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About Arconir

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    On the Coast
  1. Arconir

    How do I attach the blood type to a player?

    Thanks! Yes. I've already looked through the class hierarchy. A solution could be to override everything up to the generator function and pass the player's ID. Well, I would avoid that. 😄 Somehow, I should be able to dynamically update the blood type of the player's data in the "player" parameter when I set up the equipment.
  2. Blood type is randomly generated after each death. This is the "BloodTypes::GenerateBloodType()" function. If I override this, I can set it to constant, but I can't access the player's 44-character ID here. How can you change this in the "StartingEquipSetup" function, where you have the missing ID? I would like to link it to a player, because according to the history of my server, the new characters are clones. I would read the fixed configurations from a JSON file. Thanks for the help!