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Everything posted by KWilt

  1. KWilt

    Tusken Raiders in DayZ? - Balota airfield.

    I was pissing myself laughing from that. You know that guy had to be confused as all hell.
  2. KWilt

    fire fight {video}

    Damn. Was really expecting a pair of choppers going at it. Now that is worth a video.
  3. KWilt


    M40A3 skin or not, it's hacked.
  4. KWilt

    Would You?

    "And from that moment on, as I watched John ravage that infected from behind that tree, I knew we'd be inseparable."
  5. As far as I know of, those lives aren't factored in. Anything less than 5 minutes is supposedly scrapped, statistics-wise.
  6. KWilt

    DayZ Mythbusters

    Quick question, and I know answering this honestly might bring you some heat, but was everything you found legit? And if so, why would you waste a chopper in DayZ?! Otherwise, great video. Can't wait for more. Also, glad to see I now have a use for smoke grenades. (Also: inb4"FOR SCIENCE!")
  7. KWilt

    Would You?

    ... what? No. Seriously. What? Where am I? How did I get here? Where's the exit?
  8. KWilt

    Whats your favorite weapon?

    M4A1 CCO SD. Really, really love it. Not just for the silencer, but the sights on it are a beauty. Really wish I would find another one soon, one of these days...
  9. KWilt

    Dangerous locations to go.

    Chernarus. (Nah. Mainly just the big cities and the airfields. That's about it.)
  10. KWilt

    Why are car doors so loud?

    It's always funny when our team-lead is flipping out over that sound. He's gotten so good at catching those things from a klick out, and we've found two or three cars from the car door alone.
  11. $1.3k, and I can run on Very High at around 30-45 after the land has loaded. Just crank down your visual settings. Even on five year old computers, this game should run fine.
  12. KWilt

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    On this note, episode two is out. Granted, they're still on a private server and Ridge is still playing god for them. But they actually scavenge weapons this time around! (Still boring as hell for me, though.)
  13. Was that removed from all servers? Some allow you to see yourself. You'll be the red... thing. Arrow/circle.
  14. KWilt

    PVP is Out of Control.

    So when he didn't answer your query of 'friendly', you leapt in anyways? Human IQ, ladies and gentlemen!
  15. I tend to play a rifleman/medic combo. I prefer to be the guy who is watched by the sniper, but is watching the pointman. Of course, carrying the team's supply of blood bags has those perks. (Currently carrying M16A4 ACOG w/ 4 STANAG mags, M1911 w/ 4-6 M1911 magazines, 6-10 bloodbags, 6-8 morphine, 4-6 bandages)
  16. I did. I wondered why you were getting attacked haha. Pretty sure that has something to do with the server maintenance. Life expectancy was up to 47 minutes two days ago. Unless you can explain a 16 minute jump in the space of less than a week, then I doubt that the effects of the Yognaughts have been felt yet. We'll have to see how it plays out.
  17. KWilt

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Really? Did you really fall for that? Didn't you learn the lesson of the four other guys?!
  18. KWilt

    WTF Was that?

    H4X out the ass, man.
  19. I actually contemplating throwing this idea at the wall' date=' and that might actually work. Although, how the NPC bandits would work, we'd have to find out. I don't think very well at all, to be honest with you. Either way, though, locking the characters to a certain type of server would be an excellent idea. Not sure how much of a payload that would cause on the HIVE servers at the current, though, but if there is that 'single player' release of DayZ in the future, I can see this being a great route to go down. [hr'] Well' date=' that's where the artificial 'barrier' between the north and the south starts. Newbies are gladly allowed to head north and arsenal up in less than 12 hours if they want to risk it. That's why they head up there at all. If we remove the barracks at NW and make heli spawns that much more rare, it's not going to do anything, to be honest, except kill the drive for those high-tier players to stay up north. What I'd like to see is some form of enjoying incentive for these players to stay away from the beaches. Maybe it's harder zombies, maybe it's something entirely different. But we definitely need to find something that keeps the high-tier holders up north, rather than heading down south against opponents who don't have the means to defend themselves. Granted, I'm not saying that the dick PKer can't just go troll the beaches if they want to. But they're going to miss out on some of the game if they're just sitting in those bushes north of Cherno, rather than in those bushes north of Stary or the airfield. [hr']
  20. KWilt

    Vaulting animation Day Z could use

    I would definitely like to see a running vault for those tough situations so gameplay isn't so sticky. Nothing on the characters in DayZ really inhibits that type of movement. (And before you say someone who's fat or pudgy can't do that, I'm about 245 lbs. and even I'd be able to make that vault.)