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About PuMaX

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dear Devs, dear Community. I just wantd to inform you about the recent DDos attacks on that speciffic official server. It happens mostly arround the night time London Time-Zone. Is there anyone in charge that can provide that server with some kind of extra protection. Its usually the most played server since few years now, it allways had some stabillity problems but recently its getting out of controll. Prbly some people getting mad about dying trying to ruin the game experience for everybody else, not to mention the abuse of such lags for duping purposes. What do you think, is it fixable ? All we wana do is play DayZ after a hard day of work 😉 Cheers
  2. PuMaX

    Can I appeal banned ?

    No, Account sharing is not only dangerous but also not allowed. You are responsible for your own Account and there is no way you can proofe that it was really your "friend". It also smells like dogs**t inhere, you prbly got caught cheating and now try to blame it on someone. nice try bud, get dayz hackers free