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Everything posted by beavaroo

  1. No one HAS to shoot on sight; that is a cop-out and denial of reponsibility. There is no compulsion mechanic in DayZ. Every decision is ours to make. If enough people remove themselves from the cycle, it will eventually lose momentum and wind down.
  2. beavaroo

    Setting yourself a goal

    Now THERE would be a good place to hide my tent; right at the low water mark!
  3. beavaroo

    A serious question for the PvP-phobes

    My being killed by another player as outlined above is perfectly acceptable to me. However, my inadvertently straying into the kill zone of some poopsock sniper with one hand on his mouse and the other on his knob, does not constitute an “encounter”, nor does being 600m away with my back to them, legitimately constitute my being in anyone’s “presence”. Under these circumstances, I refuse to excuse the all too common reaction of their immediately hitting the LMB, and am righteously pissed off when it inevitably happens. I just don’t make threads about it.
  4. beavaroo

    map question

    The foldable "tourist" map that BIS used to give away ( I think you can buy them now) is handy to have as a reference. Unlike many of the on-line maps, it doesn't show lot spawn locations, which is fine with me. I managed to download a .pdf copy and had it printed to its 1:20 000 scale so it is compatible with the protractors on my Silva Ranger compass. Let the inner geek shine! Also, you obviously cannot zoom in and out with a paper map, so I find it more immersive (realistic) than using the ingame map where you can zoom down to a 100m x 100m grid.
  5. beavaroo

    Worst heli crash site loot ever?

    Two Lee Enfileds with no ammo. Then spent 20 minutes crawling back to the tree-line as there was no way of knowing for far away, or near, whoever had go to the heli first was, so I was NOT going to risk firing at a zed.
  6. beavaroo

    [Idea] Orienteering

    It would be a good compromise over a having a GPS receiver; as you mentioned, it would leave you vulnerable for those 10-15 seconds which is a "realistic" touch, but would be just as accurate in establishing your current position. The GPS receiver would still be a desirable item for the gear addicts to search for given that they have the realtime positional tracking feature via the minimap. Seeing as how you would need both a compass and map for it to be an available option, you could of course use those tools to find your location using resection and/or terrain association. If you are not already, I would encourage you to become familiiar with the basic land navigation techniques (reading contours, intersection and resection, terrain association) and utilise them in game. You may find it enjoyable and that it adds greatly to the sense of immersion. They are also skills that can be applied irl, of couse. sargefaria has a decent introductory series on youtube. Search "land nav" .
  7. beavaroo

    [Video] First Road trip ends anti-climatically.

    "Where the fuck are all the zombies?" - George Carlin
  8. beavaroo

    One shot.

    Cunts are useful...
  9. beavaroo

    World too big for own good?

    Stop right there... The game was never intended to be PvP per se. If you want "the chance to shoot" at someone, stay near the hot-zones. Leave the wide open spaces to the people whose play style is to avoid PvP. Let them utilize the space that you see as wasted to do their thing in without having to dodge bullets at every turn.
  10. Oh, THOSE kinds of buds... ;)
  11. beavaroo vs 1.7.2

    Nothing major so far; no lost gear, no desync. I usually play one one of three veteran servers depending on which one isn't full. I spent an hour on each tonight and noticed a couple of things that may be considered odd: Climbed down from a deerstand and noticed a hopper getting a little too close for comfort. He eventually got himself trapped under the deerstand so I head shot him to see how the two others in the vicinity would react. They didn't flinch, BUT another zed spawned right on top of the dead one. Unfortunately for him, he was now trapped and not happy about it. Another head shot, then ANOTHER spawns in his place. BAM. Fish in a barrel! It made me smile! Found a heli-crash. Didn't really need any gear, but decided to have a closer look and test the waters. There were nine zeds visible and i'm pretty sure there were a few more around that I couldn't see by the moonlight. I have never seen that many at a heli-crash before, but perhaps others have. As far as detection range, as long as they are not looking in your direction, they are no more sensitive than V1.7.1.5 that I could tell... AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT CROSS THEIR LINE OF SIGHT. You really have to observe their movement and make sure you stay behind or off to the side if you are within, say, 75m of them. I did find my first GPS, so perhaps it is just my lucky night!
  12. beavaroo

    My first murder and now I feel guilty

    Doubtful he was planning on using that hatchet to make a campfire and toast marshmallows with you. My one and only "murder" was a resut of a similar situation. At the NE airfield, some bod sneaking up behind me, pistol drawn. He stopped when i spun around to face him, but did not respond to my hail and kept his weapon trained on me; I went prone and put 10 Bison rounds into him. Found out a few minutes late that I was in Vehicle Channel so he wouldn't have seen me trying to communicate. Felt bad about it for a while, but odds are if I hadn't fired, it would have been me dead instead. It is good that you feel remorse; it shows you are immersed in the game and have a conscience. Don't dwell on it, but try and learn from it. Do all that you can to avoid putting yourself in a position where you have to make that decision again. Good luck out there.
  13. beavaroo

    Morphine outside Elektro/Cherno

    Deer stands spawn morphine and the military zeds around them sometimes carry it .
  14. beavaroo

    Hackers get owned

    Good job, HB! If you ever find yourself in that situation again, you should set the charges on countdown timers; even if they log in and catch you, they're still going to detonate!
  15. beavaroo

    gold guns!!¬

    Poetic justice... hacker gets hacked!
  16. beavaroo

    Gold Stars

    Search didn't provide an answer, so hopefully this has not been asked before: What are the gold stars under our username based on? Just curious.
  17. beavaroo

    Gold Stars

  18. beavaroo

    Anti-Bandit Squad

    Kill 'em all and let Cthulhu sort 'em out.
  19. beavaroo

    Beautiful locations discussion thread.

    Sunrise over Pobeda Dam. One in game and another from ArmA 2 editor (better control of lighting :idea:).
  20. beavaroo

    No wonder people hack!!

    Awww, how adorable... (\_/) ( . .) c(")(") "SNAP" Cursed rodent! I KILL YOU!!!
  21. beavaroo


  22. beavaroo

    Maps ?

    My daughter gives me the "Really, dad?" look whenever she sees me getting out my map and settling in for a session! Hope it arrives soon for you.