I'll try to be a bit more "nice" with my reply than the ones that you've already received.
I totally understand the frustration of having your character reset & losing all of your progress, but as some others have said, you should have really did some research on the game prior to purchasing the game, (not trying to be rude or anything) but with your experience in gaming as you so claimed, doing research on games prior to purchasing should be the first thing on your list. However that's besides the fact, going off what you've said, I personally think the best option for you would be 1 of 2 things. 1 find a community server on your platform that fits your needs, doesn't matter if you are PC, or console (Xbox / Playstation) there are community servers on both, OR 2 rent your own community server, which renting your own server, you would decide if & when there would be a full server wipe (characters + map) plus being able to make and enforce any rules you so desire, and a lot more benefits of renting your own server (p.s rentals are pretty cheap).
Also I'm not sure what platform you're on, but in regards of receiving a refund, I know Steam & Playstation, in order to receive a refund, you cannot have over 2 hours of gameplay time (in other words, you have had the game open / played the game for more than 120 minutes in total) (I'm sure Xbox's policy is the same as the other 2). And yes I know I know that may be a piss off but that policy is in place so people don't purchase games, beat the game & then requesting a refund....I personally have my own beef with that policy from when Just Survive's (previously H1Z1) servers got taken down by the developer/publishers, and Steam only allowing those with 2 hrs or less request a refund.....leaving players like me with like 125+ hours S.O.L