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About Moonzter

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    On the Coast

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  1. Moonzter

    Error code 0x00040004. Help.

    Yeah, I've checked almost everything. Googled til my fingers bled. 😂 Thee strange thing is that it only happens on the Chernarus map. The other one i have works great.
  2. I'm playing on a modded private lan server on Chernarusplus, but when I start the game it kicks me out with the error code 0x00040004. If I start the server and just lets it run, it's no problem. The problem occurs when I actually start playing the game. I might be able to play for a minute or ten, and get kicked out. I have another map I play on (Banov private lan. 1400 hours flawlessly), I have no problems with that one. This one is also modded. I have deleted the documents folder. I have checked my ping. I have verified game files. I have updated the mods. I'm playing on a 500/500 line, ethernet. This is seriously giving me gray hairs.