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Qeythos Nightshade

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Everything posted by Qeythos Nightshade

  1. Qeythos Nightshade

    Trucks are too weak in 1.20

    Cars can impact at 40 KM/H and only the front bumper will take damage and my character takes no damage. Trucks on the other hand take damage at literally half that speed, 20 KM/H and my character takes health damage from the impact. I've included a video clip below where the left front fender of the truck collides with a tree at 20 KM/H and the engine light comes on. You can also see my character's vision starting to fade some from the damage taken.
  2. Qeythos Nightshade

    Teleporting zombies on PlayStation.

    Clip was taken on a PS5. You can see a few zombies rapidly teleporting around in the clip below. This started happening after the latest update (PS4 v1.51).
  3. Qeythos Nightshade

    ps4 server lag since 1.20

    Since 1.20 the lag has been unreal for me on PS5. In 1.19 i could go hours without even the slightest bit of lag on a good day and up to 30 sec lagspikes on a bad day and only while driving, never on foot. In 1.20 i have seen lagspikes lasting up to 7 minutes and they're very frequent. It also lags while on foot. The game is virtually unplayable in this state and needs to be fixed ASAP.
  4. Qeythos Nightshade

    Grunting sickness won't go away

    The grunting says it's a wound infection as a result of either letting a wound heal itself over time or binding it with rags that hadn't been disinfected. Tetracycline is the only cure to this condition but how many you need to take varies depending on what level of infection you have. At level 1 your character grunts but if your vision starts to blur you've reached level 2 infection and tetracycline has to drop the infection to level 1 before it can cure you. How many pills you have to pop is random and it can take just 1 - 2 to cure a level 1 infection or if you're unlucky it can take a whole pack or more. The trick is to just keep taking tetracycline until the virus icon is gone. See https://dayz.fandom.com/wiki/Character_Status for more info. Hope this helps!