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Everything posted by KWilt

  1. KWilt

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    Entirely off the tanget of this topic, but wow. Harsh, man. I visited the arcade down the street from me every day and probably spend hundreds of dollars worth of quarters there. And I'm nineteen. Really shouldn't judge people's experiences based off of how old you think they are. It's not like every arcade in the world is destroyed and replaced with some caddy-ass corner store.
  2. KWilt

    Need primary weapon to stay quiet? (Prone_

    I've wondered this myself. Does anybody have an answer? Never gotten myself in a live-or-die situation over it (since I'm overcautious around zeds), but I can see how it might screw somebody's plans up.
  3. KWilt

    Face-Name system.

    I would like to see some way to more easily identify each other. I've nearly shot a few of my mates because when the game uses the same skins over and over for everyone, you're not really sure if that guy's your buddy, or someone who just happens to look like him.
  4. KWilt

    Bullet Penetration

    I can see this making sense for higher-caliber rifles like the AS50. I mean, when's the last time you saw an anti-material rifle round not penetrate a fleshy human being?
  5. ... huh... That's up there. Doesn't beat the 'Running of the Zeds', but that's definitely up there.
  6. KWilt

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    If we go with the first option, of having the server be in charge of counting the zeds aggro'd to you, that's going to put a lot of strain on the server. I don't exactly know how the aggro mechanics work, but I do know (or rather, have heard) that pathing is mostly client side as soon as you're aggro'd. So if it's going to put additional strain on the server to have to count who has how many zeds, I'm gonna have to go with nay. As with the second option, of having dead players attract zeds, that's pretty much cheese on the game's part. There's really no reason to loot a zed magnet, because you can't avoid them. Whereas in nearly any other situation in this game, you can avoid the zombies. I personally don't see what the problem with banditry is. Myself and my crew have never done something as stupid as sprinted directly at a corpse to check it, thus never needing to D/C for this reason. If it fades, it fades. Oh well. No reason to risk your life for potentially shit loot.
  7. KWilt

    A week Playing as a Non-combatant Medic.

    Would love to run into (or even run with you for a while), but with my group's banditry policies up north, I'm quite sure you wouldn't be happy that we're cutting your potential-patients down. I'll keep a watch out for you, though, and try to get my buddies to quell their trigger-fingers if we happen to pass by each other.
  8. KWilt

    Real Bones

    Yeah, I tend to avoid the falling, but the gates of the military tents down south of Balota Airfield became a 'mini-boss' to me and some friends after they nearly wiped us all out. It wouldn't have been quite as harrowing if there hadn't been gunfire coming from the southern tip of the airfield, but we didn't really want to hang around either way. Either way, Alpha is Alpha. Just gotta hope that Rocket gets around to it sooner or later.
  9. The 'night-mode' only was one of the reasons why I actually just gave up my FAL PVS. I didn't have NVGs at the time, so my chances of ever getting to use it were pretty much nil. Which really sucks, considering how I pretty much threw away one of the rarest weapons in the game. Just didn't seem practical for a day-walker to have it, though.
  10. I would like to see someway to more safely switch between flashlight/melee weapon and secondary/primary (respectively). It does get annoying if you run out of ammo and want to switch to your axe, or you want to be able to see at night, but aren't sure if your M4A1 or M9 SD is going to disappear into the void of alpha. I dunno if the holster/ammo rig is the best idea, but I'd definitely would like to see someone come up with something.
  11. KWilt

    Barbwire really?

    Recently was in a server where somebody had put 5 layers of barbed wire and about 10 hedgehogs on the entrance to the factory southeast of Polana, and then probably about 20 fences individually within the compound. Thankfully, me and a mate had toolboxes, but I can see how all that barbed wire could be a nuisance. I wouldn't be against a nerf in the spawn rate. Maybe it's my bias in wanderlust, but I've never seen a use for any of the fortifications.
  12. Never fought a zombie in real life either. In all seriousness though, OP, I like the idea of keeping vehicles between servers (especially when the server they're on goes down for 6+ hours), but your idea isn't exactly the best out there. Packing up the car into your backpack just doesn't seem at all logical.
  13. I don't necessarily like this idea. In theory, it's a great idea. But realistically, all it would lead to is people having to hop from server to server depending on the time of day. I personally like to stick with one or two servers, simply because in those servers I tend to have tents or vehicles in my possession. Also, since I found my nifty little NVGs, I also have no hindrance dealing with the night. However, given this system is implemented, I'm going to be forced to either just stop playing or switch servers to a day server, because I'm not going to purposely penalize myself just because I've dedicated myself to a certain server. Overall, as I said, I can see this idea being worthwhile. But until servers stop losing 90% of their traffic past 10PM, it's only going to hinder those who enjoy gaming on specific servers.
  14. KWilt

    Why cant i hold...

    I've always kinda wished I could be that fences watches. Y'know, the guy who rolls up his sleeve and is wearing the million and one watches? Don't ask. Just... don't ask.
  15. KWilt

    Guns in action

    Carrying an AKM (still can't seem to find the M4A1 SD I'm looking for) and an M1911, with an M107 in my pack. Doubt that'll get much use, because I suck at sniping in ARMA II, but it's always nice to have on me.
  16. It's not that I want to run around as a loner. I just don't see any reason to approach within 80m of an entirely foreign entity simply to expose myself and call for a handshake. (Let alone even finding other players. But that's not the problem at hand.) It's just not tactical at all to put yourself in that situation, when you have no idea how the subject will react. Am I paranoid? I'd say so. Been shot in the back by 'allies' more than once in this game.
  17. Just wondered the same thing when I popped into the topic. Even at Very High settings, I think there's some more that could get squeezed out of my machine's potential without framerate drop.
  18. KWilt

    LF Serious Team!

    Saw you in the other topic, and would gladly hook up. Been looking for a group. (In truth, actually, I've been looking for anybody in game. Don't think I've seen a single soul in about three days. Guess everybody is already inland when I keep respawning.) If being 19-going-on-20 is a problem, I can understand. But I'm not an idiot about listening to others, so you won't have to worry about that. Steam name is EricksHinumaru.
  19. Thoughts on this? I can easily do this. HOWEVER. There may be a small performance impact from it. EDIT: Actually' date=' it would keep spamming your position. Would have a major performance impact. I could probably write something on this later. But for now, might not be possible. [/quote'] If it's going to cause a performance issue, then I'd definitely agree with holding out on it. It'll be a useful feature when you squeeze it in, but if it'll cost someone the ability to play the game smoothly, it'll pretty much be only useful for those with higher tech in their machines.
  20. I'm pretty much 90% happy with the current status of aggro for the zeds. I think the visual could possibly more stable (I've had moments where I'll spike from 2 EYE to 5 EYE when I'm simply crouch walking along the side of a building) and possibly give a delay so you can actually crouch up to enter a door if there is a zombie who just won't get the doorway out of his LOS. As is, though, I would like a lesser chance of breaking bones, since morphine is pretty much only available at the coast. And since everyone and there mother is always saying you have to leave the coast ASAP nowadays, if you're stuck out in the middle of a field with a broken leg, you're gonna probably starve to death before you even have Cherno in sight. (I know I've lost my last three characters to broken bones. It's really gotten silly when they're breaking at the 9k threshold.)
  21. My one big complaint in regards to the axing of the side chat and global chat is that if you want to communicate with anybody now, you have to be within 80 meters of them. Now, if you're willing to get within 80 meters of someone just to identify them as friendly, then all the power to you. But when I'm used to shooting people if they even get 100m close to me, I'm heavily inclined to not really chat it up with a potential enemy. If there were a way to lengthen the distance that proximity chat allows, then I wouldn't have any complaints, but as it is, I see no reason why I should even try communicating unless there is a solid wall that stops bullets between us.
  22. KWilt

    Starting a 'Serious Group'

    19-turning-20 year old here. Now I'm sure that's a huge deterrent, but let me just say that I'm at least competent and mature enough to listen when given orders. And I know you probably hear that quite a bit as well. So if nothing else, let me just say that I've been studying modern military tactics for the past 4 years or so, so I've at least gotten that going for me in regards to helping the group survive. So if you're willing to give it a shot (don't worry, I completely understand if you aren't), Steam name is EricksHinumaru.