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Everything posted by KWilt

  1. KWilt

    An Idea

    Suggestions forum is riiiight over there. As for a rest mechanic, there is one. It's just not that noticeable unless you're ambushed after running.
  2. KWilt

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Well, unfortunately... there never was any Dew. But who was soda?
  3. Oh boy, OP, you' sure are a joker. It's almost as if you've never even heard of 95% of the PC ports that get no support from devs. Though, if you're serious about that title, then wow. You must be a PC newbie. (Also, I don't think my team's ever run into hackers. Granted, that's not that great of an excuse, because we never seem to have the luck to run into anybody, but for what it's worth, our experiences with hackers is very little.) QUICK EDIT: (Actually, I redact that. I had a problem twice when I was on a server where I thought the map was nuked, but I later learned that was a clanmate of my buddy's coming in to fuck with me. So I've met hackers. They just were coming to fuck with me personally because my friend is a dick.)
  4. The audible range is in meters, right? (I'm assuming, but just confirming.) If so... nice. Now I actually know how close I can get to zeds without aggroing half the fucking town.
  5. KWilt

    How rare are NVGs?

    My group has one pair, and their mine because I'm usually the chopper spotter at night. Found them once on a 4 hour loot-piling expedition, and haven't given them up since. (Besides the frequently rare occasions where my mates can't hear me over the microphone and put a bullet in my head.) We've been hoping to pick up another set sooner or later, but no luck. I know that before I joined, the guys I played with once did 14 hours of loot-piling over the course of 3 days, and never found a single pair. Was crazy as shit.
  6. I never understood what their whole argument is, really. It's facts that penalizing bandits would pretty much be penalizing the smallest sect of players. If we add skins back in, they become the shoot-on-sight targets. We add debuffs, and the random person who defended himself from another crazed survivor is given a debuff for not trying to die. There's no winning situation with the system we have right now. Are there dicks who camp the coast and fuck with spawnees? Yeah. But will penalizing them for doing that stop them? Nope. They're just doing it to troll. My personal policy is if I don't see a gun, I just don't shoot. Plain and simple. But once you have a way of defending yourself, you're a target. And yes, that even means Makarovs and small arms. I've had plenty of stealthy players sneak up on me back when I was new to DayZ with just pistols. It's entirely a possibility. So, I don't leave that possibility if you give yourself away to me.
  7. KWilt


    Really sad to see how many people can't take the context of a word like 'endgame' abstractly. Realistically, for all the people crying about how DayZ shouldn't have an endgame, it already does. Get good gear and... welcome to the endgame. That's it. There is nothing left to accomplish, gameplay-wise, at all. Racking up murders gets you nothing, surviving gets you nothing, and helping others gets you nothing. (Mechanically, of course.) So, the next time you guys tell people to go to an MMO for an endgame, turn right around and start calling DayZ an MMO.
  8. KWilt


    This is one of the hitches I've found in bases as well. I'd rather not go the route of NPCs, because it's just nicer to see everything PC driven. But how do you stop people from raiding or just taking over when everyone is living their lives?
  9. KWilt


    So, at what point does he stomp it to the ground? Because, by this logic, he can stop it to the ground after having moved one grain, and still accomplish the same as having built the Taj Mahal and then stomped it to the ground. And if that's the logic we're following, then why even have a 255 km2 map? There's no reason to go any more than ten meters from the coast. No reason to have any weapon other than a Makarov. There's literally nothing more to do after you've played ten minutes, because you'd probably have more fun collecting your equipment again, rather than "kill animal, find lake, survive, lather/rinse/repeat". (Point being, there is an endgame to every game. Just because you can start anew at any time doesn't mean there can't be thing that are only accomplishable with 10+ hours of work.)
  10. Or, we could just shoot them on sight, since they're clearly bad people who have killed before, and will probably kill again. What? That's what I'd do as a survivor if the bandit skin comes back. Clearly, they've killed before, so you have no reason to believe they won't kill you. And killing them won't incur any penalties. So go at it. Do your good deed for the day.
  11. Oh no, it's not hard for them to do it. But it's just easier for them to bitch and moan about it, then act like it's the end of the world. I'm not sure how long 'it's an alpha' has been circulating around the forums as the go-to answer, but it's really hard to get the point across when: A majority of the people here have never tested an alpha, so they have no clue what to expect or what it even means, and DayZ isn't exactly your 'traditional alpha' (lacking regular resets, very little 'throw-it-in-and-see-what-breaks', the massive number of alpha testers, et cetera). And that's the problem with making 'it's an alpha' the go-to answer. It's kinda like just saying 'red line' to a doodler. Just because it's the answer to their problem, doesn't mean they understand the answer at all, or how important it is.
  12. You're telling me that, with 450,000 alpha testers, you think this mod has any possibility of dying out? If an in-development product needed publicity, then holy hell, I'd love to know where all the publicity was for Duke Nukem Forever for 14 years. If you seriously think we can't at least cut down on these excessively repetitive threads a bit, I'm glad to know where your priorities lie in maintaining this community. And yeah, I was ignorant to how to change the controls in ARMA II... for the first five minutes. Then, because I've played video games before, I went into the Options, found the Controls section, and read them. But, apparently someone who had played the game (as the commenter had insisted on stating) feels the need to lie to me and say that you can't configure the controls at all, and that you need a Czech keyboard to play the game at all. (If you need me to, I can pull this comment up.) Also, they weren't 'insults'. I suppose I should've said 'constructive criticism', but the Yognaught in question decided that someone suggesting that the pair playing on a public server was some sort of insult, and that the commentor in question shouldn't even suggest something, because Simon and Lewis could do whatever they want. But I assumed that the hubris alone was enough to warrant their... well, blatant fanaticism. (Again, I can supply the comments if you'd like.) In short, I suppose maybe you can count my... 'vendetta' with the Yognaughts as some form of fuel as to why I dislike ever having been associated with the community. I've seen them drive more than a handful of Minecraft modders out of business, and I've seen how the community acts with even the slightest suggestion in any of their videos. rocket already has enough to deal with, and I really don't want him to have to deal with this right now, especially when he's already apparently terrified of the community.
  13. KWilt


    Just try a different server. You might be on an unofficial server. If that doesn't work, then try respawning. If that doesn't work, sorry to hear. If the latter most is truth, then get back to scaving. Best not to get behind the curve.
  14. KWilt


    Base building. Land holds. Communication that doesn't involve methods measured in millimeters. Coup d'etats. Sustainability through bartering. If you haven't figured it out, basically people getting together, setting up their bases, and building. And then, as time goes on, either people outside or inside the group killing those who lead the group, taking the leadership of the group or appointing someone else. Lather, rinse, repeat as necessary for fun/power. Factions can eventually splinter off of each other, groups can lose sustainability and completely dissolve. Whatever the players really want to do with their groups to have fun.
  15. Again, I'm not against publicity. It's just not necessary right now. Which is the point I'm trying to get across right now. And I know there was an abundance of repetitive threads before, during, after, and any other time of the existence of this mod in relation to the Yogscast Let's Play. The point I'm trying to make is that I would like to see a cut down in them. And when I'm seeing comments on the Yogscast video about how players believe you can't reconfigure the controls of Operation Arrowhead, or how you shouldn't insult Simon and Lewis simply because they are Simon and Lewis, I have very little faith in the majority of the community they're bringing to this alpha.
  16. And that's how far down the road? Sure, it's nice to clinch an audience now, but it's not a necessity. The audience is already big enough, but as I mentioned in a different topic, much of it looks at this as a mod, and not an alpha. They expect immediate results, and they expect things not to change at all. This is fairly evident by the numerous, and I mean numerous, topics complaining about losing items, dying to random things, having things break, et cetera.
  17. Well, that's the problem. I'm not against working with the community. But it's not exactly news-worthy that he should be scared about pissing us off, and that's the point I'm making. Oh, I agree. Which is why I think opening the alpha to the public was a silly idea. But rocket chose, and he can just as easily choose to stop releasing updates if he'd like. It's not like he has to kill the servers or anything. People can continue to submit bug reports, and PR can give updates as to how the development is coming. Maybe release bigger updates at longer intervals, doing as I said above, or whatever. It's all on rocket's call. Stopping updating won't piss off the game. Stopping the game altogether (which I really, really don't think he'd do) is what would. Well, that's his first problem. If he's terrorized by hostility, I don't think he's ready for a big project like this. (No offense to rocket. Seriously.) First rule to working with something this big is you have to shrug off those insults and death threats, and let things roll. Sure, we'll get a million and one topics about a change very patch. But that's because a majority of our community is a little lead-headed. They come, post a few posts, then run off back to silently complaining about the game most of the time. But that doesn't mean an equal amount of people will hate him for it. For example, I kinda disliked the buff to zombies in 1.7.2. Did I cry, whine, complain, and demand a change back? Fuck no. I said 'rocket knows best', because if he feels it will work, then maybe he doesn't have all of the systems in-game yet to complete his idea. But then you have these dozens of topics and suggestions every day to punish bandits, which is the complete opposite of my actions. rocket has come out, saying he doesn't want to punish bandits, and I'm cool with that. Not because I'm a bandit, but because I would hope he has other, more ingenious, ways to solve the 'bandit problem'. So, this is just the community not listening to the developer at all. As it is, as Darc mentioned above, half of these players don't have an alpha-mindset. It's not a problem we can really fix at all, but shouting alpha isn't helping. (Something I'd really like to see the community stop doing on every topic except the occasional bug that's been addressed or expected.) The point is, the community isn't really against rocket at this point. We're more-so against each other more often than not. EDIT: As I guess I didn't really address this, I think it is quintessential for rocket to listen to us, and talk to us. But I don't want him too feel like he has to always follow our judgments or suffer our wrath. As I said, as long as he sticks to the plan, I guarantee 95% of us will still be hanging around.
  18. Well, he's not being paid right now. So it's a moot point if all of the Yognaughts flock to the game at the current moment. Which is the point I'm trying to make. Unless BIS is going to reimburse rocket some time down the line. Which would be cool. Also, I suppose there has been an upward rise of patches recently, since DayZ started. (I can only speculate, as I never even knew there were beta patches before DayZ.) So I guess there's that point to.
  19. But if they join now, then there's no money to be made. So... Your point is?
  20. I don't exactly understand how it would be sociopathy. I mean, that's kinda like saying you're a sociopath because you feel no empathy or sympathy in regards to characters in a book, even after you understand that the events that a character goes through are entirely fictional or hyperbolic. Personally, I stopped really caring about the shots I take. I mean, it's not like I kill defenseless women and children (including survivors without weapons). People come into this game, expecting to die. And as they haven't shown any reason for me to trust them, then I'm not going to potentially put myself in their coffin. I worked for everything I have, and I'm not going to let a potential con take that from me.
  21. I don't understand why people keep saying this. It's not like rocket's being paid for DayZ, to my knowledge. So, actually it's just: More People = More publicity
  22. KWilt

    Change your face!

    Most people just don't even know about the profile options, I would assume.
  23. Don't really see what the problem is. If any dev were to piss off the community to the point that it drives a large majority of it away, I don't see why rocket shouldn't feel any different. Hell, he has the right to be even more afraid than most because his game isn't even meant to be easy. He's gotta strike that balance of ease and keeping with the plan. He could just go full-on hardcore, but then he loses his alpha testers. He loses his alpha testers, and he loses his game's growth. The game's growth halts, and suddenly, all the work he's put into it is for naught. So... what's the point of this topic?
  24. Pfft. You're far from the worst that I've seen, Noyd. At the very least, you're competent in nearly all the necessary roles you fit.