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KetChup (DayZ)

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About KetChup (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. KetChup (DayZ)

    massive graphic screwup.... Need some help S:

    Yep, me and my friend got this last night. Cherno and Balota was fricking full of them. And when you think you've escaped, your screen goes black.
  2. I'm pretty sure the thread is supposed to be here, not in the title ;P
  3. KetChup (DayZ)

    Wrong Version of ArmA?

    Ha, we meet again. Another "fail-child" joins the Deathmatch moshpit. I'll see you burn.
  4. KetChup (DayZ)

    Bleeding Issue

    Hmmmm. Good point. Anyway, looking forward onto the official release version. I just hope the zombies won't run like mad men zig-zagging all the frikin' way.
  5. KetChup (DayZ)

    Bleeding Issue

    So far I've enjoyed the game by myself and with my friends. It's awesome! There is one flaw I would like to report, bleeding like a stuck pig. I know it's still an ALPHA but it's very unlikely to survive a chase. Once, I got chased by three zombies. One of them got to hit me, by the time I killed them all I literally lost half of my blood. Then again I repeat myself, I know it's still and ALPHA but this flaw makes it almost unplayable. I would deeply appreciate if the bleeding ratio would decrease. Hence the fact that zombies just merely bitch slap'ed you. :D