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Everything posted by Kuzyn.

  1. Kuzyn.

    Skills revision

    Those skills are not functioning anyway?
  2. It was in the game for years, just hidden under presets options... Im wondering, if you want to increase render distance and the game is constantly running worse and worse from update to update, what disaster will happen with 1.26? This is insane on 1.25. Losing almost half FPS when entering towns on Livonia or Cherno (unmodded). Partially it helps to disable antialiasing but not always. Lowering any graphics setting from extreme to low does not change anything, only changing resolution makes a difference. What kind of joke is that? Or what happened that 1440p is so unplayable for past few updates?
  3. Kuzyn.

    DayZ | +30 QoL suggestions | Part 6

    Unfortunately I have opposite feeling and its a shame because those really meaningful and pro-player small changes/fixes were omitted. Regarding your new set of QoL ideas, I support all of them, except few: 5, 29 (tear gas ok, but I dont like the smoke side effect).
  4. Of course everything is a subject to change. I'm just saying that it was denied by Sumrak during event for content creators, he confirmed there is no frostbite (for now).
  5. They said already that for now there is no frostbite. No hard to guess that's infected...
  6. Kuzyn.

    DayZ Update 1.25

    I dont remember every single article they wrote before, could be nice to mention it when update actually releases. Btw, how is that possible that the game is running even worse than on 1.24? There is literally 0 difference between Extreme and Low preset. On RTX 3080 (12gb ver) i7 12700 I'm getting unstable 70-85 FPS on 1440p with ugly stutter/lag effect. There is a slightly difference when I switch to poor preset, then its jumping 75-105 FPS with the same effect. And numbers arent bad but the game looks and feel laggy/stuttering. #edit Changing resolution to 1080p changes a lot - so is there something bugged with 1440p or what?
  7. Kuzyn.

    DayZ Update 1.25

    Any ETA when the soundtrack will be available on Steam? Because I'm not sure if its too early to just not showing up.. Also, the screenshot from the article - do we really get 26 minutes of soundtrack on Steam while there was more than 3 hours music available on experimental? And what about the existing DayZ soundtrack on Spotify - will it be removed/renamed/extended?
  8. Any chance that dev logs would continue after dlc release?
  9. Not sure how up to date FAQ is but you can read that on DayZ website: And I think this is correct, since some configs or tools used for DayZ modding are still more RV engine like than Enfusion. There is a quite big difference e.g. in map editing between those two, at least if we talk about tools.
  10. I hope I am, however it will not change the situation. But thank you for replies. By the way, do I understand it correctly, that right now we will have a break from updates after 1.25 up to the release of Sakhal? And do you plan any experimental phase for 1.26 or its too early to say anything (or will not happen since its DLC)?
  11. Where did I wrote that its the same? I of course compared it some announced/disclosed features of this new map to mods, to show the big gap there is between official and modded content, when official is paid and created by professional developers and modded done by enthusiasts in their meantime. And I'm totally aware that in the industry it's harder/longer to do some stuff - and everything starts with the budget and honestly that's my biggest complaint. As a guy who played the mod on Arma2/Arma2 OA in 2012/2013 and bought the DayZ standalone version in June 2014, I constantly get the feeling that DayZ is unwanted baby for BI. Like this company does the bare minimum to keep the developers working on anything which makes this game stand out more due to its age. And as a result, you get really nice numbers on Steam and consoles by providing this bare minimum. The thing that was shown, the Sakhal, looks like another example of that bare minimum. I guess I need to get over it and realise that for BI it was just an opportunity to make fast money by adopting the mod, but it was turbulent during development and not that easy to cash out, so they had change the plan and continue the slow development with low resources. Apart from the budget, yeah there is also a whole process of designing and brainstorming before even prototyping some things, you need to coordinate all the departments yeah, yeah, probably huge task for DayZ since it looks like most of the people work on Arma for most of their time and no one is left to fully focus on DayZ. And I don't say that to insult anyone, I don't blame any developer, that's what I see as a customer when we are getting things that are "returning" to the game after X years or we get cosmetic items, sometimes even imported from your other games, not completely new. You are so short on time and budget that you need basically anything that is already done or half done, so it's easier to add it to the game. I based all my info on the presentation made for the content creators that was posted by TRMZ and from your Steam page. Unfortunately for you, you're quite honest when you don't announce many things, because in reality there isn't anything more - which was shown and proved in many past updates. So my assumption is based on the information you provided because I believe that what you say is actually true, especially that it looks like a final description and you want us to wishlist that product 😉 I can agree it's not a nice way of saying that, but it's also not nice to put console players in a position where they have to buy this DLC even if it lacks a lot and is recycling a lot to have anything more than the bare game or left them without anything. Regarding your last question, this is really tough topic but not for me, but for you that asks it, especially if you look at the DayZ's past. I can't answer simple yes or no, I would have to answer both at the same time. I can say yes, I enjoyed DayZ. Because of the gameplay idea created by a guy who is not working for BI for many years right now... But of course also because of the developers who delivered this game to "playable enough state" that it got more attention and brought many new players in. On the other hand I started to really enjoy DayZ Standalone only in 2022, due to my friends returning and extensive mod support that this game received, also due to expanding roleplaying servers which are real game changer for DayZ. And I can say no, it was not worth at the same time. I had to wait 4 years to get product officialy released with less features that were in the game during Early Access and game was still buggy mess. 10 years after EA launch game still does not have things that were in this game in the past and I do not talk about promised things that never saw the day light, because it would be even more devastating to bring all those things up. I talk about things that were in the game. As I mentioned it before, there are still items "returning" to the game with new updates. Many features and mechanics are gone and probably will not come back, some items aswell. There isn't single game session without bugs in the game and many of them are haunting players for years, they are left on the feedback tracker without any response or simple "we know about that" posted 8 years ago. I don't know if you remember that but the game had mixed reviews on Steam on its release not without a reason. Sad to say this but almost everyone was sh*ting on the game. 2-4 years after it's release was similar. It really changed not that far ago. Yes, I said that I defended the DayZ for all that years, because I knew that you can't simply port the survival semi-mmo mod into the game engine suited for military-like simulations and that's simply why I'm so sad with this DLC announcement. I had believe that we will finally get something new and fresh (again, I don't mind paying for that, even if most of the time I had this game it was not fun enough to play) when it comes to the new map. I'm sad that the bare minmum pattern is followed. And you say that there are no monthly fees or ingames purchases - I don't want to know how would you even imagine that in DayZ taking into consideration it's fragile reputation and gameplay itself - but if you need money to continue the game support and it's hard to hire experienced people, maybe you could reach out map creators that already published their maps, hm? There are some developers/publishers who practise that, they make deals with modders and release DLCs with community created content. I don't see why it couldn't be done here. Maybe that way you would save enough money to release trully refreshing winter DLC map in the future 🤷‍♂️
  12. Namalsk developer is Czech and he works for Bohemia Interactive as a Creative Lead. And there is no such thing as a "chernorussia" its Chernarus. Get your facts up, thats poor quality propaganda. ========= Regarding the map announcement and what was said/showed so far, I'm totally disappointed. I understand many things, I'm aware a bit how the game development works or how tough and unpleasant is working with DayZ especially, but this announcement is a pure spit into the face. So far I don't think it's game developers' fault, it's Bohemia Interactive and how they treat DayZ fans. My thoughts are in random order, but this is how I see the whole situation: I like the idea but amount of details disclosed and screenshots screams "money grab from console players". It was under development for 5-6 months (it was mentioned on a presentation for content creators) and there are still 4/5 months of work before it gets released. Bohemia Interactive is not an indie studio, you guys make millions from your games and DayZ is more popular than Arma3 and Reforger combined. I'm totally dissapointed with the results. Of course, you had more chances to monetize Arma's with DLCs. And I'm totally fine with it. You work on a game, continue to support it, etc. DayZ is of course specific, its development was turbulent, probably lot of money was spent before it left Early Acess or before 2020 when BI Bratislava was closed. And you have full right to release a paid DLC, again, I'm totally fine with it. But - you need to show us that we pay for quality, not low effort rushed content. If you don't have enough resources to make a real map with lots of love for details, then earn money in other way. Make it able to buy a soundtrack on Steam, prepare some artbook, release a paid game mode or do something else. But instead you decided to: 1. Announced already that rework of Sakhel is planned once it is released, just like Livonia. This really sounds like a joke to plan rework of a map that was not yet finished and released. 5 months of development, let's say 5 more coming - and you need to plan rework/update after release anyway? How is that fair for those who gonna buy it on release? 2. Arma2 buildings from 2010 for probably 20-30 EUR. Really? I know, there will be few new assets (but zero guarantee that they are not already in other Arma games or Vigor, so you can just import them and tweak) but the buildings people loot are the core thing in this game. Giving different colours for the same layouts or painting fences is not what is expected, especially for paid DLCs. And yes, it takes time and effort to make new assets. But... you hired the modders. Why you can't buy assets from modders or hire those specific ones to do a new set of buildings for new paid map? 3. This is Tanoa reskin from Arma3 DLC released in 2016. Of course you had to edit terrain to suit new locations, replace the buildings, reskin texture mask but come on. You start off with huge advantage, you say that developing new map from ground takes tons of time - and it's true - but then, why do you not focus on assets? You can say "but this is winter, we had to replace enviro assets" and I can say yes, that's true, probably that's why you hired a guy who ALREADY DID WINTER MODS FOR CHERNO AND LIVONIA. Assets are here... even some mods replaced infected skins for winter ones, you haven't. 4. Rain replaced with snow. It was already done by mods, including Namalsk of course. What's the big deal? If I miss something and other people who are negative about Sakhel, show us that it is demanding process, shut our mouths with devlog maybe? 5. Reskin of red deer, reintroduce of rabbit - while mods have cats, dog companions, pig and chicken farming, snakes, rats, crocodiles, mutants from Metro, The Last of Us, Stalker and many other creatures. Was that really time consuming to replace the model? 6. You have mentioned some new disease or diseases related to volcanic ash. When you say something like this, it is probably just one disease. And okay, it is cool. And how is that going to be better than Namalsk with frostbites or all that hardcore experiences made by Syberia Project mod with lots of new negative effects, medicines? Why do you expect people to buy this map while mods offers such variety (ironically we all know Adam created Namalsk and Sakhel looks like a demo of Namalsk, but its paid while Namalsk is free). 7. You have mentioned on a Steam page that fishing will be reworked. Apart from what was shown, maybe there is also a possibility to fish on frozen lakes. And it's cool. But it looks like a typical QoL update for the normal patch, not paid DLC. At least I hope it will work like that on all maps... 8. You want to split the economy a little bit, so Sakhel and Chernarus will have less western weapons and Livonia will have less soviet weapons. Like, really? Instead of adding new weapons, you are going to remove some of them or make much more rare based on maps. That's wild. 9. Last thing that comes to my mind, this map (from what you announced and said so far) will have no mission/goal etc. Its almost 30 EUR for a map that is empty inland with few POIs with less features than FREE mod developed as a HOBBY, not paid product. You already said that you won't even introduce boats, instead there will be ice paths between islands only (boats are in mods available of course, not to mention other BI games). At first, when I saw the announcement and some videos, I wishlisted this map. But when more details were disclosed and more I thought about this - I'm sad and I deleted it from my wishlist. It's depressing that you want to milk console players this way, only because they do not have mods support. And of course I do not expect any response to that, why million dollars company would care about some guy on the Internet, but I'm leaving it here for everyone else to read and think twice about this whole situation. If you (moderators) want to delete it, fine, delete it and can call me a hater, just remember that I always supported and defended DayZ for past few years, especially when it was during refactoring phase and I always had hope that this game is going to be great. And it was/is, but the future is dark.
  13. Kuzyn.

    1.25 Experimental Release

    Just read the article? More details will be shared on May 20th...
  14. Kuzyn.

    1.25 Experimental Release

    A little bit sad that there is no new scope or some alternatives to the current ones, especially with new gun. However I'm looking forward to check the background music, I really like that feature. Also I'm wondering how fix/optimisation to player position on client vs server will behave, that was a common issue to get stuck in doors. Btw, does it mean that 1.25 will be released on May 20th?
  15. You can change that by making your own mod, overwriting vanilla values...
  16. Kuzyn.

    Procedural Maps on Official

    Seems like you have no idea how maps for DayZ are made. Not possible to have procedural maps ;]
  17. Kuzyn.

    Reloading bug PS5

    This is happening on PC as well, this is a desync issue which is in the game for long time unfortunately.
  18. Kuzyn.

    Stable Update 1.24

    Could you check if lowering the MSAA gives you more FPS with less stuttering? If yes, please respond to this issue made by me on feedback tracker that you also have that problem: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179320
  19. Kuzyn.

    DayZ Update 1.24 & DayZ in 2024

    What? It depends on what server you want to play on. It's relatively easy to make snow blizzard that hits your temp. comfort strongly. If you add to that Syberia Project mod that introduces many new diseases, then its much harder to survive.
  20. Kuzyn.

    Stable Update 1.24

    Hi @Kyiara During experimental there was a "false" report that bushes tank damage and deflect bullets a lot etc. but it seems that for trees it is a thing? Which is kinda opposite to what was said during the stream, that changes of trees hitbox wont have a signifact gameplay impact. But for now it looks like they had a huge impact and with bigger hitboxes it is totally unreliable when there is a shooting in forest: WOBO How Trees Reduce Your Damage & Accuracy in DayZ 1.24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZJfLGMU9B8
  21. Kuzyn.

    Stable Update 1.24

    To be honest I have worse performance on 1.24 than before. In forests FPS drops from 120 to 70-90 with some visible stuttering effect which is really annoying. After turning of antyaliasing its much better, no idea what happened.
  22. Kuzyn.

    DayZ Update 1.24 & DayZ in 2024

    Looking forward for new updates this year. Could you elaborate a little what does it mean exactly? I think that in the past articles you said that the dev team will follow similar pattern during 2024 as in previous years, so does it mean it's going to change? I think that everyone already expects new DLC, probably with a new map. Console players are asking the same question regarding winter map on every social platform so I would say that expectations may possibly match with the real outcome later this year 😅 I'm wondering if you have considered doing some tiny reworks of infected sounds. I think it would be a good idea to make them a little more scary. During mod days they were more hmmn.. aggressive and violent? But not because of design or mechanics, they were just creating tough atmosphere and things were getting more intense when they were hunting you. some random example of noises I like that a lot! Probably many PvP players will complain about this, but I guess you will be able to turn it off with music volume slider. But it will create a better atmosphere for everyone else during gameplay. Interesting if its related to possibility of a new map coming or some old animals that were into production before and now may return? 🦊 Another great thing, but actually confusing one. Will you focus on updating Terrain Builder or there is a chance on moving to more modern software used for Arma Reforger? That one is also exciting - is it an inspiration from modding community (e.g. Syberia Project) or completely new approach? Last thing that comes to my mind, did you ever consider adding some mods to the vanilla base game? It is not a secret that many people who had modding background joined BI. However hiring those talented people is kinda different from adapting ready to go solutions made by community. Of course some people could say that its a little bit unfair that mod X would be implemented but mod Y not, but it would benefit the community in the end.
  23. Kuzyn.

    Problemy z niektórymi pojazdami

    No chyba nie do końca jak piszesz wątek po polsku, na angielskim forum i to jeszcze w losowym dziale? Humvee normalnie działa, ale jak ci się coś nie podoba lub uważasz, że nie działa, to takie rzeczy zgłasza się na feedback trackerze.
  24. Kuzyn.

    Community Spotlight - January 2024

    Waiting forward for 2024 plan 😃 From modding side, it also looks promising with all new maps.
  25. Kuzyn.

    Problemy z niektórymi pojazdami

    Ty trollujesz z tym pisaniem po polsku na tym forum czy tak na poważnie?