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About robturpin

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    On the Coast
  1. robturpin

    Cross-platform play

    Exactly, see I can't get the hang of and therefor can't be competitive at all using a console controller. While my grandson on the other hand greatly prefers his Xbox and controller. And then there are others who really prefer one console vs another - what about them? So then why should any of us suffer or not be able to enjoy these games because of the feelings or preferences of others? Consider the tailgates for Ford and Chevy trucks. Each has their own exclusive features that the other can't use due to patent restrictions, and although I'd really enjoy a tailgate with ALL of these cool features I'm forced to buy a brand of truck that I do NOT like or else go without. I agree that there needs to be royalties paid for cross-use, but If I'm willing to pay the extra then I don't see why I shouldn't be able to! Do you think that I should perhaps buy both trucks or simply stop whining? That kind of apathy is truly what has created the problems in America.
  2. robturpin

    Cross-platform play

    Some, but principals must count for something. Is there anything that you believe so strongly for that you'll stand firm for change? Too many people who simply give up or "go along" are exactly what causes the corporate greed to keep growing worse and more tyrannical Why does a Rolex watch cost over $5,000? Because people who can afford it simply pay the price. Thereby guaranteeing that the rest of us 99% never can. Hey, I could very easily be wrong in that it's not a greed thing at all but rather extremely difficult or impossible coding. But I doubt it. Consider this, since farmers have realized that they can now charge (and easily get) 5x the old price for eggs ($0.69/doz -> $2.99/doz), just what incentive do they have to lower the prices back down? None! UNLESS and UNTIL enough people stop buying them to force them into coming back to reality. Don't flame me or get me wrong, these are just games - I'm fine with or without them. It's the principal that I'm pushing.
  3. robturpin

    Cross-platform play

    Disney? What's that!
  4. robturpin

    Steam launcher options

    Hey there everyone. I'm just curious why there are two different launcher options for DayZ in Steam for PC, and how they both work. The top "Play DayZ" option bypasses the launcher screen but usually get me into the game, whereas the second "Run DayZ Client" option gives me a more customizable server launcher screen but doesn't allow any of the characters to actually log into the game. Thanks much
  5. robturpin

    Cross-platform play

    Several friends and I will not purchase nor support DayZ simply because they refuse to implement cross-platform gameplay. We all have various systems for gaming, and we absolutely will not start buying all of the various consoles and the games for each one. While it's true that "there is a noticeable imbalance between platforms because of controls (and inventory management <- not sure about this)", they absolutely can and SHOULD add cross-play code. We're not alone here, search for "DayZ cross-play/cross-platform" and you can clearly see that many want it! The only way to urge developers to do what we want, is to not support them until they do. The only way that this works is for most of us to stick together.