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About ChickenDancer

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    On the Coast

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  1. ChickenDancer

    Stable Update 1.24

    Hey, I am raising a problem (at least for me) which basically got patched out without mentioning it in the notes. It seems like that with this patch you removed the possiblity to ADS with holding right click. How it used to work: I used to have both of the below mentioned set on Right Click: Raise modifier Toggle aiming down sights This made it possible that as long as I hold Right Click that I am aiming through my current scope and as soon as I lift my finger from right click it lowers the weapon again. What happens now: When I hold right click right now I am going into hip fire stance and I need to additionally click middle mouse to trigger ADS. So basically no matter if I bind Toggle aiming down sights or not it behaves the same way which seems to be very wrong. Would it be possible to get the old functionality back, as this is really frustrating for me. I created that ticket: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179211