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haven`t heart anything in that direction execpt for Sakhal map. It seems that they have just switched most of the old 3pp-servers to Sakhal and few to 1pp, instead to rent enough additionaL servers for the new map. On PS only 21 EU-servers in 3pp for Chernarus AND Livonia togehter are left over now, that´s less than 1/2. And most of the deleted/changed servers were very good polutated past months before the dlc here on PS. so finally they have destroyed many good server-communities that way. at least ours. again, is it really so expensive to rent and ad enough new servers For Sakhal AND hold most of the old servers at the same time? Plus, it`s ruining the game for everybody who was on a high pop server even before the update because of the incredible waiting lists now, too. here is a short serverlist overview, Tuesday, 1 p.m. Central Europe: out of the 14. chernarus-servers(3pp) left on PS is 1server full +7 wl; 2 servers have over 40 players(orange); 4 have more than 30 and rest has over 20 players online right now. and it`s just middays at the beginning of a normal working week...
That! I`m happy that i haven`t bought Sakahl at release and after all i´m not willing to do that anymore. right now, i´have no motivation left to play with all these changes and my favorite Chernarus server deleted.(that hurts me the most after 4 years, loosing a strong server-community) and what do you think about the extremely decreased camera-angle when looking around during all interactions? but when you sprint it`s no problem to look back like before??? w.t.f.
but it´s still possible.
DO Not Shrink the Slots in Clothes in Update 1.26!!!
RenDark2000 replied to user23353453's topic in General Discussion
i like to use the map+compass, gps, binoculars, rangefinder... just for fun and because binoculars, scopes rangefinder have a different range of view. add 2x bandages, chloride, multivitamine... lt`s 20 space. +2 mags, +repair kits, +batteries, +food, +heatpack..... and believe me .. anything people can`t carry away now will be destroyed, for sure. -
DO Not Shrink the Slots in Clothes in Update 1.26!!!
RenDark2000 replied to user23353453's topic in General Discussion
This was not thought through to the end. it is not balanced out. they have saved themself the work of customizing all items. to add additional pockets to the clothing. above all: I can still have a rifle in my backpack and pull it in the short-cut. Car tires also fit in a backpack. or tree trunks. I have the parts in the hands and I have to walk. If I have it in my pocket, I can sprint. as I said: Once again, it's just simple change and not thought through to the end. What a pity -
this is not the priority of B.I. . there priority is to sell you a broken game , new map aka DLC and cash you! that´s it. And i´m on PS5 too since 2020. don`t believe that they where doing anything for us. we are only the pay-sheeps. because, on PC they can´t sell something like Sakahl. I can only say: DON`T BUY THIS SHIT!!!!
no hope for anything bettter.
So, you have decided to reduce the amount of official 3pp-servers for the older maps on Console so drastically, that most of the rest is totally overcrowded now, all around the clock??? well done, Bohemia. also, why have you doubled(?) the number of 1pp-servers with this update? of course on cost of 3pp-servers, too??? we have 14. third person - and 14. first person server now for chernarus on playstation. this doesn`t make any sense because most of them have less than 10 or even 5 players online all the time. Seven 1pp-servers for Cherno would be more than enough in my opinion. not 14. Switch the other ones, at least these, back to 3pp please! and now some Real talk: somehow, personally, I feel really really sad because we lost our home on DE-2338, somewhere deep in the blackwood forest, south of Gorkha. In the past 4 years, since the beginning of the pandemic, I´ve spent most of my 7k+ hours ingame-time there. 2338 was my first official DayZ server ever, and it´s where i´ve learned everything i know today about dayZ, i had my first car - and shortly after- my first crash -thanks to a massive freeze here. i died here for the first time from thirst and hunger, i was killed and i have killed here for the first time. i could tell you so many stories, man, it was a crazy time, especially in the beginning, simply wild. at least, i`ve met a lot of friendly and interesting people from all around the world there and together with them, we´ve beaten and set many records for the eternity with our old alliance, the glorious Militia 2338 on our server. it was a funtastic time. But now, unfortunately, it´s Suddenly and unexpectedly lost for ever... it´s difficult to explain, but I, honestly, feel somehow homeless now and like a refugee when i´m playing on one of the other servers left. maybe this sounds strange for you, but believe me, it´s strange for me, too. and I don´t know anybody in my community, who is happy with this terminal "Expulsion". it doesn`t feel right and i know, it´s demotivating not only for me but for many of us who are left behind, playing on the older maps and people like me, who love to play on the same server most of their time. The new situation doesn´t invites you to do so anymore, on overcrowded maps. it´s like Something in my passion for Dayz has finally gone togehter with "my" server. (but to be honest, that prozess of loosing my faith into the way and direction of Dayz development started way earlier with the Humvee-update.) At least you could have announced that beforehand, so that we could have said goodbye properly from our homeland. That was very unpolite from you. so nothing to cheer here for me after this update anymore, not only for this unreplaceable lost but for many, many reasons more and in the end, I'm glad I didn't buy the DLC and i´m not willing to do that.
whoever thought that this update comes without massive probs and new map would run at release on console havn`t learned any lesson in the past.
and additionally reduce the number of all other official 3pp-servers for the older maps. Congratulations, BI!
100% on your side. I don`t have a problem with reduced clothing-store in general, but only with a full overhaul of the loot-table in hinsight of size and weight. also, they should have added more and different item-slots to jackets, belts, vests etc. and the idea to reduce the backpack-space at the same time is really weird, for the reasons you have named and many more. don`t get me wrong: i don`t like the fact that you can carry a Tundra in your backpack and beeing able to use it. but this problem should have been adressed in a different way. but the one thing that really kills me right now is the fact, that they decreased the amount of official 3pp-servers on Playstation drastically. the server i was used to play on for over 4 years is gone!!! and minimum player-count on official 3pp-Chernarus-servers is now 40. so, what the f...?!!!
So, you have reduced the amount of European 3pp-Chernarus-Servers on Playstation to 14??? what a.... they where totally overcrowded now. minimum of players online is 40! i dont want to play with so many other players. I want my old server back where i was playing the past 4 years.
happy fifth anniversary of Dayz on Playstation!
hey Kyiara, It's great that you reveal a little bit of your personal stuff here and give us a tiny insight into your work. I usually like to complain, but that just creates trust. Personally, I think it would be important and right that our feedback is not only passed on to the developers by you in a qualified and quantified way, but that direct dialogue is often sought from your side, as is the case now. this is certainly not easy, especially if you always try to leave your own opinion and your own sentiment outside. That's why I -additionally- asked above about the "official position" on the question of how the development of the console version had an impact on the general development of Dayz. In principle, the question could also be answered from a purely technical point of view, I think. by the way, unlike Iakevu, I only started Dayz Standalone on the PS4 in April 2020. So that was almost exactly 4 years ago. I don't really care if or not the mod or everything pre.63 is the real Dayz or not. I can't judge at all. but what I can judge is the development of the game on the Playstation over the last 4 years. And I'm one of those extremists with thousands of hours of gameplay and I loved it. I never even remotely expected that you would bring into the game exactly what I hoped for or would be logical or easy to realize in my opinion. I've always tried to cope with your -sometimes really weird- development decisions. at least until the beginning of last year. Back then, Your changes to the 3pp-camera was an absolute no-go for me for many reasons. Camera movement and perspective are an absolute core building block for every video game and VR environment. and it`s a very personal choice which perspektive, 1pp or 3pp you are prefering depending on the task. You should not play around so lightly with such things. But the same applies to many other areas where you made erratic changes: Game Physics/Light/Sounds, Interaction/Control/Movement. some values, like collision for barrels or trees, behavior/sound of weapons i.e. where changed multiple times, resulting in a darker(less visibility of lightsources) more silent(cars/weapons/other) and partially annoying(bird/wildlife/crafting-sounds) immersionless environment. In many, if not almost all, aspects of the game where i`m interessted in -with the possible exception of cardriving- I hardly see any improvements that let me cheer past 2 years. And here I am absolutely on the side of Iakevu: That's not what Dayz could be, but it`s maybe exactly what you believe it should be and would be more profitable for you, simply rising the bodycount . Maybe our gentlemen developers should think about whether it would not be worthwhile to get out of the tunnel and into the forum/other for 1-2 hours from time to time to discuss openly. (and yes, i know the livestreams, but it`s not what i mean). Because as you have already explained correctly, Kyiara, sometimes one is so convinced of the correctness of one's own actions or opinions that one no longer sees/hears others. and what the developers see and hear from us, well, you influence that, with all neutrality, of course, already significantly involved. cheers
Hey Kyiara, are you playing the game too, how often and on which system? What is your opinion/official answer to the argument above, that Console-adaption is the real reason why dayz doesn't feel the same like in stone age 0.62. and that the game was arcadified for console-casuals in hindsight of camera-movement game physics and interaction with the environment. Thx