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Everything posted by HerrEilig

  1. HerrEilig

    What is the point of the M24?

    Style points indeed. And it's boltaction.
  2. HerrEilig

    GDC Online Awards

    Vote placed.
  3. HerrEilig

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    God donut... I don't like KoS, in a few month of playing I only killed a handful of guys and ever since I played a few days, I wanted the Killcount in the Debug removed. Anyway, most hackers I came across (which are in fact only three guys on different occasions who somehow manage to get around the banlist of our server) just tried to fuck me and my mates up for no reason. So i can't believe, that there a more than a few hackers who only use their hacks when they've allready been shot at.
  4. HerrEilig

    Our current vehicle stash

    Yeah... Fucking vehicle hoader! Well, we'd do the same if our server would save vehicles x) Nice hacked weapon though.
  5. HerrEilig

    What Is Your Favourite Weapon?

    M14 or FN FAL In terms of Sniperrifles: M24 Against zombies: M4 CCO SD Sidearm M9SD or PDW For Squad-Cover: L85 AWS I'm no friend of semi-auto snipers. They compensate for a lack of skill or patience too easily. Especially both cal 50... though I currently own one along with all the weapons above. I hope cal 50 and l85 will be removed in later versions, they're just op.
  6. HerrEilig

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    This lot is so pathetic... it's gamescom ffs... so rocket & friends are occupied with not being digested by the crowd of people who want to see/play/whatever you can do to dayz there, and maybe even talk to them. So... they are occupied. You can't do anything angainst it. Like when you die ingame. Deal with it. Stay calm and go find some Beanz. Bragging about how horrible this all is won't change a thing. The issues will be fixed if you cry or not. The only difference is, that you officially declare to be ungrateful morons with a huge lack of decent education to the entire Internet. Which might even include your parents, who should be yelling at you this instant for being insolent dicks toward these strangers who created that amazing (f2p) game you "waste" so much of your time on instead of going out with friends, walk the dog, take the trash out... well, all the things that made your parents yell at you earlier, because you didn't do them... Just don't point your frustration at the devs because you can't cope with adolescence. --- I've honestly never seen this much rage regarding a slow process of a Game-Modification... So far it's mostly been disapointment but with a lot of anticipation for the long to come update... But here... Most people don't even get that they did nor purchase this MOD nor that the dev-Team is rather small and on Top of it, it's Alpha-Stage. Someone just place a fucking Disclaimer right at the Top of the Page, saying: You did not buy it, it's not even intended to be bug free and if you can't wait for the next update, sign up for the dev-team. Alternative: Just fucking whipe the database with each update. I bet that would reduce complaining.
  7. HerrEilig

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    This is so weird... First off, you need to find those Items. Then you need to carry them with you (and the jerrycan alone takes 3 slots) so if you have to engage in a firefight, you just ignore your enemies for the time requiered to set up you equipment, reveal your position and basically get shot in an instant. So, it would definitly counter hosting by the mere fact that you just need to shoot in the general direction of the suddenly burning fire or ridiculous radio tower. If used to protect your camp from guys who randomly log in on it's location it basically tell's them it is there and guides them by the light of the fire or the sound of a generator. The only situation I would find it usefull would be if I intended to tke control of one of the major cities by blocking all entrances with barbed wire and prevent people from logging in with one of these devices.
  8. HerrEilig

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Try walking over some stones or into a certain bush near the Black Lake which managed to kill me for doing so. Don't you suffer bloodloss from hunger and thirst? maybe just standing idle for a while (or placing some weight on your w-key to speed up the process) might solve your problem?
  9. HerrEilig

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    It's actually way to common. Just like the cal .50s
  10. HerrEilig

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    So everytime you people get bored just DB wipe only for you? That's straight up selfish, and unless its completely needed for the survival of the game it shouldn't be done. Please read before posting, it would help with alle the duplicated guns'n stuff. It is an alpha ur supposed to test, not play the whole day for fun and than log off. It gets boring in terms of shooting serverhoppers on NW-Airfield or Stary ... Thats all im saying. To further elaborate my point, I roleplay my characters internally. I don't run around spouting superfluous dialogue to everyone, but I do try to live each survival as though -I- have entered a zombie apocalypse. If a DB wipe was incoming, I would like to see some form of scenario that would make sense. Such as an asteroid hitting a planet already gone to shit. Not just a "well, too many bugs caused a reset" scenario; some compelling reason that not only makes me mourn the loss of my character (not gear, character), but celebrate the chance to start a new chapter. This isn't a statement of condescension, only one of creative suggestion. Hopefully that makes sense. It does. But still: We're in alpha-stage of development. There will be DB-wipes anyway and to be honest, there's no point in creating some ingame-story everytime this will happen. I once died because I walked into a bush. How do bugs fit into such a playstyle? They pretty much do not. I admire your playstyle and would love to do the same thing once this mod goes golden. But at this time we're not near the final DayZ experience I believe. Also, the current ammount of PvP will see most of your lifes end due to a bullet in your belly. Or not? I'm actually curious.
  11. In b4 "omg u just jelly because you have no good gear and suck"... well yeah, tell this to my m24 and m4 sd. My point is this: At the current state only a small percentage of the community really contributes to the testing we're ment to do. A lot of the groups that are active players just concentrate on hoarding high-value items in case one of them dies. After respawn the player then just grabs a new gear out of the tent and just plays on as if nothing happened. Permadeath, lolwat. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy that I found myself a group wich would try everything to secure whatever gear possible from my corpse, but this massive storing of gear completely negates the effect of possible loss in this mod. If you don't have to care for your gear, you are more willing to risk it, ie go for the pvp in heavy populated zones (in order to piss people off, because your gear is high end already) Second thing: Vehicles Again, in b4 "omg u just jelly because you never found a car, moron". Well, I did and more than once. No, I won't deny anyone the right to hide his ride once he found and repaired it. But those massive off-map parkinglots you come across sometimes are just ridiculous. I won't complain on how it's "unfair" that one group manages to obtain "all" the vehicles on a server because they "hack" and are "friends with the admins/the admins" because: -It is totally fair. -5-10 is not "all" -I ran across some too -I don't know a single admin Both things are heaviely frowned upon by some parts of the community. But, both things are completely legit. There are several valid points to both behaviours and it's rather foolish to argument against it. Except: This is an Alpha Version. As we all agree on that (well, I don't include people to my statement who think they know better than rocket about how much this mod proceeds) we are not players, but testers. Why does this in any way support the question in the topic? Well, for once, those groups with large storages are surely amongst the most active players in DayZ, ie they have good chances to come along some bug and report them. But, when excluded from many parts of the game because they simply have no need to "waste their time" searching for first basic loot, crawl through zombie-filled villages, this possible advantage (in terms of testing) is wildly negated to the state of "hit detection is laggy" and "barracks just spawn bullshit" Same thing for vehicles. If they are all just stashed away behind some trees and mainly used as storages for guns and supply, it simply doensn't contribute to testing. How to know if vehiclespawns work correctly for example? Also, the more players come to drive them, the more likely a bug might be discovered and reported. So, is it legit to store masses of gear to avoid starting all over again after death? Yes, definitely. Is it legit to store away vehicles for your group/to deprive other groups of them. Yes, it is. But do these actions contribute to the testing of the game? No, I don't think they do. I know, a lot of people cling to their gear or zombiekill-counts and will just hate to lose them. I don't. This is Alpha, our stats will get wiped one way or another, our gear will vanish, all our progress ingame will be lost. So, why not make everyone start over again when a new version comes out? Make everyone experience possible flaws, pros and newbs alike, on the same stage. Gearing up again, sneaking around zeds, all these things which could need tweaking... I, for one, think it could do something to result in a better game on the long term, instead of playing as if it was already retail... Any thoughts on this idea (if possible, none of those I "in b4"ed already)?
  12. HerrEilig

    The return of the cans(an Issue)

    OP is right... I'd rather like to see no loot spawning instead of empty cans which will block the spawnpoint into oblivion (or server-restart). Clearing a whole high-value building of cans to allow new loot to spawn is dangerous and takes a lot of time. So you'll most likely end upp being killed while doing something good for everyone to come after you or... well, you are lucky enough to run across someone who will eventually help you. On high populated servers the high traffic areas like electro and cherno will be filled with empty cans or whisky-bottles a few hours past the last restart and so the high-value pubs and supermarkets end up being the nightmare of anyone who's into recycling.
  13. HerrEilig

    I just failed.

    Cleared one of the appartments and walk back down. Hear the sound of footsteps. Wait on mid-floor for the survivor to come in or pass by (aiming down at the stairs below me) aaaaaaand, get shot in the back because it was actually a serverhopper who logged in in the top floor.
  14. HerrEilig


    Found one on the dead body of the unfortunate survivor who happened to run into our group at NW Airfield (yes, we KoS, because we're scared little girls when it comes to DayZ). Is there any use to it?
  15. HerrEilig


    You just stranded on a apocalyptic island? Some of it's inhabitants allready stated their interest in your intestines? You seem in the need of a weapon! Try the hatchet! OHK every zombie that dares to come near you! And it doesn't even need ammo! Also, if you care to be stealthy: It doesn't even make a sound! Well, except for a tasty "chunk" but most zombies are completey occupied by making creepy noises, eating someones intestines and so on... Zombiestuff you know. Go to your nearest item-spawn and get yourself a Hatchet! Now! - The only weapon I found so far^^ 15 Zombies down and still above 10000 blood, so I think it is a valid weapon as long as you don't end up in a gunfight. x) Why I think this Thread is necessary? I don't. I'm just to scared to keep playing right now!
  16. Of course it's not necessary if rocket just switches the colour of a bush from autumn orange to spring green, but in case of greater changes I think this is absolutely viable. And yes, it surely is rockets decision when to do so, but I think it should happen frequently. And afaik, killing the server does not kill the characters, so this would be up to rocket or BI.
  17. HerrEilig

    Bring back the leaderboards!

    This game isn't about statistics.
  18. HerrEilig

    "____ was killed"

    It's a serversided option. It's deactivated on some expert/veteran servers.
  19. HerrEilig

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Except the Makarov isn't silenced.
  20. HerrEilig

    Farming VS Duping

    It seems luck is a great part of looting. I keep reading of people who haven't found several rare items in a long time, while some of my squadmates tend to die and on their way back to the rest of us find svds on deerstands and stuff like that. As it is now, if one of our lucky guys dies we could start bets on the gear he will show up in again...
  21. HerrEilig

    Server hopping is cheating!!

    Barbed Wire = press v You're welcome. No need for accidentally looting the same firestation on 10 different servers. Also: Logging out in such a hot spot is just ridiculously suicidal.
  22. How about being aware of your suroundings and avoid those snipers instead of using an exploit?
  23. HerrEilig

    Tent city levelled.

    +1 to the idea of tents disappearing/becoming inaccessible after death. Right now they just take away a lot of the experience if you die when you know there is a tent you have set up with a shitload of stuff so you don't have to mind the first steps of a new survivor, can avoid gearing up at the cities and just start back up close to the state of your death.