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Everything posted by KWilt

  1. KWilt

    What hasn't killed you ?

    Was killed by a nuke, once. Later found out it was a few of my buddy's clanmates fucking with me. Bastards. Other than that, been shot maybe two or three times by actual enemies, two or three times by friends, and maybe a handful of zed deaths. Once was that silly 'respawn' button. And that's all I can think of.
  2. Interesting observation, but I'd like to point out that I don't believe that the idea realistically applies to DayZ. The main hinge of your argument would be the morality aspect, as resources are limitless within the confines of the game, so the peace-war-game doesn't really stand up. Now, maybe it's a personal bias because I'm a tad bit offended by your comment, but I don't see the userbase as 'mindless animals' and as a bandit, I can quite honestly tell you that I do care for morality. However, it's the blur where morality comes between good and bad. Take this as an example: I own a variety of firearms. I keep them for sport and safety. If someone were to come into my house unannounced, I will immediately perceive that as a hostile interaction if they have no right to do so. I will grab my firearm, and depending on if and how the situation escalates, I would have no problem with shooting a man with my weapon. Given these interactions, I would rule my actions as a 'good' judge in morality. However, the starving family of the burglar might possibly perceive my actions as a 'bad' judge in morality. Granted, it's a possibility that they might sympathize with me, but as you can see, there is a blur where good and bad are both the same and not the same in morality. To take this into a perspective in DayZ, let's go through the motions again. I'm traveling, come across a survivor with a gun, and whether he see's me or not, I will become initially 'hostile', but only for my own security. In this situation, however, if I want to make sure to keep myself feeling safe and secure, my best chances are to fire immediately without addressing the survivor, rather than trying to talk him away. In a game, it's much easier to spin 180 degrees and fire off half a magazine of automatic rounds, than it is in real life. If I reveal myself, my adversary in this situation has the chance to do so. So, do I take the chance and possibly get myself killed, or do I remove the hostile, completely securing my safety? Now, you might notice, there is one vital point in my above situation. If the survivor is armed, this is my immediate conclusion. However, when I see a survivor defenseless (or with an axe or crowbar) I'm not quite as quick to jump the gun and put a bullet in them. This is where the morals come in. I'm not a savage animal. I only take on what I perceive as threats. And yes, even a Macaroni Knight. I've had many people one-shot me with that gun back in the early days of my playing when it was a spawnee item. So, that's my reason for why I do my thing. Not because I'm materialistic, because I'm not afraid to lose my items. Not because I'm narcissistic, because I want to have a high kill count. I just don't want to be known as the fool who let the guy I let go shoot me in the back. Had it happen twice in this game, and I've refused to let it ever happen again. It's completely fact that if I can shoot you, you can shoot me. Maybe not so much if we bring anti-materiel rifles which hit from a klick away into the equation, but I can kill you with my M16 just as well as you can kill me with your Makarov. You could see me just as easily as I can see you, and if you don't give a signal of friendliness (which, realistically, there aren't any in this game) then I'm not going to chance it. And to the players who are sitting here, refusing to actually intelligently discuss the topic, just leave. Seriously. He's not asking for us to change or anything. He's just stating his opinions. If you want to counter his testimony with facts and examples, go right ahead. Otherwise, just keep your stupid 'lol n00b' comments to yourself and get the fuck out of here.
  3. KWilt

    How did I get a red beret?

    Huh. Interesting. I wonder how they got a hold of that skin. Is it in the files, just like everything else?
  4. KWilt

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Hmm. I suppose that's one advantage that the Huey has over the AN-2 in this game. Can't exactly just hide it in a clearing in the trees easily. Need about 50 to 100 m, and while it's possible, you run a huge risk in pulling up and stalling.
  5. KWilt

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    Actually, in regards to the post that started all of this, I wasn't joking. Remove anti-materiel rifles, and remove the materiel as well. Unless we're going to get something that's about as common as cars to take down cars, they become unstoppable forces. Right now, though, every driver has to worry about just a short two shots from an AS50 killing them, their passengers, and destroying the cars and everything in it. People seem to forget that the AS50 and M107 aren't made to be anti-personnel rifles. They just make damn fine ones when we're winging it.
  6. KWilt

    You want a currency system?

    No. What? I'm just answering the topic title. Alternatively, we already have one, in a way. It's not like currency has existed since the dawn of time. And people still barter nowadays.
  7. Typo aside, I know how you feel. I always feel bad when I get the drop on a survivor. But those feelings never surge until after it's all said and done because I know that if I let him go, whose to say he won't find his way behind me and kill me with that little Makarov of his? It's a terrible thing to say, but it's a dog-eat-dog world. If I can see you, 95% of the time, you can see me. And if that happens, then you've got a firing arc, just like me. So if I kill you... well, needless to say, you could've done the same.
  8. KWilt

    Where to start?

    On the beach. That's where you start. In all seriousness, though, with your first few lives, learn how the game handles, how to scavenge items, how to properly avoid zeds, and how to, overall, survive. Then, if you're really looking for group play, I'd head over to the Survivors HQ and look around for some of the LFG topics. Might be able to find a group or two looking for a newbie to train. Hook up with them, learn the ropes of the game a little more, and before you know it, you'll be a DayZ survival expert. From there, though, your story is up to you. Are you a bandit? A trader? A medic? It's your path too choose.
  9. ITT: Hackers/Cheaters/Exploiters are all narcissistic personalities who cry when they don't get their way. Oh, OP, how little you know.
  10. QQ some more, game tester. If you don't like that the game isn't complete and ready-to-ship, then stop playing and pick it up at release. If you don't want to wait that long, the shut up and be thankful you're even allowed to test DayZ, you little prick.
  11. What are you talking about? Of course it's logical. You're not allowed to shoot survivors, you dirty, disgusting bandit. Penalties are to be put in place against becoming a bandit make sure of that, so you aren't allowed to kill them on sight anymore without completely hyperbolic and unnecessary repercussions! It's the only way to promote people working together! Oh, and don't get me started on that self-defense card. You killed a survivor, even if he shot first! You're a bad person for protecting yourself! You're not allowed to shoot back! Words are mightier than bullets. Didn't you learn that at carebear academy?
  12. No. He's suggesting that everyone who kills another person, whether in PvP or in self defense, comes down with a sudden case of schizophrenia.
  13. KWilt

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    I'm game with removing the sniper rifles. As long as we're removing vehicles too.
  14. KWilt

    DayZ Screenshots!

    It is a hacked weapon. Just because the Bizon was there, doesn't mean the team didn't already have one, or that another didn't spawn there.
  15. KWilt

    Safe Zone Idea

    Haha. Haha. Haha Hah-- no.
  16. Why do you guys want to just shift the 'shoot-on-sight' mentality to a minority of players? Nobody can seem to come up with an answer to that, and that's why I firmly am against the bandit skin coming back. You bring it back, and every survivor will just open fire on anybody remotely looking like a bandit, no questions asked. I mean, why would you try and cooperate with someone you know has killed a survivor? As for debuffs for the innocent, really? I mean, really? Are you seriously telling people that they should second-guess whether or not they should return fire against someone who is shooting at them, simply because they might not want to get a bullshit debuff that's intended for those who purposely PK? If I had to choose between recollecting my gear again or living with a debuff because I was defending myself (even if it was temporary) I'd go with the death every time. I don't want to be penalized simply because I was trying to protect myself. Penalizing 18% of the players at current isn't going to solve anything, especially when a small minority of them are probably innocents caught in the crossfire of an unfair system. And you wanna know how I feel about the kids sitting at Cherno and Electro, trolling people? I couldn't give a damn what the do. They're not my problem, so why should I worry about them? I purposely avoid them, purely for the fact that they do nothing for the game at all. Granted, not everybody has that luxury, but as an "honest" bandit, I don't really give a fuck about them. They'll waste their time and troll whether we add back in the bandit skin, whether we give them debuffs, whether we make them bleed spontaneously, or whether we detonate nuclear-fucking-weapons on them. If you think that any of these changes are going to make a majority of them stop camping the coast, you're sorely mistaken.
  17. Dunno what you think I don't understand. This thread is about people with murders suffering hallucinations. I'd say that's a 'unique experience'. Which effects bandits. Please explain what I'm not quite comprehending, if you would, oh great-and-all-knowing 'playZ'.
  18. Still don't understand why you guys want to give bandits a unique experience in this game. Granted, this isn't nearly as idiotic as bleeding out from PKing, but I still don't see why we have to effect bandits at all, simply because they kill people.
  19. KWilt

    Bandit skin

    I actually liked the aesthetic of the bandit skin. Dunno why, but a turban and veil made me feel badass. I'd be all for putting it back in the game as a find-able skin. Granted, it doesn't exactly work well in the wooded areas, but I suppose that's a risk you're willing to take.
  20. I don't really see how it removes purpose from the game at all. The only advantage we have in collecting items is we're doing it faster. I mean, if you want to search for a month to find that M16 because you've gotten shit spawns, be my guest. And you can't really call it boring. If someone comes across your group while piling, you tend to get pretty awesome firefights while trying to defend your position. But I suppose the enjoyment is subjective.
  21. So, again, you're QQing. What will stop these people from just playing the regular servers to troll you anyways? You think they're all going to say 'oh, I'm done fucking with these people, let's go play a COD-esque gametype'? Fuck no. If they were going to do that, don't you think they'd... oh... go back to Call of Duty in the first place? The idea isn't worth entertaining, because it solves nothing. If people want to troll, then they'll troll. If you don't like dying, then kill the fucker shooting at you first. All you're pretty much asking for is for rocket to take time out of the development of the mod, to try and get people to play Call of Duty in ARMA II, when they could just as easily just go play Call of Duty and rocket doesn't have to waste one second. And because I'm fucking confused, I'm going to address this separately: What. The fuck. Are you talking about. I never said anything about you being Australian. Unless 'skippy' is now an Australian term. In which case, I didn't even know.
  22. D'aww. "I can't do a Google search, so I have to rely on rocket to change the mod to my favor!" Way to go, skippy. And selective quoting or not, you acknowledge that it's completely against the motto of DayZ. If you think that doesn't instantly disqualify your idea, then I'd really like for you to sign my petition to put CryNet suits into the mod. I think they'd make it a touch more enjoyable for my playstyle. And since you support changing gametypes for some people, I expect you to just as readily comply with my idea.
  23. KWilt

    thermal = op

    In related news: you = QQ The L85 has an effective range of 400 meters. It's matched by 9 weapons in the mod, and outclassed by 8 others. The L85 has a damage rating of 3555 points. It's matched by 11 weapons in the mod, and outclassed by 21 others. Now, I can understand how having an L85 and a rifle together could be OP. But are you going to strip the weapon from every other player in the game simply because a minority of players like to think tactically?
  24. Why not buy your own server and set this up? Or, y'know, just play a different ARMA II mod with zombies with a map built in Cherno/Electro. Unless you're just too lazy. Understandable, I suppose. EDIT Hey! Didn't read that! Looks like you already realize this is a stupid idea!
  25. KWilt

    How the hell does that work?

    Wait, so the combat logging fix forces you to stand up? As in, if you log back in, you're standing up? That sucks. Hope I tree doesn't eat me when I get home and start playing DayZ again.