake 3 engine out and now Respawn are using Source. Fucking Dean and the gang have modded ARMA 2 heavily for Dayz apparently...... mod some performance out of it...
  18. scaramoosh

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    I don't like it, I never server hop but it is just another feature there to make my experience less enjoyable. To me this is just like DRM, benefits no one, just harms legit players... I've never come across a server hopper, I've barely come across hackers either in the mod. I've come across a lot of combat loggers, but I've won at that point, I don't care, I just move along and never stay in one place.
  19. I walk inland and find there is no loot, no zombies, no nothing... The other thing is there are no people inland and walking is tedious, we need vehicles ASAP! SA is very broken, this whole server structure was meant to fix problems, it has just created more and made the game worse.
  20. scaramoosh

    So ya food and hunger is pretty messed up.

    Also one is called thirst and the other hungry.... Thirst/Hunger Thirsty/Hungry Fix it Dean!
  21. scaramoosh

    DAYZ Standalone VS. ARMA 2 MOD version

    Yeh... though everything I said was right and half your replies weren't even relevant to my statement.
  22. scaramoosh

    DAYZ Standalone VS. ARMA 2 MOD version

    Yet it's worse in most ways... - Melee is worse, people claim it is better, but it fucking sucks, they've just made it feel unresponsive and hard to hit anything - The controls are the same.. I don't get why people claim they're different, they have that quick jump thing now, however it's hit or miss if it does the quick one or the slow one. - The health system sucks, the mod is way better - I'm indifferent to the inventory, to me they've just replaced one poor system with another - Whitelisted servers sorted hackers, besides I rarely saw them in the mod any ways. - Better guns? No... there is only like 3 and tbh they feel better in the mod. The new server system is worse, there is never any loot around, the zombies are worse... in fact where are the zombies? There are no vehicles, far fewer items and performance is worse in SA than the mod, especially using Haswell's iGPU which most laptops use now. Weird how the Mod I get 20-30fps and the SA I get 8fps on it, I since bought 670 to tide me over as I didn't want to spend loads with Maxwell around the corner, I get such poor FPS on the SA. All this server bullshit they've done has been a waste, no one cares, the mod worked just fine, all it has done is made the game worse. I don't get why there hasn't been any major patches since release, what is taking them so long? All the content is there, just put it back in! We need vehicles, just put flick the switch and put them there, I don't want them to be overhauled, so far all that has done is made things worse. People say oh it's an alpha, well they already had a base game to build upon, SO WTF WENT WRONG? I bet Dean is just laughing his way to the bank.
  23. scaramoosh

    DAYZ Standalone VS. ARMA 2 MOD version

    The mod is way better, all my friends have ditched SA and gone back to the mod, I dunno how they managed to spend a year + making SA and it having less content... but whatever.
  24. scaramoosh

    delete thread

    The mod is better in terms of stuff like Epoch, SA is just boring right now, my friends just all went back to Dayz Mod before quitting for Rust.
  25. Has any one actually tried to do this? It is harder than running upright, which is what we evolved to do. I just think it is a dumb mechanic to have it actually use less energy than standard running, it should be the other way round tbh, just like how crawling prone should use far more energy!