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About SnappingTurtle

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    On the Coast
  1. Name: David Location: Wales GUID: d3d89602ab836068ce44493c8ba68799
  2. True. Until there's a way to pack away your primary so you don't have to drop it to equip a melee weapon I see no point in getting a primary, unless you have a geared group so zombies pose no threat anyway and ammo is plentiful. The axe can actually hit from much further away than the length of the axe.
  3. I'd like side chat back too. DayZ might as well be a single player game right now, and then I wouldn't have to spend half an hour trying to get into a server.
  4. SnappingTurtle

    IF this was an actual game...

    Why would there be a monthly subscription? Is this any more of an MMO than any other shooter made ever?
  5. SnappingTurtle

    Near impossible for new players now

    Yeah, really. I spawned, sneaked through what I thought was Balota (crawl, crawl, crawl...). I find some ammo, a coke and a bandage and move on north. Things are getting quiet, I think I can start to crouch run and bam! Two zombies from over the horizon in the wilderness are on to me. Now I might as well have every zombie on the map after me without a weapon and out in the open where I can't try to cheat the zombies. I understand that in the current patch zombie detection is broken, but could we just get a makarov and a few mags until it's fixed? Could it just be given a modifier that makes it incredibly weak against other players but at least somewhat effective against zombies? Can I get a way to defend myself from just one zombie even? I read in a thread by Rocket that the current balance was a result of fixing bugs. If I could make a suggestion it would be put the bugs back! When I started playing during patch 1.7 it was like a dream game. Now I don't want to give it the time of day.