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Everything posted by KWilt

  1. Dunno. I'm pretty sick of it, really. Because those who were defending themselves from another survivor are labeled as bandits, as per the system. So there are plenty of people caught in the cross-fire. And yet, nobody ever seems to be able to comprehend that.
  2. So, we have a topic for screenshots, but what about images that aren't exactly screenshots? Just wanted to show off some edits I threw together today while the forums were down. First up, we have a rebel crew, camped out in front of their jeep. The photo's a little worn, and all but one are worm food by now. [Photo] [Source Comparison] Next up, we have a couple of sick son-of-a-bitches being stalked by a vigilante in the bush. Maybe those desecrated corpses will be re-diginifed before the night's over. [Photo] [Source Comparison] Finally, here's Bill, wishing you well and inviting you to visit the lovely land of Chernarus for your next vacation! Highlights include: zombies, bandits, and beans! [Photo] [Source Comparison] (All original screenshots are not mine. If any owner of one of the screenshots used would like me to take down my work, and can provide proof of ownership over the original screenshot, it shall be done.)
  3. KWilt

    Guns? Why need guns?

    So, pretty much, you're asking rocket to rewrite the whole combat system, simply so we can have melee weapons. As in, change so much about the engine, simply to compensate for melee weapons. But then go on to say that you understand it's impossible in the current state of the game. But still continue to lobby for this suggestion. Excuse me while I'm utterly confused. If the game goes standalone, I'll agree. But I'll go back to the first post I made in this topic, and that's as far as any argument is going to sway for me. It's just not feasible for rocket to have to rewrite so much just for the addition of maybe ten or so weapons, at the most. The melee system we have at the moment, with maybe a little polish and shine, is the best you're going to get. Unless you want to change melee attacks to the middle mouse, which may be completely cool for you, but I'd rather not burn out my scroll wheel just because I can't find a gun. So until we get a standalone release (or BIS goes insane and decides to put in a melee component into ARMA III) it's just nothing more than a pipedream, because I guarantee it's coding suicide.
  4. KWilt

    Ideas for underground bases

    Honestly, the perfect system (in my opinion) would hinge on teamwork and cooperation for the most success. Sure, you could possibly sustain a town alone with scavs, but it's going to have very little protection, and your stocks are never going to keep well. Maybe as you have more and more people working on a building, the building tiers up and can do more things. (Yes, pipe-dreaming guys. I'm just brainstorming to throw this out there. I'll let rocket implement it in a way that works if he likes it.) That way, say, a group of 5 can run a successful barracks-tier building, compared to one person only running a shack-tier building. And yeah. I don't really understand what rocket would be getting at for underground bases. Haven't gotten the time to get around to watching the Q&A, so I'm entirely clueless. But underground just doesn't seem like a good idea. (As I said, chokepoints, too easily defensible, et cetera; it just spells 'easy mode' in my honest opinion)
  5. KWilt

    Server Wide Communication

    Not yet. Been mentioned to be 'coming soon'. We'll just have to see what it brings, though.
  6. KWilt

    Suggestion: Handcuffs and subduing

    Or, we could act maturely and ignore those who want to turn this into the next 'Sexy dance in ToR for credits' idea, instead of letting the kiddies ruin a fairly good idea. Anyways, as I said, I'd like to see subduing mechanics. Would definitely give me something to do other than kill people. Binding and gagging someone out in the middle of a field would be fun, using them as bait. And if not human bait, at least they can give the zeds something to chew on while I'm looting a chopper. Also, to the people who are wondering about the DCing issue... I don't see what the problem is. If you DC while bound, you will still be bound. Same as if you DC while bleeding, if you DC while in shock, DC with any status effect. It will persist (or in the case of shock, get worse). After maybe an hour, they'll wiggle free of the restraints. Guess you shouldn't have run if you don't want to wait an hour before your hands come undone again.
  7. I've kinda wanted it in Layman's as well. Doesn't really give much insight into how it works, other than 'Zombies see you better from farther', as can be surmised from the 100m see-ers.
  8. KWilt

    strange glitched map?

    Actually, to my knowledge, if you can see them, you can see them on map. So, if you're 500m away in an open field, you'll see their last-known on the map 500m away on the map. That's the trick to it, though. The map only gives you the last-known position. Don't trust it completely. But if you see another red or blue dot, either avoid or proceed with caution.
  9. KWilt

    Guns? Why need guns?

    Well, since you're going to act like an ass and ignore my point there, let's drop back to your former point. What are your claimed 'workarounds'? Saying 'fix melee weapons' isn't exactly a work around, skippy. Also, slightly off-topic, but I'd love to know what alse DayZ was inspired by. Hopefully you've remembered by now. It's been a day and a half.
  10. Well, let them know that their opinion is pretty shit, because they are ignorant to the meaning of alpha. If the bugs were their only problem, then they really need to shut up and report them.
  11. Would really like for people to stop making these huge announcements like this without a source. Seriously. Where was a standalone in September ever announced and/or discussed?
  12. KWilt

    New DayZ website design idea

    Looks pretty fucking sweet, if I may say so myself. Nicely put together, compressed, and nothing really 'hangs' anywhere.
  13. KWilt

    Ideas for underground bases

    If these ideas were applied to an above-ground base, I don't see a problem. Like I said, I just disagreed with the idea of underground bases, as per your topic title. I, personally, can't wait for base building. While I'm a bandit, I only do it because there's nothing left to do right now end-game. Once we start setting up towns, and we can have guards with rotation shifts, or scavs looking to barter for sanctuary, I'll be in fucking heaven. Seeing society being built when the shit hits the fan is always my favorite part.
  14. Yep. As been posted, that message shows up if you kill in debug areas. Completely forgot about that. But, with the evidence provided, you should be able to appeal your ban. Still kinda stupid that you couldn't communicate with the admin. But hey, who needs global chat for anything?
  15. KWilt

    strange glitched map?

    Nope. That's how all maps work. Sorry to spoil your fun. (On servers that allow you to see characters on the map, at least. Servers can turn it off completely, though, so you can't even see yourself.)
  16. KWilt

    Cars and spawned debris on roads.

    Yeah, my group lost an offroad outside of Cherno from a bit of debris that decided to spawn 2m in front of a 110kph-traveling-vehicle. I think it's mostly the server's fault, but I don't see why rocket can't work in some possibility for an optimization balance that might stop this from happening quite as often. Really sucks that we have to worry about silly things like this and, as such, we're stuck wasting gas driving around at 40 or 50 kph.
  17. KWilt

    Postcards, pictures, and more!

    I actually wanted to make the NVG-viewpoint image bigger, but the source was only 1600x900, so I didn't really have much choice. That's as big an image I could find without FUBARing the actual quality of the image. The postcard, though, I was shooting for a more... 'postcard' size, obviously. They might be a tad bit too small, though. Might size it up a bit later. (That image was edited at about 50% of the source size.) And my favorite, the old, worn photo, is actually a bigger part of a desktop I was working on, but pretty much scrapped. Had a folder with all sorts of documents and such in it. Coffee stains, ash tray with cigarette butts, an ink well with a pen. It was nice, but I couldn't get it just right. As is, though, I kept the photo, because I really liked it. But that's why that's so small. (That, and because I couldn't size it up due to the source being so small.) Thanks for the input, though. Been hoping that people put some more cinematic shots over in the screenshot topic soon, so I can snag them and make them 20% cooler.
  18. KWilt

    Ideas for underground bases

    Interesting... but I don't really thing creating whole new cells would be all that easy, especially in this engine. I think we should focus more on base building with maybe the ability to place (read as: build) buildings above ground. Maybe make a small commune or hamlet out in a clearing somewhere, with a few small buildings. Either way, I don't exactly feel that encouraging underground bases is such a good idea. They're far too easy to protect, as they'll probably have tons of chokepoints.
  19. It's an interesting prospect, but I doubt I'll step into the ring on this one. Surviving only off of prey, and not scavenging at all, would be an interesting challenge. If you run into a dry spot, you might find yourself starving with no survivors about, and the chances of going after zeds and surviving nowadays are pretty nil with an axe only.
  20. Two words that pretty much kill any idea with 'punish bandit' in the title: Self-defense. So as much as the ideas aren't as bad as they usually are (finally, something that will effect your character's respawn and not just an instant penalty!), it's still a 'no' for me.
  21. Just appeal your ban on the server. I don't see how that's a ban-able offense.
  22. KWilt

    Postcards, pictures, and more!

    Bumping this up. Any feed back? Any at all? Not even a 'lolz ur a n00b wit fotoshawp'? C'm'on.
  23. KWilt

    Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

    Honestly, I've already gotta move to ARMA III when it comes out, as that's where a majority of the Life severs I play on are going. So I don't mind if DayZ goes that direction too. Also, I've actually started to play the actual ARMA campaign recently, and I'm liking it. I remember days when I would get shot by enemies I couldn't see and cry 'wall hackz!' Ah, were those the days of my youth...
  24. KWilt

    Guns? Why need guns?

    Stopped reading there. That's not how you spell "Real Virtuality".
  25. Don't really see a use for it. There already is one, but if you guys want to waste your inventory space lugging around a flare gun that does nothing offensively, go ahead.