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About intrTek_Alan

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    On the Coast

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  1. intrTek_Alan

    Stable Update 1.19

    "Don't you just love it... hee hee... This is so funny..." (rolling eyes) I'm well aware of the level of professionalism in Dayz. I've been playing since almost its beginning.
  2. intrTek_Alan

    Stable Update 1.19

    What a fiasco this is... they supposedly fix one thing and three other things break. Now there are two columns of vehicle gauges down the left side of the screen, and there is absolutely no mention of the inventory screen not remembering it's positions, last accessed view. Worst of all, the "Oh, well, that's Dayz..." mindset, attitude, is simply sad. These mistakes should not be tolerable. The updates are being pushed too quickly; are barely half done at best. That helps neither the developers or players, and does great harm to the integrity of the game.
  3. intrTek_Alan

    1.19 Stable Release / Wipe News

    So, instead of a little misery for the few, we create a lot of misery for the many...
  4. intrTek_Alan

    1.19 Stable Release / Wipe News

    I agree. Well said. Most sad is so many think you are naïve. These "updates" are far too frequent and create far too little progress or actual improvement. Please stop wasting our time with unwarranted updates and wipes.