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Everything posted by RenDark2000

  1. RenDark2000

    Make dayz great again

    hey Kyiara, It's great that you reveal a little bit of your personal stuff here and give us a tiny insight into your work. I usually like to complain, but that just creates trust. Personally, I think it would be important and right that our feedback is not only passed on to the developers by you in a qualified and quantified way, but that direct dialogue is often sought from your side, as is the case now. this is certainly not easy, especially if you always try to leave your own opinion and your own sentiment outside. That's why I -additionally- asked above about the "official position" on the question of how the development of the console version had an impact on the general development of Dayz. In principle, the question could also be answered from a purely technical point of view, I think. by the way, unlike Iakevu, I only started Dayz Standalone on the PS4 in April 2020. So that was almost exactly 4 years ago. I don't really care if or not the mod or everything pre.63 is the real Dayz or not. I can't judge at all. but what I can judge is the development of the game on the Playstation over the last 4 years. And I'm one of those extremists with thousands of hours of gameplay and I loved it. I never even remotely expected that you would bring into the game exactly what I hoped for or would be logical or easy to realize in my opinion. I've always tried to cope with your -sometimes really weird- development decisions. at least until the beginning of last year. Back then, Your changes to the 3pp-camera was an absolute no-go for me for many reasons. Camera movement and perspective are an absolute core building block for every video game and VR environment. and it`s a very personal choice which perspektive, 1pp or 3pp you are prefering depending on the task. You should not play around so lightly with such things. But the same applies to many other areas where you made erratic changes: Game Physics/Light/Sounds, Interaction/Control/Movement. some values, like collision for barrels or trees, behavior/sound of weapons i.e. where changed multiple times, resulting in a darker(less visibility of lightsources) more silent(cars/weapons/other) and partially annoying(bird/wildlife/crafting-sounds) immersionless environment. In many, if not almost all, aspects of the game where i`m interessted in -with the possible exception of cardriving- I hardly see any improvements that let me cheer past 2 years. And here I am absolutely on the side of Iakevu: That's not what Dayz could be, but it`s maybe exactly what you believe it should be and would be more profitable for you, simply rising the bodycount . Maybe our gentlemen developers should think about whether it would not be worthwhile to get out of the tunnel and into the forum/other for 1-2 hours from time to time to discuss openly. (and yes, i know the livestreams, but it`s not what i mean). Because as you have already explained correctly, Kyiara, sometimes one is so convinced of the correctness of one's own actions or opinions that one no longer sees/hears others. and what the developers see and hear from us, well, you influence that, with all neutrality, of course, already significantly involved. cheers
  2. RenDark2000

    Make dayz great again

    Hey Kyiara, are you playing the game too, how often and on which system? What is your opinion/official answer to the argument above, that Console-adaption is the real reason why dayz doesn't feel the same like in stone age 0.62. and that the game was arcadified for console-casuals in hindsight of camera-movement game physics and interaction with the environment. Thx
  3. RenDark2000

    💡​​​​​​​DayZ myths

    It seems that this whole thread was unfortunately only a filler for the past summertime-gap and it`s abandoned since then. At least they should have the courage to say: "sorry, we cancelled this idea!" and delete the whole thread. Seriously, I would be kind of embarrassed if I were in their place. But you could tell from the beginning how kyiara narrowed down the originally interesting question more and more until there was nothing left of it, because otherwise everything was too specific, technical or simply thematically undesirable.
  4. RenDark2000

    Reloading bug PS5

    they know. it`s unfortunately a very old, and reported issue. i`ve personally experienced it with many different weapons of all kind. the good thing is: after manual reloading a mag, the triangle-button works again but what i found out during some tests is, and that`s maybe of interest for you: the issue comes mostly with the login. so, to be on the safe side, i just check the functionality of the triangle-button asap after evry spawn.
  5. RenDark2000

    Soft Skills

    I`ve found an interesting video about this topic on yt few weeks ago:
  6. RenDark2000

    Christmas & 10th Anniversary Event 2023

    Weren't there gift boxes lying around at the crash sites last year???
  7. RenDark2000

    What do you want to see in DayZ 2024?

    year-round wrapping paper on official servers
  8. RenDark2000

    GPS display bug again???

    Or is it working like intended, maybe? I don`t know! Edit: Issue confirmed!!! --> https://feedback.bistudio.com/T176826 but you can try the following: go to first person perspective, zoom in and the coordinates will appear on the screen again. Use crouch/prone to see the full display. Cheers PS: and I would of course be very happy about your likes, if this info was somehow useful for you...
  9. RenDark2000

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    fun fact is: a big chunk of the new playerbase is here(in dayz) for exactly that reason: to have a slowlier, more immersive, less arcady and very realistic/simulative game-exerience.(instead of rust or CoD etc.) and many of them are not here for PvP only. It`s exactly the oposide! And that`s the really sad irony in hinsight of their actual development direction, isn`t it? (but hey, rising player counts prove them right, right? but for how long will that last? that`s the question...)
  10. RenDark2000

    New respawn

    In my opinion, it`s just another -very artifical- way to force more player interactions... my advice : for a more beneficial respawn, just imediately hop to another server and then jump back to your origin. the spawnpoints after switching the server are all more inland and not at the coastline. So no need to suicide yourself on the beach. Or is there a similar mechanic active for server-hopper/traveller???
  11. RenDark2000

    Is it possible put log out zones in the game???

    so I can assume that every time you log on to a server, you keep your eyes closed until everything is rendered??? (You can use the ambient sound as a guide...) Of course, even if you look through binoculars. or place an object. Always close your eyes, please. Anything else would be cheating!!
  12. RenDark2000

    Put the backpack in the trunk

    I'm on your side when it comes to backpacks, but when it comes to shooting from vehicles, I see a lot of technical questions and problems that need to be answered and solved. The first thing to do would be to make inventory accessible in the vehicle. Then the question of what exactly happens when you shoot out of a moving car needs to be answered. Do you shoot through the sides, back, or front window? Do I have to smash the windows first to shoot? what kind of repercussions does this have on the vehicle? How do I get all this synchronized in a bubble? you see where this is going, right? (remember, how long did it take to stabilize the vehicles halfway?) That's why I see black as far as the fire from the car goes, to be honest.
  13. RenDark2000

    Make It Happen

    Why isn't the map Namalsk also available on consoles? here are some Possible (and more or less logical) reasons: 1. Namalsk is a mod and not an official map on PC 2. mods are generally not allowed on console 3. Legal reasons (copyrights of used assets on the map etc.) 4. Financial issues/questions (resulting from 3.) 5. Compatibility of the map itself and Q/A (is it on the same level/quality standart compared with Cherno and Livonia?) but there may also be a completely different -more sentimental- reason: 6. Namalsk is Adam's gift to the Dayz PC-community (and his entry card at BI maybe) and you don't usually ask for money afterwards for gifts. Also, i'm pretty sure we would get the map for free too, if mods(maps) were available on consoles... I think, there is a much more higher chance to see a completely new official map some dayz than Namalsk. cheers
  14. RenDark2000

    Console Update 1.23

    There is an issue with the small waterproof bag. It's not possible to move them with their content into your inventory or any container but Empty bags in the inventory can be filled. (playstation)
  15. RenDark2000

    Is it possible put log out zones in the game???

    It's interesting that you think you have to clarify that. especially because no one has claimed anything in this direction so far. but when I look at the comments of Sean87 and you and compare them with each other, it is very obvious that even if you are not the same person, you are at least very close. The behavior and argumentation of both of you here doesn't really allow for any other conclusion. In any case, that you double account here in the forum to push your absurd ideas but call other cheaters for no reason and out of thin air at the same time fits very well with my overall impression of YOU! and Everyone can compare for themselfes your post here with Seans` from mid-July: (of course it`s pure coincidentally that Sean pushed his old thread the same day(Oct.19.), only 2 hours earlier before you, Swaded, posted "your own suggestions(???)" here, right? not to mention that, in both cases, it was your first and -until now- only topic in this forum ever ... xD)
  16. RenDark2000

    Log pile wood

  17. RenDark2000

    The sky and clouds need to be returned.please!

  18. RenDark2000

    The sky and clouds need to be returned.please!

    Sure, of course! That`s very obvious, bro! -rolleyes- I just like to make some conjectures about the question: Why did K. posted exactly this one? Any idea? what`s the context then? or do you believe it`s just random and has nothing to say? I`m pretty sure there is a reason behind it. do you know if it`s related to the previous commend or to the innitial one or both? And what is written on that chair, Damn it again??? can you read it? In my eyes, Secret Lab would fit best to the rest! cheers PS: Also, for me, Kyiara has definitely a face now! Notice: I was just trying to have a bit of fun here. ;-)
  19. RenDark2000

    The sky and clouds need to be returned.please!

    hey, What`s written there on the chair behind "you", Kyiara???(xD) Unfortunately, I can't decipher the last letter of the second word and the first letter could be L or J. (Even at maximum zoom) is it Secret LAB? LAD? JAD? JAU? JAB? JAO? LAO? or LA0? Maybe it`s just all accidental, but i think it`s a hint and You are planning something in this direction?! xD That would be great indeed!!! cheers
  20. RenDark2000

    Update 1.21 general discussion

    most Liked: I haven't had any serious game freezes while driving a car yet! (on PS5) most Disliked: Definitely the accumulative penalty-timer for account switching. 5-10 minutes should be the max between each! about Mods: lol, ok, i was thinking about community-moderators like you in the first moment, not about community-modifications. that was a bit iritating. xD but i can`t answer that question without any mods available on Console anyways. cheers